Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1072 - Killing with a Borrowed Knife

Chapter 1072: Killing with a Borrowed Knife

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales


Xia Fei and Zesyr Night were suddenly surrounded by seven young men as they walked the streets. They wore luxurious clothes and bore unkind expressions.

Zesyr frowned and instinctively grabbed Xia Fei’s arm. At the end of the day, she was a girl. No matter how much training she had had in the training center, she had never actually fought someone before and was rather nervous.

“Xia Fei, we finally found you. When are you going to return Third Brother’s money?!” a monkey-faced youth with a shrill voice said while chuckling sinisterly; the others around him all scowled.

Radix saw what these guys were wearing and said grimly, “They’re from the Laz Clan. They were all taking lessons in the school. Look at that. They’re even wearing the clan emblem on their waists.”

Xia Fei casually lit a cigarette and spat a thick cloud of smoke at the third master of the Laz Clan, Laz Yuzi. Hongtashan, which was a cigarette brand that had little going for it besides its aroma, was actually rather stifling. Ordinary people were not used to this flavor, and only regular smokers like Xia Fei

could take it.

These young men, who had never tried tobacco, instantly started coughing until they were red in the face, mucus dripping from their noses.

“What is this?! How is it even more awful than trail-losing incense?!” a young master from the Laz Clan cursed.

“Do you know me?” Xia Fei asked indifferently.

“Of course, we do. You borrowed two thousand pearls from our clan’s third brother at Refined Spring Shop. You said you would return it that night, but you just vanished!”

“Cut the chit chat! Either return the money or come join us in that alley!”

Xia Fei nodded and muttered, “I see. Then I will follow you into the alley.”

Xia Fei did not know why these people wanted to provoke, but this problem was not important. What was important was that he needed to tidy up these guys who did not know how high the heavens were.

There were too many people around, making it inconvenient for him to take action. Being dragged into the alley was far more suitable for his plans. Whether it was a hidden plot or an open plot, he would mess them all up!

Zesyr blinked. In her view, Xia Fei was just an ordinary civilian without any sort of martial skill, and he also was not that quick-witted! These people had clearly come to find trouble, and Xia Fei was following them into a dark alley. Was this not seeking death?

“Tl go with you!” Zesyr straightened up and blurted out.

Xia Fei was surprised, not expecting for this girl to be so righteous, but her involvement would just get in his way.

“This is business between men. Women shouldn’t butt in,” Xia Fei said firmly.

Zesyr was startled. The surrounding youths instantly felt their stomachs churning as if they had swallowed flies.

Zesyr was very beautiful, and despite her young age, she was already showing a potential for becoming a heaven-toppling beauty. What was happening here, for Xia Fei to refuse the help of such a beauty and even scold her?

Laz Yuzi’s face turned even colder. He waved his hand and said, “What are you looking around for? Iron Tiger, take him inside!”

Three powerful Soul Hunters appeared, their leader a man with hawkish eyes. He had a weird pink scar wrapped around his head, and one could tell at a glance that he possessed an unusual cultivation.

Without a word, the three of them picked up Xia Fei and headed into the alley. Xia Fei put up no resistance. The Laz Clan’s young scions now circled around Zesyr Night with silly smiles on their faces.

“Girl, you’re pretty cute. Why spend time with that good-for-nothing? He doesn’t have money or cultivation, but our third brother is a bigshot of the Laz Clan. He’s even a direct descendant. You saw that man with the headscarf, right? He’s an expert our patriarch specifically invited from the Sebastian

Clan! Xia Fei might have gone in whole, but he might not be coming out in one piece.”

“That’s right, our third brother is from a renowned clan. You’ll have a great future if you’re with him.”

As these wastrels praised Laz Yuzi, the man himself felt very proud.

Zesyr furrowed her brows and could not help but worry about Xia Fei. The Sebastians were not some major clan, but they were known in the Alpha Universe for being rogues and outlaws. Not only did they have high cultivation, they also did not care about their lives and were rather vicious characters.

Laz Yuzi had already been confirmed within the clan to be its successor, and he had an illustrious identity. Alas, this third master was fond of stirring up trouble, and he had always worried his clan while growing up. Thus, the Laz Clan had requested the service of Sebastian Clan’s Iron Tiger at a high price

to serve as his bodyguard.

In the distance, a dark figure lurked in the shadows, his fists clenched as he glared furiously.

This was none other than Zesyr Night’s distant uncle, Sivatu.

Zesyr thought that she had escaped the clutches of her clan, but in reality, the Ye Clan patriarch had ordered Sivatu to keep watch of her, and he was never far.

Zesyr’s grandfather knew that his granddaughter may seem timid, but she actually had quite the personality. He worried that dragging Zesyr back would emotionally hurt her, so he had Sivatu protect her from the shadows while Zesyr worked off her stress.

Sivatu adored Zesyr Night, and so his body was already groaning as he sought to restrain himself. If those Laz Clan youngsters tried to do anything to her, Sivatu would charge in and end their lives!

The Laz Clan could barely be considered a second-rate clan, so could it contend against the Venus of Eternal Night? Even if this was their successor, he would still be killed!

As Sivatu was about to explode, deep in the alley, Iron Tiger’s group of three were on their knees. They did not want to kneel, but Xia Fei had shattered their kneecaps!

