So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 870 - A Gamble

Chapter 870: A Gamble

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

Zheng Shaopeng and Yu Deyi went to the VIP room first. The group of Yang Ming and Zhang Guozong followed, and then Secretary Liu closed the door at the end.

Yang Ming scanned the people in the room with his peripheral vision. He knew Zhang Guozong and his secretary, Xiao Liu, but he had never seen the rest of the people. They should be the related personnel of Huawei Casino.

“Yu Deyi, if you have any purpose, then just say it.” Zheng Shaopeng’s address to him also changed from “Brother Yu” to “Yu Deyi.”

“Since President Zhang is here, I will just say it.” Yu Deyi sat complacently at one end of the table in the VIP room and then said straightforwardly, “Let’s have a match to determine who wins or loses. The loser will close the casino for a month!”

Close the casino for a month? Zheng Shaopeng was stunned, and Zhang Guozong was dumbfounded as well! In fact, the casino was open 24 hours a day. If there were no special events, it would not close for 365 days a year.

If you closed the casino for a month, how serious would that be?! Never mind closing for a month. The loss is tremendous from even closing a day.

If the casino were closed for a month, then many old customers would be lost. The casino that gained the most benefits would be Nancheng Casino. Of course, the risks were relative. If Yu Deyi lost, then Nancheng Casino would be closed for one month. Huawei Casino would gain the most benefit!

“How about it? Do you dare to try?” Yu Deyi said with ease, “Of course, if you refuse, you can automatically admit defeat, so you just have to close for half a month. But I can’t guarantee that I won’t come again to challenge in the future.”

Zhang Guozong’s face had turned blue. Admit defeat? Don’t even think about it. If I admit defeat, then I can’t do business in Macau’s gambling world anymore! But what if I play with him, and lose?

It was obvious that Yu Deyi was prepared. Besides, rumors said that Yu Deyi’s gambling skill was higher than Zheng Shaopeng! But now, there was no way to back down.

Of course, Zhang Guozong could still act shamelessly. Nancheng Casino was not the Macau government. If Zhang Guozong did not stop his business, Yu Deyi could not force them to suspend business. But in this way, Zhang Guozong would not be able to run his business in the gambling industry of Macau anymore because he had broken the rules of the gambling industry!

There was an unwritten rule in the gambling world. That was, the casino must accept when another casino came to challenge. If the casino voluntarily admitted defeat, they could halve the bet.

But no one had ever acted shamelessly before, and it was the same treatment when challenging other casinos.

Zhang Guozong really couldn’t decide, so he turned his eyes to Huang Lele. However, Huang Lele did not understand these things very much. Seeing Zhang Guozong look at her, she said, “Uncle Zhang, you can decide.”

After Zhang Guozong listened to Huang Lele’s words, he secretly complained.How can I decide? Is this kind of thing so easily determined? If it were changed to ordinary times, Zhang Guozong would be happy to hear similar words. Who would not want the leadership to delegate power to himself? But now…

“Promise him then.” Yang Ming had learned about the gambling industry which was also a must-have course for an assassin. An assassin must learn about different industries. Seeing Zhang Guozong’s dilemma, Yang Ming could think of the key to the matter, so Yang Ming simply voiced it out for him.

Zhang Guozong was relieved. Well, since Yang Ming spoke up, everything is easier to do. Zhang Guozong looked at Zheng Shaopeng and said, “Well, Consultant Zheng, you play with him.”

Zheng Shaopeng nodded and sat solemnly at the table. His gambling was indeed worse than Yu Deyi. He learned his gambling skill not long ago, and he was definitely worse than Yu Deyi who indulged in gambling since his adolescence. But now, Zheng Shaopeng had to accept the challenge. This represented the honor of the casino. It was no longer a personal gain or loss.

Zheng Shaopeng could only do everything he could. In fact, just as soon as he entered the door, Zheng Shaopeng noticed that Yang Ming was also there. He had some doubts in his heart. He still knew about Yang Ming because he had seen the photos of Yang Ming from the boss, and this person was the one that the boss wanted to kill.

Thinking that the mysterious person could find him among the senior people of the casino, it was not a surprise that Yang Ming came in with President Zhang. Probably these people knew President Zhang, and now since Zheng Shaopeng had decided to betray the boss and swallowed the voodoo into his stomach, whether Yang Ming appeared here or not had little to do with him.

“What do you want to play?” After Zheng Shaopeng sat down, he asked solemnly.

“Since I called for a challenge, and it is me who offered the winning condition, then it is natural that you should decide what to play.” Yu Deyi said, “If not, it would be unfair.”

