Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 660

Chapter 660 <Total Reflection>

As silence fell over Kaizen and Xisrith, the cracking of bookshelves became the only audible sound.

Kaizen slowly lowered his hand, releasing the psychokinesis that had kept the Timekeeper in check.

The room returned to its original tranquillity, as if nothing had happened, except for the disorder caused by the battle.

Xisrith, carefully observing her surroundings, was prepared for any surprises. She knew that Kaizen had incredible abilities, but she was also aware that she was dealing with a mysterious and powerful enemy, a Time Keeper, who could manifest himself in unpredictable ways.

Kaizen finally broke the tense silence. "Somehow, he managed to break out of my prison..." he said, examining the destroyed shelves.

The battle wasn't over yet and then, suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared in the center of the room. It was the Time Keeper, but now he seemed even more imposing, shrouded in a halo of shimmering energy that distorted his form. He smiled enigmatically and said in a voice that seemed to echo from every direction:

"You've annoyed me... Imprisoning me in such a simple prison could never contain me for long. Now, you'll see what I'm really capable of."

Kaizen clenched his fists, realizing that this was the first RO boss he had faced that had two phases.

"Xisrith, be ready!" Kaizen commanded.

Xisrith assumed a combat stance, with his magic through his katana. The Timekeeper, however, showed only a confident smile.

With a quick, fluid movement, he stretched out his hand and, in the blink of an eye, created a duplicate of himself. The two figures stretched their hands forward at the same time and a sphere of energy appeared in front of each other's hands.

Kaizen and Xisrith exchanged glances, smiled and separated. Kaizen went to the left and Xisrith to the right.

Quick as lightning, Kaizen jumped up and stretched out a hand, and with a wave of psychokinetic energy erupted from his fingers, creating a translucent shield that blocked the sphere of energy launched by the first Guardian. He rolled on the ground to avoid a bolt of energy that shot towards him, feeling the heat pass over him.

Meanwhile, Xisrith spun his enchanted katana with deadly grace. The blade sliced through the air, deftly deflecting a magical projectile fired by the second Timekeeper, because of her ability called <Total Reflection>. With one swift movement, she lunged forward, casting a fire spell from the tip of her sword that transformed into a fiery serpent that snaked towards the enemy.

I think you should take a look at 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝘭.𝘯𝑒𝑡

Meanwhile, the Timekeepers were formidable. One of them created a wall of glowing energy, blocking Xisrith's attack, while the other launched a blast of ice towards Kaizen.

Kaizen used his psychokinesis to create a barrier of pressurized air that crashed into the ice, causing it to fragment into crystals and only a slight icy breeze blew into his face.

Xisrith, her eyes shining with determination, leapt into the air, avoiding a series of energy beams that shot towards her. She delivered a precise blow with her katana, cutting through the wall of energy created by the first Guardian and, at that moment, the two heroes exchanged a quick glance, understanding that they needed to act together. Kaizen launched himself forward, creating a distraction, while Xisrith continued to attack the first Guardian.

Kaizen launched a blast of energy, causing the second Guardian to shift from his defensive position. 𝑏𝑒𝑑𝘯𝑜𝘷𝑒𝑙.𝑐𝘰𝘮

With a synchronized movement, Kaizen and Xisrith attacked the first Timekeeper with all their strength. Kaizen channeled his psychokinesis to destabilize the enemy, losing him, while Xisrith slashed with his katana, which crashed into the Guardian.

The second Guardian tried to protect his companion, but it was too late; the enemy soon roared in pain from the attack.

This time, Xisrith's blow was effective because she was using a magical ability.

Then the second Timekeeper roared with rage and, with a wild gesture, created a furious windstorm that hit Kaizen squarely. The violent wind hurled him through the air, causing him to crash into the shelves that were still standing, causing a shower of books and debris.

Meanwhile, Xisrith stuck her sword in the ground, preventing herself from being thrown, then channeled her magic and concentrated it on the katana. With an agile movement, she advanced and, without giving her opponent time, struck a precise blow that cut through the creature's magical armor. The second Guardian let out a cry of agony, but instead of retreating, he launched a devastating counter-attack.

A wave of magical shock erupted from the Guardian's distorted form, as if he were returning the impact of the sword, and it hit Xisrith squarely. She was thrown backwards, her katana slipping out of her hand as she flew through the air. She hit the wall hard, but managed to recover despite the pain.

Kaizen, seeing Xisrith's predicament, rose from the wreckage, slightly annoyed by the Timekeeper's persistence. With his eyes shining, he stretched out his hand towards the Timekeeper and a powerful burst of psychokinetic energy erupted from his palm, hitting the enemy squarely. The Guardian was thrown backwards, crashing into the opposite wall of the room.

Xisrith seized the moment and retrieved her katana, raising it firmly. Without looking at Kaizen, she was sure he would have his back, so she advanced confidently towards the stunned Guardian, her blade glowing with magical energy. With one swift blow, she cut the enemy in half, causing his distorted form to shatter into sparks of energy at last.

[Congratulations! The Boss Time Keeper has been killed!]

[You have gained +105,000 XP].

[Congratulations! You've just risen to level 140!]

[Congratulations! You've just risen to level 141!]

[Congratulations! You've just risen to level 142!]


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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