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Chapter 1049 - Soul Mending

Chapter 1049: Soul Mending

Translator: Exodus Tales | Editor Exodus Tales

Radix’s words reminded Xia Fei that he was exactly what was needed; a

Spiritualist of Healing. He had never once attempted to mend the soul of

anybody else’s, and this might very well be a chance for him to try his hands on

  1. In any case, Fei Haizhen was already someone at death’s door, and even Old

Fuchen could not help remedy the situation. It was perfect for Xia Fei to take

this opportunity and practice.

Fuchen was despondent, “There’s no time. Only a Spiritualist of Healing can

mend souls, and I unfortunately don’t have such a capability. If you told me

from the start Fei Haizhen had been injured as a result of his soul weapon

backlash, I wouldn’t have repaired that soul weapon.

“Alas, since the Green Glare Ax of Soul Hunting has been repaired, the backlash

should be even greater than before. It seems like your grandson won’t be able

to last through the night.”

Once a soul weapon and the warrior became one, they needed to be in balance,

but right now, the soul weapon was repaired while Fei Haizhen was still in his

injured state. The owner and the weapon were no longer in equilibrium. Not

only was there no way to save Fei Haizhen’s life, their act of repairing the soul

weapon had even hastened his death

Fei Haizhen, who was still considered young, already had two Soul Marks. He

was largely seen as the hope for revival of the Fei family. As such, the moment

Fei Xingye heard that his grandson would not live past tonight, he became so

flustered that he felt lightheaded.

Knitting his eyebrows together, Xia Fei said in a solemn voice, “Why don’t I

give it a try?

The entire room went silent when he uttered such words. Fuchen and Fei

Xingye looked at him skeptically, with Fei Xingye even asking, “Young friend,

are you up to it?

“I’m not confident, but I’m willing to try,” answered Xia Fei honestly.

Fuchen did not say a word. Just like him, Xia Fei was also an Orthodox

Spiritualist, but he doubted if the latter could mend Fei Haizhen’s soul. This

was something he had been incapable of doing despite being in the circle for

many years, and it was even more impossible for Xia Fei-someone who had

just taken his first step into the spirit realm.

This was when the door to the room burst open, and that foolish youngster,

who had accompanied Fei Xingye earlier, came storming in. It turned out that

this boy had not left and had, instead, been eavesdropping from outside the

window. The moment he heard that Xia Fei would take the risk of saving his

father, he could not keep mum anymore.

Pointing his finger at Xia Fei, the youngster shouted, “You don’t look much

older than I am, so how can you be trusted! You should pay with your life if you

end up killing my father! Patriarch, you mustn’t trust him! He’s clearly a


Xia Fei was greatly displeased. After all, no one would be happy if they were

accused of being a swindler.

With a blank look on his face, Xia Fei gave a mirthless laugh. “What a filial son

you are. From the words you’ve uttered today, yours truly won’t treat your

father anymore. He can just die for all I care; what does it matter to me?

“YOU! The youngster got livid over hearing Xia Fei’s unreasonable statement

and also felt at a loss for words.

Fuchen also had a strong dislike of this youngster. After all, Xia Fei was an

Orthodox Spiritualist like him. Since Xia Fei was seen as a swindler, what

would that make him?

Thus, Fuchen broke into a faint smile. “Though this little friend of mine doesn’t

look too old, he’s also part of the same circle I am in. If you’re willing, you may

let Xia Fei try.”

The expression of Fei Xingye changed drastically. He looked at Xia Fei

hesitantly. Since he was in the same circle as Fuchen, that would make Xia Fei

a Spiritualist, too!

The word ‘Spiritualist’ simply possessed too great a deterrence. After all, there

were very few Spiritualists left in the universe, and countless warriors relied on

the soul weapons made by Spiritualists to survive. There was no need to

mention a small family like the Fei; even if the entire Golden Eagle 19 banded

together, none of them dared to provoke a Spiritualist!

What if Xia Fei was an Orthodox Spiritualist just like Fuchen?!

Fei Xingye did not dare to think further. Fuchen had a connection with the Fei

family, but Xia Fei did not. It would be disastrous if Xia Fei felt offended after

this interaction!


