Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1073 - Chaos Society

Chapter 1073: Chaos Society

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales


‘With a swing of their weapons, Iron Tiger and his two cousins gritted their teeth and killed the young scions of the Laz Clan right there in the middle of the streets.

At this point, nobody cared about the affection between master and servant. The matter of Xia Fei being a Spiritualist was suffocating Iron Tiger, and if the Laz Clan’s people did not die, he would be the one dying, instead. It was not a hard choice to make.

Zesyr Night was truly afraid, using her hands to cover her eyes as she trembled. Xia Fei lightly placed a hand on Zesyr’s shoulder, and a stream of warmth instantly traveled over. For some reason, this small action made Zesyr relax a lot.

This was one the abilities of a Spiritualist of Healing, soul-soothing. Only a little power was required to calm Zesyr down.

This was one of the most bustling streets of Garde 83, and this gruesome massacre instantly threw the people into disarray, countless people shouting as they fled.

This actually gave Iron Tiger’s group a chance to run away. The trio did not dare to even look at Xia Fei, mingling into the crowd and vanishing without a trace.

Iron Tiger’s heart was filled with fear, and he told his two cousins, “We can’t stay here. We’re leaving at once! In addition, you’re not allowed to say a single thing to anyone else! That Xia fellow is too vicious! He’s a Spiritualist—someone whom we can’t afford to provoke!”

The cousins quickly nodded in agreement. Spiritualists were not to be provoked, particularly the vicious kind like Xia Fei! If things went as expected, they would likely not speak about this matter for the rest of their lives.

Since those hoodlums were dead, Xia Fei’s anger had cooled. For quite some time now, Xia Fei had been unable to fight anyone because of his injuries, but his temper had not subsided at all. On the contrary, it seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Shaking his head, Xia Fei told Zesyr, “Where do you live? I’ll send you back.”

Zesyr Night agreed quickly. She stuck behind Xia Fei, cautiously pulling on his sleeve as they headed back to Heavenly Treasure.

Radix smiled. “She’s a girl at the end of the day. While she’s quite the loud talker, she’s still afraid of blood.”

Radix had already developed a loathing for the Laz Clan, and he was very happy to see Xia Fei spurring Iron Tiger’s group into killing Laz Yuzi’s gang. Since Iron Tiger had done the deed, Xia Fei could not be blamed, let alone the Aurora Clan. Radix even wished that Iron Tiger had killed a few more.

Sivatu had seen all of this transpire. Even if Xia Fei had not done anything, he would have gone himself and taught the Laz Clan a lesson, but now that Laz Yuzi’s group was lying dead on the street, Sivatu felt very confused.

Iron Tiger had entered the alley with Xia Fei, but then Iron Tiger had turned around and gone crazy? Sivatu felt like Xia Fei had involvement in this somehow.

‘If it’s that young man’s handiwork, then his strength and methods are far too terrifying! Sivatu frowned as he thought.

He shadowed Xia Fei and Zesyr Night back to Heavenly Treasure Firm. Zesyr entered the courtyard with her head bowed. Behind her, Xia Fei said, “Remember: You owe me 87 pearls. Remember to pay me back when you get the chance.”

‘The massacre and soothing energy Xia Fei exuded had left Zesyr feeling confused, but she was jolted out of her thoughts by those words. She did not think that Xia Fei had kept such a detailed account of the money she spent today and that he would even want it back!

Ever since she was young, countless young masters would rush to treat Zesyr to a meal, but Xia Fei was asking money back for food from a street stall?! What absurdity was this?

Zesyr turned her head and angrily snorted. “You! You’re so annoying!”

Zesyr ran into the courtyard. Meanwhile, an old man looked questioningly at Xia Fei. This was no outsider, but Xia Fei’s great grandfather, Wistful Northgaze.

Heavenly Treasure Firm had been very unusual today, giving Wistful Northgaze an extremely low estimate that left him feeling elated. He had immediately returned to the clan, taken out the damaged soul weapons in the storchouse and sent them over to Heavenly Treasure. As he was coming out from

delivering the items, he just so happened to see this sight.

‘The meeting that Xia Fei had not wanted ended up happening, anyway, so he could only smile and call to Wistful Northgaze.

‘When Wistful Northgaze realized what was going on, he laughed. Besides, he was in a festive mood after getting such an excellent deal on repairing the soul weapons.

“Goodness. Here I was wondering why you’re in such a rush to leave this morning, So you were on a date!” Wistful Northgaze said.

As expected, this was a misunderstanding, Xia Fei did not know how to reply, so he just chuckled bitterly.

Wistful Northgaze walked alongside Xia Fei and comforted him. “Why aren’t you speaking? Women are prone to saying the opposite of what they mean, so you have to interpret their words to mean the opposite of what they say. If she finds you annoying, it actually means that she likes you.”

Xia Fei shrugged. He had not expected his great grandfather to have the habit of playing the matchmaker. In truth, let alone Zesyr Night, Xia Fei had encountered countless women over the last few years, but none of them had ever really pulled on his heartstrings. It was not too long ago that Xia Fei had

personally driven away the unspeakably beautiful Enya of the Crane Clan.

Maybe Avril was not the most beautiful girl in the universe, but she had always treated Xia Fei the best. He did not care about how those people unconnected to him lived or died, but he cared the most about those people at his side. From Avril to his old brothers back on Earth, which one of them had not

received his full concern and trust? Of course, getting Xia Fei’s trust had never been easy.

Xia Fei did not want to keep talking with Wistful Northgaze about Zesyr Night, so he changed the subject. “You were so worried this morning, so why are so happy now?”

