Stealing Spree

Chapter 1460 Concerned Suzuki

Before continuing to go to my school, I met up with Mizuki and Miho first, spending the last of my time allowance to catch up and obviously, to dote on them as well.

It might not sound that sincere considering most of my days were spent mostly at school but no matter how short, the time I was spending with them every morning would always be something we treasure. That's why they always welcome me with a smile or if not that, a pout or any other expression that would convey their bare feelings during those moments. I would then answer it wholeheartedly through my words and actions.

And that's exactly what was currently happening. Because the two met up when I was still with Aoi and Ohori-senpai, I found them together inside Suzuki-san's car, a few streets away from the main road leading to their school.

When they pulled me inside, our morning greetings started by pulling me inside the backseat and placing me in between them. Then, with Mizuki taking the first move, she straddled me and locked me in a long bout of torrid kisses, enough for us to almost get lost in our own world.

Thankfully, Miho was there… She pulled us back to reality before taking Mizuki's place and doing the same thing.

Maybe if Suzuki-san wasn't around, we'd go further than that but well, there was a better time and place for that. In any case, our time was still proven productive.

After I updated them about the events that happened around me during the past few days that we haven't seen each other – including those that I already told them through messages or calls – they also filled me in on how their days went.

Miho's day was kind of uneventful. Although she's now often with the other girls during her free time, the rest was spent with her composing songs or just listening to music to ease her mind.

As for Mizuki, it was business as usual. Among all of us, she's probably the most productive in terms of progressing toward the future she envisioned. While she had yet to get a bigger opportunity from the main family, her family's venture was already starting to mold around her fingers. Even her father could only let go of his pride and be amazed by what she could do despite still being limited in resources.

However, Suzuki-san, who's usually quiet and seldom talks whenever I am around, voiced her concern. By first making eye contact with me through the rearview mirror, she said, "Onoda-sama, I believe I will have to ask you to scold the young miss."

That's all. She didn't elaborate on why she wanted me to scold Mizuki. But that's because as soon as Suzuki-san talked, her young miss clinging to my side had her face turned pale as though she was guilty about something.

Due to that, it didn't take long for me to figure out why her chauffeur became that concerned to her… The girl seemed to be taking less sleep nowadays. Although she would diligently follow the exact time to sleep she was telling me during our calls at night, she's actually waking up earlier than normal to continue it.

And as someone who was always with her, Suzuki-san probably understood that if she continued doing it, it would soon show on her face…

"Alright. I'll give you a point for not trying to hold it in even after Suzuki-san spoke out… But Mizuki, slow down. You already went down with a fever recently. If you catch a cold again… I'll skip school just to take care of you for the whole day." I eventually said without hiding my concern after pinching the girl's nose as my way to scold her. With how sensitive she was to it, that's a fitting punishment for her blunder.

"Ruki, I see that as more of a reward," Miho commented at the side but soon after, she had a look of a realization of why it could also be called a punishment.

Because the girl would be guilty of having me skip one precious day at school given that I expressed to them how I wanted to finish my studies to prepare for the future.

Mizuki eventually guiltily hung her head low, her forehead pressing on my shoulder. And with a weakened voice, she stated, "… Uh. I won't do it anymore. But Ruki, my work will be delayed."

This girl. How much of a workaholic is she? But well, she's like Shizu in this department. Rather than take a break, they'd be speeding through whatever work presented in front of them.

"Is it necessary for you to finish them right away?" I asked. If it is then I'll take back asking her to get enough sleep.

Mizuki couldn't answer right away so I looked at the rearview mirror again and checked on Suzuki-san's gestures. She's shaking her head.

And that means, it's not necessary for the girl to finish it or rather, there's not really a deadline, she just wanted to do more work…

Upon understanding that, I released a sigh before lifting my girl's head, "Alright, Mizuki. I won't impose it on you anymore. But you see, Suzuki-san and I are only concerned for your health. Can you promise me to stop right away when you feel even the slightest hint of exhaustion?"

Taking a step back here was needed to reach a compromise. Also, I really didn't think forcing her to abide by my rule or request was the best action to take here. be𝚍no𝚟𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

Luckily enough, my girl was smart and already influenced by my own 'considerate' trait. When she processed my words and picked up my helplessness in them, Mizuki yanked her head up to look at me before nodding continuously, "I promise I will. I won't disappoint you, Ruki."

Before accepting that answer, I stared at her for a few seconds first to add some suspense and also for our careful consideration for her to set in her mind. Once that was done, I stretched my lips into a bright smile as I nodded, "Mhm… I guess I'll have to hold you onto that promise. Also, I'll keep on asking Suzuki-san for an update to make sure."

"Un. Do so. I'm being stupid, I know. That's why thank you, Suzuki-san, for bringing it up today." Mizuki looked at her chauffeur who simply nodded and waved her hand from the driver's seat.

Yeah. The woman knows that if it's only her… she probably won't be able to get through to this girl's thick skull so… she turned to me for help.

For our remaining time left for today, Miho and I somehow turned to tease Mizuki who buried herself deeper in my embrace like a bullied mouse.

Also, at the last minute before they separated from me, Mizuki told me that she was going to pick me up this coming Sunday evening. As for the reason, it's about that 'real problem' that she mentioned during our previous review session, the day she slept over in our house last week. Apparently, It seems that we'll be dining with a client of hers – a rather big client who wanted to get to know the brains behind some of the Hasegawa Family's success. Though she kept me in suspense about who it will be. I guess, I'll just have to wait and prepare for that night.

On the other hand, Miho sent me a copy of the melodies she composed for the collaboration songs with Yue, Akane, and Yua. She wanted me to be the first one to hear it again and give her my feedback. As always, I accepted it with a smile and told her that I would listen to it right away.

And with that, upon dropping them off, Suzuki-san drove me to my school. And halfway through it, I heard her speak words for the second time today, "Thank you for your assistance, Onoda-sama."

Yep. Her words were full of gratitude because she believed that if not because of me, Mizuki would continue with her habit. Well, she's probably being very careful not to overstep her boundaries but her concern won her over. What a wonderful woman…

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