So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 871 - Backlash of the Challenge

Chapter 871: Backlash of the Challenge

Translator: Exodus Tales  Editor: Exodus Tales

“God of Gamblers?” Zhang Bing was stunned, then pointed and said proudly, “Are you talking about him?”

“Him? He is far from being the God of Gamblers.” Yang Ming smiled and said, “Let’s go. Follow me!”

“Ah…? Now?” Zhang Bing looked at the game in front of him. Although he wanted to continue to watch it, since his bro called him, he still stood up very confidently and said, “Let’s go!”

When Zhang Bing went, Wang Mei would naturally follow him. Yang Ming also pulled Huang Lele out of the VIP room.

“Yang Ming, where are you going?” Zhang Guozong was watching the game anxiously, but when he saw Yang Ming and his party leave, he puzzlingly asked.

“To confront the other territory,” said Yang Ming faintly.

“What? To confront the other territory?” Zhang Guozong was stunned. When he wanted to continue to ask more, Yang Ming and others had left the VIP room.

Zhang Guozong shook his head. How can I control what Yang Ming and Huang Lele want to do? Now I should pay more attention to the game. Although the current situation seems like a losing game, I have to wait until the last moment.

Zhang Bing was very puzzled as he left the Huawei Casino with Yang Ming. He couldn’t help but ask confusedly, “Bro, where are we going to see the God of Gamblers?”

“God of Gamblers? Naturally, it is me, your bro!” Yang Ming smiled and said, “We are going to Nancheng Casino to confront them.”

“What? Bro? You are the God of Gamblers?” Zhang Bing was surprised, and his jaw dropped wide. He stared at Yang Ming, “How is it possible? Bro, are you really serious?”

“Nonsense. When did I lie to you?” Yang Ming smiled unhappily. “Your boss is good in many areas, but I just don’t easily show it!”

“Yeah, Yang Ming is amazing at playing Bubble Bobble!” Huang Lele interjected and said.

“Bubble Bobble?” Zhang Bing was almost petrified when he heard it. Can gaming and gambling be the same thing?

Moreover, Wang Mei had already laughed silently. At the moment, Yang Ming was helpless, but when he saw Huang Lele’s serious look, Yang Ming couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

It seemed that Huang Lele’s original intention was to praise him, but Huang Lele was too naive, and her way of speaking was quite different, so the way she praised others was different…

Thinking of this, Yang Ming didn’t care too much. Isn’t it a kind of happiness to find such a great wife?

“Right, who knows where the Nancheng Casino is?” Yang Ming thought of a key question when they were outside the Huawei Casino. That is, he didn’t know where the Nancheng Casino was!

“I know!” Wang Mei said quickly, “I used to… go there with Liu Jihao…” After she said it, she looked at Zhang Bing’s face, and when she saw that Zhang Bing looked normal, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Bing was not a narrow-minded person. He knew about Wang Mei’s past, so he didn’t care much.

“Let’s go. You lead the way.” Yang Ming said, “Do we need to take a taxi?”

“No, it’s just two streets away. It is troublesome to take the taxi,” replied Wang Mei.

Yang Ming nodded and walked to the Nancheng Casino under the leadership of Wang Mei. It was not too far from here. In less than ten minutes, the four arrived at the Nancheng Casino.

The four were very young, and they walked to the casino. So after they entered the lobby of the Nancheng Casino, they were not noticed by the casino. However, immediately, it was impossible for Yang Ming not to be noticed.

“Exchange a hundred million in chips.” Yang Ming directly signed a hundred million yuan check and threw it at the casino’s desk.

“Okay… ah?” The waiter who exchanged chips was obviously stunned. Although many of the people who came here to gamble were wealthy, and many people lost hundreds of millions of yuan here, it was rare for someone to exchange a hundred million yuan in one go.

“Sir, are you sure you want to exchange a hundred million yuan?” The waiter took the check and looked at the numbers on it to confirm.

“En, hurry up.” Yang Ming was also in a hurry. He hoped that he could stir the Nancheng Casino upside down before Zheng Shaopeng and Yu Deyi’s game had a result.

“Okay…” The waiter saw that Yang Ming revealed an impatient look. He didn’t dare to say anything more. He quickly asked the staff assigned from the bank at the side to check the authenticity and validity of the check.

“There is no problem. This is our bank’s check, real and valid.” After the inspection, the staff said to the casino’s waiter.

“Sir, since you redeemed so many chips at one time, you can be upgraded directly to a VIP of our casino. You can have a separate VIP lounge. Do you want to apply for a VIP card?” The waiter did not dare to delay as he took the check. He started to help Yang Ming with the exchange process.

“There is no need. You hurry up. Maybe I will come here only once.” Yang Ming waved his hand and refused.

What Yang Ming said was true. Originally, he came here to stir up the game. Once was enough. How could he come every day?