Zheng Shaopeng nodded. He had seized the opportunity to win. After all, if he had to choose, he could choose the game that he was best at. Now was not a time of humility, Zheng Shaopeng did not want to back down. He thought about it and said, “If this is the case, then we will play five-card stud [1].”

Five-card stud is a game that required both luck and skill. Another point was that at the crucial moment, Zheng Shaopeng could think about whether he should change his cards with the advantage of his speedy hand.

“Okay, but let’s say it first. We are playing fair. That is to say, we are not allowed to cheat.” Yu Deyi seemed to know ​​Zheng Shaopeng’s idea. He eliminated his way of winning with just one sentence.

“Of course, I will not cheat!” Zheng Shaopeng’s face was gloomy.

” En , of course, I believe in your character. But for the sake of safety, we still have to take some counter-measures.” As Yu Deyi said this, he took out a small suitcase that he brought. He took out a camera and placed it on the table, and said, “This is the latest HD 1080P camera, which can record every detail with great precision. No matter who cheats, it will be recorded, no matter how fast the hand.”

“Good! I agree!” Zheng Shaopeng said with hatred. This way, his advantages were gone, but since this was already the case, what else could he say?

“Well, since there is no problem, let’s get started.” Yu Deyi said with a nod.

The dealer started to deal the cards, and the game began.

“D*mn, bro, is it true? Why are there so many rules?” Zhang Bing squinted in surprise and watched Yu Deyi’s performance. “I thought that the God of Gamblers won by cheating!”

“Isn’t that in the TV series and the movie?” Yang Ming shook his head and smiled. “Now that the high-tech is so developed, how can those little tricks hide from the camera?”

“That is also true. Isn’t it entirely based on personal luck and ability?” Zhang Bing exclaimed.

“What do you think?” Yang Ming asked, “So gambling is not what you thought. There is no God of Gamblers. Everything is based on luck and true ability.”

Zhang Bing grinned and continued to watch the game.

In the beginning, both of them had wins and losses. Basically, the chips were almost even. When someone reached the level of the two people, they naturally acted with care and caution. They did not dare to be sloppy.

However, gradually, the gap slowly widened. In any case, Zheng Shaopeng was slightly inferior in skill, and Yu Deyi already had a million more in chips than Zheng Shaopeng!

Don’t underestimate this one million. It was good to get a one million gap in the battle between two experts! Both of them were old foxes. If one had good cards, the other would not follow. Only when they both thought that their cards were evenly good, then they would bet on it. So it was hard to pull off the gap.

However, after all, Zheng Shaopeng began to study gambling skill in these recent years. He was worse than Yu Deyi. No matter how cautious Zheng Shaopeng was, the gap between them slowly widened.

One million, one point one million, one point two million… one point five million… two million…two point two million… Yu Deyi had two point five million more than Zheng Shaopeng!

Seeing that his own chips gradually decreased, and the other side’s chips became more and more, Zheng Shaopeng’s face began to sweat. If this kept going on, he would lose without a doubt. Even if Yu Deyi did not follow for each bet, betting the ante could drag Zheng Shaopeng. Losing was only a matter of time.

“Zheng Shaopeng is going to lose.” Looking at Zheng Shaopeng’s performance, Yang Ming sighed and said to Zhang Guozong sitting next to him.

“Yeah… the hope of winning is not big…” Zhang Guozong naturally could see the key to the current situation.

Yang Ming could help instead. He had x-ray vision. Even a hundred of Yu Deyi were not his opponent! The key was how to help? He could not just give suggestions by the side. It would break the rules.

It was even more impossible to change players now. Change the player if one was about to lose? If others knew about this, wouldn’t they laugh out loud?

Yang Ming frowned. He wanted to help Huang Lele’s family to get through this challenging time, but he didn’t know how to start.

In fact, Huang Lele had never cared about her family and ability. Although Huang Lele did not care about this, and she had never mentioned it, Yang Ming had to do something.

Sometimes, there was always a difference between ideals and reality. Lele could ignore this, but what about Lele’s family? Would they let Huang Lele follow a man who was nothing?

Therefore, to prevent Huang Lele from getting into trouble later, it was better for Yang Ming to do something for Lele’s family and show his talents.

Since he could not play now, it was better to destroy the resource of the enemy directly. Isn’t Yu Deyi here to challenge Huawei Casino? Then I will challenge Nancheng Casino in return!

At that time, see if they had any thoughts about dealing with Huawei Casino. The worst result was a draw.

Even if there were still any experts at Nancheng Casino, Yang Ming was not afraid.

The east wind blows, the drums beat [2]. I have special abilities. Who am I afraid of?

“Do you want to see what is called the God of Gamblers?” Yang Ming suddenly turned his head and whispered to Zhang Bing.

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