The Arcadia System

Chapter 212 - The Circle Of The Willow(5)

Chapter 212 – The Circle Of The Willow(5)

Amaya concluded, "So, your mentor must have also been a disciple?"

Reve was thrown off-guard, 'Circe…..a disciple?'

It was absolutely impossible for such a statement to be true. 

Reve might acknowledge his ignorance in some aspect of world history, but he, at least, knew the role Circe played in Arcadia's timeline. 

It was something he would never forget. 

Circe was the Immortal Witch, one of the five immortals that roam the earth. The Immortal Witch was the second immortal to appear. She was first seen in the era of sins, a few hundred years after the first appearance of the Immortal King. 

Yet, her might was not to be underestimated!

Wherever she went, blood will flow and kingdoms would fall. Bodies would turn to ashes, and at her mere scream, souls would be extinguished. 

She was the first morrite to be called a witch. This term was later adapted to the description of a female morrite. However, this was widely influenced by her. 

Hence, after many eras of horror, she took her rest on the forgotten continent of Azea. No one would expect her to sleep there periodically. 

That was the story of Circe, the Immortal Witch. 

Reve reckoned that there was no witch as influential as her. 

He made darted glances and he spoke in a low tone, "The Great Mother….how come I have never of her? I'm only aware of the Immortal Witch."

"Well, lad, it's not exactly a secret, but only those with close relationships with a coven would know of this. As for the Immortal Witch, she is a controversial topic around here…."

True to her words, when Reve observed the reactions of the elders, he noticed that they were all contrasting. 

Ianthe, Nesryn, and Athan had a touch of a smile on them while the rest squeezed their faces as if they just saw something disgusting.

Clearly, they didn't think much of the Immortal Witch. 

Observing this, Reve raised his eyebrows, "Oh, is there anything wrong?"

"The Immortal Witch is a legendary figure, but only to the rest of Arcadia. She has been nothing but a bad example to younger morrites. Not once had she deigned to protect her race from the widespread prejudice. Her care for her fellow morrites is minuscule. She won't get any reverence from us," scoffed Amaya. 


Reve didn't have to say anything before Ianthe countered, "You are wrong. This excessive need for camaraderie is exactly what is your problem. The Immortal Witch played her part. Whether it was intentional or not, her legends were what protected us just like how the Great Mother protected us. No race in the era of sins dared to touch the beloved morrites that spawned the Immortal Witch!"

"No race dared to irritate the originator of Arcanism. No race, I say again, dared to offend the God-killer. So, forgive her if she didn't lead us like a queen. But don't you deny that she did her part and her name still protects us till this very day."

Nesryn joined the conversation, "I agree with Ianthe. A morrite is a free being. Why do you task the Immortal Witch with such a detrimental responsibility? Why do you expect her to sacrifice her freedom just to be the leader you want? Is that what you expect of me too? Is that what you want from all of us?"

"I didn't mean that," Amaya backed down. 

"But that is what you implied?"

Amaya was tongue-tied. Her expressions softened as she spoke with aggravated emotions, "She left us. She ignored the prejudice against my ancestors. She could have stopped everything with just one single action, but she didn't. Instead, she trod the lands of Arcadia as her fellow brethren suffered."

Was the Immortal Witch right not to actively involve herself in the affairs of the early morrites?

From Reve's point of view, there was no problem with that.

Why sacrifice your freedom just for another? 

Granted, it would be a chivalrous act, but was that required from everyone?

Not everyone wanted to be a knight. Moreover, it wasn't like the Immortal Witch was on a jolly path. She had her own fair share of troubles to deal with.

Reve's ideals were similar to Circe's.

He was absolutely selfish and would rather sleep in a reclusive region than actively involve himself in something large than him. 

Plus, he had seen Circe. The so-called Invincible Immortal Witch was tired of Arcadia and its endless conflicts. Apparently, living through three eras wasn't something so simple. 

As Reve thought deeply, the argument transformed into something else entirely. 

Nesryn bellowed, "So, what? Were you present back then? How do you know she didn't do her best? You talk like you know her. Like she owes you something?"

"Are you telling me that if this coven was to be attacked and you were elsewhere, you wouldn't see it fit to help us?"

"Yes, I would assist with all my strength. However, the Immortal Witch didn't grow up in any coven. There weren't covens back in her prime. The morrites were scattered and it was hard to classify them under one term 'Morrites'. The world called us aberration because we came in different forms."

"Yet, she could have done somet—-"


Ianthe's scream disrupted the conversation. It became silent and the only thing that could be heard was the resounding thud that occurred when Ianthe's hand slapped the table. 

It was this peculiar sound that brought the elders back to their senses. 

Ianthe smiled, "We can't embarrass ourselves in front of a guest. He merely asked a question and you turned it into a titanic quarrel."

After seeing the comprehensive looks they had, Ianthe continued, "Let's focus back on Reve."

She faced the latter, "Young Reve, as Nesryn said, Vaddon is our close-knitted friend. We can't give any of his belongings without knowing it is in the right hand."

"Then, what is required of me?" asked Reve. 

"A test. A mirror test. You would have to pass it to get what you want."

Reve sighed, "That's a bit abstract. What happens if I fail this test?"

"It differs.. Your punishment might be a curse, an attack, banishment. But, in the worst case scenario, death might be your ending!"

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