There was nothing to be done, for Xia Fei’s disguise was simply too deceptive. Iron Tiger’s group had gotten careless and taken Xia Fei for an ordinary person, so Xia Fei and his speed had managed to strike them down in one blow!

The fiendish blade Nirvana hovered around Iron Tiger’s neck, causing the latter to sweat coldly, but this was a rather tough man, as he had yet to say a single word.

‘A soul weapon! A high-level soul weapon! Just because Iron Tiger was not saying anything did not mean that he could not see the fiendish blade Nirvana for what it was. The shallow wound on his neck was not obvious, but his energy and soul were being rapidly drained away!

Iron Tiger had never seen a soul weapon so insidious, able to drain away everything. There was also Xia Fei’s movement technique and speed, including the brutality of his actions. As someone who had danced with death before, Iron Tiger must admit that he had underestimated Xia Fei and provoked an

opponent he should not have! His heart was stricken with fear!

This fear quickly turned into terror! A chill that reached deep into the marrow of his bones!

This was because Iron Tiger had realized that Xia Fei had used Spirit Energy in his attack just now!

“My apologies, I struck you a bit too hard and broke your bones,” Xia Fei said softly with his signature smirk.

Iron Tiger and his two cousins from the Sebastian Clan were all sweating so much that it was like a localized downpour!

Iron Tiger had believed that this was nothing more than rich good-for-nothings messing around, a streetside brawl at most, but this minor incident had caused him to provoke a Spiritualist!

To tell the truth, Iron Tiger did not fear death. However, he understood that death was only the smallest price one would pay for provoking a Spiritualist. It could even result in the death of one’s entire clan!

“B-Brother… |-let’s…”

The Sebastian Clan was full of tough men, but Iron Tiger’s two cousins were on the verge of tears.

Iron Tiger sighed and dropped his head. “At this point, we brothers can only beg for our families not to be blamed. Lord Spiritualist, this lowly one was ignorant, so please let our families go. As for the three of us, we will do anything you say!”

Iron Tiger closed his eyes while his two cousins were filled with sorrow and rage, trying their best not to cry. These words were spoken with such sincerity that Xia Fei could not help but raise his opinion of Iron Tiger.

While Old Fuchen did speak about how glorious the Spiritualist profession was, he had never actually experienced it, but after seeing how Suzu Treasure and these three Soul Hunters had acted, Xia Fei truly understood how heavy the title of Spiritualist really was.

‘It seems like I really can’t just use Spirit Energy whenever I want. Any expert with some experience will be able to sense it,’ Xia Fei commented mentally.


Putting away the fiendish blade Nirvana, Xia Fei smiled and said, “I have ten thousand ways of killing you, but I am in a good mood and don’t wish to turn this into a massacre.”

Iron Tiger opened his eyes and asked anxiously, “Sir, are you speaking the truth?”

“A Spiritualist has spoken, and you’re asking him if he’s telling the truth?” Xia Fei retorted coolly. “All of you should get out of my sight. I don’t want to see you three ever again.”

In his excitement, Iron Tiger actually gritted his teeth and dragged himself to his feet with the help of the wall. A true man! It must be understood that Xia Fei had shattered their kneecaps!

The three helped one another and quickly applied some pain-numbing medicine. After which, they quickly left, happiness on their faces from being spared. However, Xia Fei had not left yet, so the three of them were still very cautious.


The Laz Clan scions who were still surrounding Zesyr Night saw Xia Fei come up from behind Iron Tiger’s group, and they all scowled and looked in confusion at Laz Yuzi.

After all, Iron Tiger’s group was supposed to guard Laz Yuzi, and they had never shown respect to anyone except him, showing off his rather stubborn pride.

“Iron Tiger, what’s going on here?! It looks to me like you don’t want to work for the Laz Clan anymore, hm?” Laz Yuzi asked darkly.

“Screw your Laz Clan!”


Iron Tiger callously gave Laz Yuzi a vicious slap on the face.

Laz Yuzi had never expected his bodyguard to strike him, and this was a solid slap that instantly caused the clean white skin of his face to swell.

“Eek!” Zesyr gasped. She had expected none of this, and when she saw that Xia Fei was fine, she became even more confused.

After slapping Laz Yuzi, Iron Tiger looked at Xia Fei. It was very simple. Xia Fei did not want his life, so Iron Tiger needed to reciprocate. This was why Iron Tiger had risked offending the Laz Clan by striking Laz Yuzi.

To his surprise, Iron Tiger saw Xia Fei slightly shake his head. It was clear that the latter did not think that he was being sincere enough.

Offending the Laz Clan was better than offending a Spiritualist. Iron Tiger hardened his heart, and the three brothers beat up these Laz Clan scions, leaving their faces battered and bloodied.

Iron Tiger had undoubtedly made a lifelong enemy of the Laz Clan by doing this, and he felt that this would be enough, but when he turned to look, he saw Xia Fei smiling coldly.

‘still not satisfying? Vicious! So vicious! He wants me to kill!”

Iron Tiger trembled in shock. He heavily stroked his spatial ring and removed his soul weapon!

“You… What are you doing?!” Laz Yuzi went pale and cried urgently.


Without a word, Iron Tiger swung his saber down!

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