Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 659 Time Keeper

Chapter 659 Time Keeper


Xisrith had no idea how strong the Time Keeper Boss was, but since she had managed to throw Kaizen away, she was on high alert.

She watched the Time Keeper's movements carefully, trying to spot any patterns in his attacks, but compared to other bosses or creatures, this battle was in complete disarray, with overturned bookshelves and books strewn across the floor, hindering movement.

The Timekeeper, realizing that Xisrith was trying to adapt to his movements, decided to intensify his attack. He began to move faster than before, leaving only brief traces of his presence in the air, and the energy projectiles he was able to fire flew towards Xisrith from unpredictable angles, testing his reflexes to the maximum.

Xisrith managed to dodge some of them and others he managed to block, using his katana when necessary.

Her muscles were tense, her senses heightened. She knew she couldn't win this battle just by dodging. It was time to strike back.

With one swift movement, Xisrith approached the Timekeeper, hiding her sword with her body and delivering a precise blow with her katana. However, the Guardian noticed this and once again disappeared in a blur before his blade could hit him.

He reappeared on the other side of the room, laughing softly. "You're fast, but not fast enough, little warrior."

Xisrith took a deep breath, trying not to be rattled by the Guardian's provocations. She had to find a way to neutralize this teleportation magic. Looking at the fallen bookshelves around her, she had an idea. As the Guardian prepared for another attack, hiding in the darkness, Xisrith looked around and quickly devised a plan. The fallen bookshelves around her were her only hope of stopping this Timekeeper and giving her some visibility of the chamber. With the agility of a cat, she launched herself over a nearby bookcase, pushing it hard towards the Keeper.

The Guardian, still hidden in the shadows, noticed the sudden movement and tried to teleport away.

However, Xisrith was prepared for this. She threw her katana with precision, slicing through the air just as the Guardian began his temporal leap. The slashing blade caught a fraction of his distorted form, interrupting his teleportation and making him reappear slightly dislocated. The bookcase hit the Guardian, pinning him temporarily against the wall and creating a deafening crash. Books and scrolls began to cascade down, obscuring his vision and creating the perfect distraction.

Xisrith rushed forward, retrieving his katana and striking a blow towards the Guardian, who tried to defend himself, but his teleportation ability was temporarily disabled. So the sword hit him square in the chest. However, contrary to what Xisrith had expected, he wasn't made of flesh and blood and that was clear when the sword went right through him.

Xisrith felt the shock of his blade passing through the Timekeeper, but he didn't seem to be suffering. Instead, he began to laugh, a strange, distorted laugh that echoed through the chamber.

"KRUHAHAHAHAH! You can't hurt me with deadly weapons, little warrior!" he sneered as he freed himself from the rack with a casual gesture.

Xisrith stepped back, surprised and frustrated.

"I am the Time Keeper, a being of pure magic, immune to physical attacks!" exclaimed the big boss, but suddenly everything around them began to shake.

The Timekeeper opened his eyes wide in confusion and looked around. Suddenly, from the rubble of the shelves in the direction he had thrown Kaizen, he stood up, knocking the dust off his shoulders. He saw Kaizen emerge from the rubble, unharmed, and with a determined look on his face, then felt a shiver of fear run through the back of his neck.

'He's dangerous!' thought the boss.

"So, you're immune to physical attacks, but what about this!" Kaizen asked and raised his right hand.

Immediately, the air around them began to vibrate and distort, forming a kind of whirlpool of temporal energy. The Timekeeper tried to teleport once more, but was caught in the rising energy and began to be slowly sucked into the strange vortex. This ability had such great pressure that it made the Timekeeper scream in agony as he felt his whole body twist.

Then Kaizen enveloped the big boss with a bit of <Psychokinesis> even more refined than the one that was creating the Vortex.

"What... are you... damned?!" The boss asked.

Kaizen smiled mysteriously as he kept the Timekeeper trapped in his psychokinetic manipulation. The walls of the chamber trembled, and the energy continued to swirl around them, creating a chaotic and unstable environment, with the books flying around them, like in the eye of a tornado.

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"I'm someone who knows how to handle his abilities." Kaizen replied calmly. "You underestimated my ability to adapt."

The Time Keeper struggled against the invisible force that kept him trapped, but it was useless. His powers of teleportation and his immunity to physical attacks had no effect against Kaizen's ability to manipulate the very essence of the paranormal.

Xisrith watched the scene, still recovering from his initial surprise, and stood up.

The Time Keeper was visibly weakened, his distorted form writhing under the pressure of Kaizen's psychokinesis. He tried one last time to resist, but it was useless. With a final cry of agony, he disappeared into the temporal distortion, dissipating like dust in the wind.

The vortex began to calm down and the room gradually returned to normal. The books and parchments from the bookshelves fell to the floor, and all the bookshelves scattered on the floor.

Xisrith, still panting, looked at Kaizen with admiration and gratitude. She knew that without his intervention, she wouldn't stand a chance. "Kaizen, you're amazing," she said, her voice carrying a mixture of relief and respect.

Kaizen, however, had a serious look on his face. "Xisrith, stay alert. It's not over yet." He said, and she remembered that no notification of slaughter had in fact appeared for her.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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