Fei Xingye sent a slap to the youngster’s face; the boy clutched his face, looking


Fei Xingye mercilessly chided, “Youb#st#rd, to think you’d dare to spout such

nonsense about our family’s distinguished guest! See if I don’t leave you


After perfoming this ruse of hurting his own to appease Xia Fei, Fei Xingye

turned around and resumed his pitiful pleas, and this time, they were directed

to Xia Fei.

“Young man-no, wait! Master, this old man failed to recognize Mount Tai; I

hope that you won’t take offense over my ignorance. Please be magnanimous

and help save my grandson’s, Haizhen’s, life..”

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and replied, “I didn’t agree to that. Besides, I am still

young and have plenty to learn. I’m afraid thatI am powerless.”

He had obviously said these words for the youngster to hear. The boy was

indignant, but all he could do was coldly snort, turning around and running

out of the room. In no time, the sound of that youngster’s loud curses could be


Fei Xingye was in a very awkward position. All he could do was pretend not to

have heard the din outside and continued to plead for Xia Fei to help mend Fei

Haizhen’s soul.

Fuchen quietly pulled Xia Fei to the side and said, “If you really have the ability,

why don’t you give it a shot? After all, their forefather and I have fate.”

Xia Fei shrugged. “They may have fate with you, but not with me. You heard for

yourself the words that youngster uttered moments ago; If I fail in mending

his soul, then the moniker of a swindler he gave me will become true.”

“No. Definitely not!” Fei Xingye hurried over and interjected when he heard

this. “It doesn’t matter what the outcome is! We, the Feis, will forever be

grateful to you for your kindness and will never do anything untoward against

you. I swear this upon the heavens! Ancestor Fuchen will be the witness

Fuchen could feel his heart souring. Years back, the forefather of the Fei

family, Fei Lingyi, and he got along swimmingly. The two had accompanied

each other and eaten scrumptious delicacies all across the universe. He truly

felt bad about having no means to save the only promising descendant of the

Fei family.

“XiaFei, why don’t you act on account of showing face to me? Consider this as

you doing me a favor,” implored Fuchen with a sigh.

Okay, since you’ve put it that way, Ill give it a try.”

Xia Fei did not immediately act after saying that. He merely stood in place with

Fei Xingye, causing Fuchen to stare dumbfoundedly at him.

Radix had said before that Spiritualists would never easily act and that every

move they made came at a price. Years back, when that Feather Spirit

Spiritualist helped repair the Aurora Clan’s White Dragon’s Screech, he asked

for a sizable sum as payment.

Fuchen had asked for two of an extremely precious gourmet ingredient, the

Pearl Emerald Bamboo Shoots, so Xia Fei figured that he should get something

Out of this, too. Xía Fei resolved to have the Feis subsidize the spending spree

he had gotten himself into. Given the scale of their family, they should not lack


It must have been because he was too nervous, but Fei Xingye did not

immediately react. Xia Fei was in no rush, either, merely continuing to smoke.

Fuchen abruptly realized what was going on, and he smirked. He inwardly

hooted at how cunning Xia Fei was, as he threw surreptitious glances at Fei


The startled Fei Xingye saw Fuchen miming about pearls and instantly recalled

that Spiritualists would often take a substantial recompense for their efforts

or services.

“Young man, no matter what the outcome is, the Fei family is willing to pay

you ten million pearls as thanks for your kind assistance!” said Fei Xingye.

Fuchen chimed in. “That’s the rule, too. The moment a Spiritualist act, they’l

surely use up plenty of precious spirit energy, and that isn’t something money

can buy.”

Yes, the ancestor is right.” Fei Xingye agreed to this with a smile.

Xia Fei sighed. “Well, then. I’ll see what I can do. May I trouble you two to leave

the room first and have this backyard be sealed?

Fuchen was a little surprised. “Even I have to leave, too?

Xia Fei really had Old Fuchen be escorted out of the room as he got them to

erect an energy shield around the back garden. This way, no one would know

just how Xia Fei mended Fei Haizhen’s soul.

Fuchen quietly left an imprint in the room, so the moment he returned inside,

he would know what happened by reading what was recorded in it.

Can the young Spiritualist, Xia Fei, really succeed?” asked Fei Xingye


Fuchen shook his head. “Hard to say. It’ll all depend on your grandson’s luck.