“Okay.” The waiter quickly handed over the exchanged chips to Yang Ming, which were ten million yuan per chip. Of course, if Yang Ming could look for a waiter to change the chips to a smaller amount at any time if he wanted.

The waiter didn’t find it strange that Yang Ming didn’t want to apply for membership. Anyone who came here to gamble, even if some of them were the sons of celebrities or politicians in various Asian countries, they naturally didn’t want to be a member and leave pieces of information that could be used against them.

Yang Ming picked up the chips, and a specialized waiter came over. “Sir, do you want to go to the VIP room located upstairs? There is better service there.”

“Why? I can’t play downstairs?” Yang Ming frowned and looked at the waiter.

“Of course not. It’s just that your chip credit is too large. For your safety and better gambling experience, we recommend that you go upstairs.” The waiter explained quickly.

“There is no need. I will play here.” Yang Ming said as he waved his hand.

“Then… alright. I wish you a good time.” Seeing that Yang Ming was not being kind, the waiter naturally no longer had to say anything.

“Bro? Really? You bought a hundred million in chips?” Zhang Bing’s eyes were popping out at the moment.

“Is that a lot? Hehe, but there will be more in a while.” Yang Ming smiled and said.

Wang Mei was even more surprised. Who is this Yang Ming? How is he so rich? Before, when he threw out a few million, Wang Mei already felt that it was a lot. She secretly speculated that Yang Ming’s net worth had already reached more than a hundred million!

But now it seemed that she underestimated him. Does Yang Ming only have a hundred million yuan? He could easily get a hundred million yuan to exchange for gambling chips which was hard to imagine!

It turned out that when she followed Liu Jihao, Wang Mei felt that she had stepped into the life of the upper class and had a lot of spiritual and material enjoyment. Now, she knew that this simply paled in comparison.

This group of people, including Yang Ming, was the real rich people! It seemed that this Yang Ming’s net worth should be no less than Huang Lele’s family.

“Bro, didn’t you say that gambling is not good? Why did you exchange so many chips? If you lose, what would you do?” Fortunately, Zhang Bing did not lose his rationality, and he was distressed about the money.

“There is a kind of person who will not lose.” Yang Ming said in a serious way.

“Who?” Zhang Bing asked subconsciously.

“It’s your bro, me!” Yang Ming pointed to himself and said it like a bad*ss.

“Ah?” Zhang Bing was stunned.

“Because your bro, I, am the God of Gamblers!” Yang Ming nodded, said with an inscrutable look.

Regardless of Zhang Bing’s reaction, Yang Ming took Huang Lele’s hand and walked to the casino. Huang Lele was not surprised by Yang Ming’s action. Her family was originally rich, and it was not a rare thing to go above a hundred million yuan.

What’s more, Huang Lele simply didn’t care if Yang Ming had money, as long as she was happy. Anyway, Huang Lele felt that Yang Ming as a boyfriend was still very good. He gave her a feeling that she had never felt before.

Yang Ming casually scanned around the tables in the casino. Because of the rush in time, he had to find a game with a high return.

In the end, Yang Ming’s gaze stopped at the Sic Bo[1] table.

Yang Ming walked straight towards the Sic Bo table, found a seat, and sat down.

“Place your bet!” After the dealer finished shaking the dice, he spoke to the people who were betting around the table.

Yang Ming glanced at the dice points in the bowl. One, one, three, and five points. Yang Ming directly threw a hundred million in chips onto the table and placed the bet on the small zone.

“Ah!” The crowd suddenly gave a cry. A hundred million in chips, wasn’t it a joke? In the downstairs hall, the most you see was a thousand yuan in chips. Even a hundred thousand yuan in chips was rarely seen. But Yang Ming actually threw out a hundred million in chips!

The dealer was also wide-eyed. He looked incredulously at Yang Ming. “Sir, this is the hall. You should go to the VIP room…”

“Why? You don’t want to accept bets because it’s a lot of money?” Yang Ming sneered aloud, “Or could it be said that you can’t afford to lose?”

The casino was most afraid that the guests would say that they couldn’t afford it, so when Yang Ming’s words came out, the dealer’s face suddenly turned red. He quickly explained, “Of course not, but your chips are too big…”

“Why? Can’t you make the decision? Then find someone who can make decisions.” Yang Ming snorted.

In fact, the dealer didn’t need to find someone. The foreman manager in the hall had noticed the matters here. He walked over quickly and glanced at the chips on the table. Then he understood what was going on.

The rule of Sic Bo in the Nancheng Casino was paying one point five for each bet. That is if you bet a thousand yuan, and you win, you will be given one thousand and five hundred yuan. So no matter what, the casino was basically making money.

After all, every time there were people who bet on the small ones and on the big ones. There was basically no difference. It was basically equal. However, a situation like Yang Ming who bet significantly more than others was rare, and it was even a hundred million yuan in chips!

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