‘Wistful Northgaze grinned. “I didn’t expect this, either! Heavenly Treasure was unusually generous to our Aurora Clan, only asking for fifty thousand pearls for each soul weapon repaired. That’s not a price that you can find just anywhere! This saves a huge amount of money for the clan, even enough to

buy a new batch of soul weapons. How can I not be happy after encountering such fortune?”

Xia Fei nodded. It appeared that Suzu Treasure had handled the matter very well. It was just that Wistful Northgaze did not know that the source of his fortune was really Xia Fei.

After a pause, Wistful Northgaze said, “It will soon be time for Chaos Society’s evaluation. If this job goes well, our Aurora Clan may be able to keep our second-tier spot.”

“Chaos Society?” Xia Fei asked curiously. “What sort of organization is that? Is it very powerful?”

Wistful Northgaze explained, “You weren’t born in a major clan, so you naturally don’t understand the strength of Chaos Society. The Alpha Universe is a place that’s organized on the clan level, and the Chaos Society is the one that manages all the clans. Every few years, Chaos Society will evaluate all the

clans. This is a huge affair that will decide the status of the clans.

“The Aurorean was once a great clan of the very first tier, but we’ve already fallen to the second tier. There are even rumors going around that Chaos Society is planning to drop us to the third tier. If that happens, I truly won’t be able to face our ancestors.”

Xia Fei fell silent. It seemed like Chaos Society was a loose federation in the Alpha Universe, somewhat like the Palace of Gods in the Law Realm. The various clans restrained and balanced one another out. Anyone who made a grave mistake would be criticized by all the others, and if someone tried to

conspire against a clan of Chaos Society, all of the clans would strike back as one.

“Sir, how does Chaos Society evaluate the clans?” Xia Fei asked.

Wistful Northgaze replied, “First is reputation, which our Aurora Clan doesn’t lack. For many years now, the Aurora Clan has always treated people with sincerity, and civilians in the area all trust us without a question. Second is the number of elite warriors; in this aspect, we just barely squeak by, so

staying at the second tier isn’t too great of a problem. Unfortunately, the Aurora Clan doesn’t have a Spiritualist, which is our weakness, as all major clans have personal Spiritualists. The third is our soul weapons, which is our weakest point. Whether or not we can stay at the second tier all depends on


After hearing it all, Xia Fei shrugged and said casually, “This Chaos Society evaluation that the esteemed elder is so worried about seems like a small fuss made into a big deal. What does it matter if you’re in the third tier? If you have strength, even a Tier 9 can dominate the universe. Without strength,

even a Tier 1 will be bullied around. I, Xia Fei, am of humble talent and shallow learning, so I don’t understand such lofty principles. I only know that this universe has no principles; the one who has the bigger fist sets the principles.”

Wistful Northgaze was startled, and he gave Xia Fei a weird look. There was nothing to be done about this, as Xia Fei’s personality was completely at odds with the Aurora Clan’s traditions. He was a ruthless character, while the Aurora Clan was almost comically good and honest.

Sighing, Wistful Northgaze said, “You’re quite the free spirit; alas, we have to fight for Chaos Society’s evaluation no matter what. That’s because when the evaluation is over, every clan will be issued a soul token according to their tier, and with soul tokens, we can go to the Spirit Star Society and freely

buy soul weapons! This is simply too important for our Aurora Clan.

“The Spirit Star Society is a gathering place of many Spiritualists. I don’t know what sort of deal it has with Chaos Society, but the Spirit Star Society has to hand over a large number of soul weapons to Chaos Society on a set schedule. As there are too many people who want soul weapons and the number

of soul weapons is limited, the soul weapons are distributed by clan tier.”

Xia Fei finally understood. In the end, it was all because of soul weapons. With a high tier, a clan could obtain soul weapons, and so it could get stronger. A low-tier clan, unable to get enough soul weapons, would find it increasingly difficult to flourish.

“Everyone says that the Aurora Clan currently only has a first-tier reputation and third-tier strength, and while this is pleasant to hear, it truly isn’t what it used to be. This is why this evaluation will probably decide the clan’s fate, so each of us, from top to bottom, is paying close attention to this

matter,” Wistful Northgaze added.

He truly did not treat Xia Fei as an outsider. Even though Xia Fei was a rather barbaric fellow and held beliefs that were very at odds with the Aurora Clan’s, Wistful Northgaze still felt very close to Xia Fei whenever he saw him, and he could not help but share things.

As they talked and walked, the sky gradually darkened. Xia Fei said goodbye to Wistful Northgaze and prepared to head off to Heavenly Treasure so that he could get the soul weapons from Suzu Treasure. As for Wistful Northgaze, he was going to report to Patriarch Wistful Heizus about the good news.

As the two bid farewell, Wistful Northgaze once more invited Xia Fei to be a guest in the clan, and Xia Fei simply smiled and agreed.


Xia Fei appeared at a very well-hidden cave on a sand dune four thousand kilometers to the north of the city.

He took out the damaged soul weapons of the Aurora Clan from his spatial ring, lit a cigarette, and began to think.

Perhaps because the Aurora Clan was desperate, it had not been polite, sending over not any fewer than three hundred soul weapons. Alas, they were not of a very high level, a sign of just how dire of a situation the clan was in.

After thinking for a while, Xia Fei snuffed out his cigarette and created an energy bed to repair the soul weapons. This was the best way to repair a large number of soul weapons, wrapping them in Spirit Energy so that they could gradually recover.

However, there was one soul weapon that Xia Fei quietly put back into his ring….

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