After all, being able to mend a soul is a heaven-defying act, and so I advise you

not to place much hope on his recovery”

Inside the room, Xia Fei took out his Eight Tunes Golden Falcon. The moment

Furball sawit appear, he attempted to pounce on it, but Xia Fei swiftly reacted

and stopped him witha raise of his hand. Ever since he turned the Eight Tunes

Golden Falcon into a soul weapon, Furball had been completely cut off from it.

Not once did Xia Fei let him get anywhere near it.

Placing the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon on his lips, Xia Fei took a deep breath

and lightly blew on its mouthpiece.

There wasa soft sound, nothing as violent and fierce as when Furball was stil1

using the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon, but it was exceptionally soothing. Furball

blissfully sprawled in all fours on the floor, the fur on his body standing on

end, looking even more excited than when he got to eat high-grade Origin


Even Xia Fei could feel the sound gently brushing over him, every single cell in

his body seemingly more active.

Actually, this sensation he felt was just an illusion. A healing soul weapon

would not interact with the body, but the soul! The pleasure anyone felt from

being exposed to it was a pleasure of the soul

He saw the finger of that Fei Haizhen twitch slightly as he lay paralyzed in the


“It’s working?!” Xia Fei was greatly shocked by the change, and he even more

conscientiously used his soul power to activate the Eight ‘Tunes Golden Falcon.

Gradually, a white mist gathered around the bed and hovered over Fei Haizhen.

It was as if the entire room had been covered in a spring morning’s thin fog.

Because he was still dealing with his severe injuries, Xia Fei did not dare to

quicken his pace. Instead, he very slowly released soul power, mending Fei

Haizhen’s soul bit by bit

As the movement in Fei Haizhen’s hand became more obvious, Xia Fei knew

that the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon was effective, and the mending of the

bedridden patient’s soul would only be a matter of time.

Xia Fei was not in the least bit anxious, but that was not the case for those

outside. Fei Xingye’s old face had many beads of sweat, and though the

youngster who got slapped did not dare to be anywhere near, he still kept a

constant eye on the place.

Evening was upon them pretty soon; Fuchen slowly realized the severity of the

situation. If Xia Fei had failed to mend Fei Haizhen’s soul, he should have

gotten out of the room. Since he had not shown his face in the last ten hours,

did that mean that he was really doing it?!

Could Xia Fei really be a Spiritualist of Healing? Fuchen arched a brow in

interest as he wondered to himself.

On Red Dwarf Star, while he had indeed gotten wind of the stir caused by Xia

Fei, who had forged a soul weapon, and located him through that, even

following him to Golden Falcon 19, he did not actually had a full grasp of Xia

Fei’s capabilities.

Just as he was mulling on this, everyone saw Xia Fei exit the room with a head

full of sweat. He waved to Fuchen and Fei Xingye from beyond the protective

barrier, indicating that they should collapse it.


Almost immediately, the guards put down the barrier; Fei Xingye, ignoring his

feeble body, came rushing in. Fuchen followed right after, but in those first two

steps, he froze. This was because the back garden was currently emanating a

blissful energy! There was great comfort just starnding in the middle of it!

Xia Fei had chased everyone away not just because he did not wish for anyone

to see how he used the Eight Tunes Golden Falcon but, even more so, also

because he did not want others to absorb the precious spiritual energy in the

place. He had no wish to waste it on anyone else except the patient. old Fuchen

was a Spiritualist, so doubts of course surfaced in his mind the moment he

entered the garden and sensed the atypical energy in the air.

ioon, a wail filled with anguish very quickly came from inside the room.

Fuchen was startled and asked, “Xia Fei, did you end up killing Fei Haizhen?”

Xia Fei replied without batting an eyelid, “That’s not the sound of crying you’d

hear because someone died but because they survived.”

Fuchen simply could not believe that Xia Fei had actually succeeded in

mending Fei Haizhen’s soul!

He took two quick steps over to the room, and sure enough, he saw Fei Haizhen

and Fei Xingye, the two men, hugging each other tightly as both wailed!

There was no need for Fuchen to examine the imprint anymore. He already

knew what he would find.

Xia Fei was really a Spiritualist of Healing!

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