The Arcadia System

Chapter 213 - The Coven Of The Willow(6) - Tunnel Of Dreams

Chapter 213 – The Coven Of The Willow(6) – Tunnel Of Dreams

Ten minutes later.

At a certain part of the village, in a certain building, a group of people clustered around a large door. 

Among them was Reve, 'Damn, another door. I am having a bad feeling about this. Why do I keep being pestered by doors?!'

He was shedding crocodile tears. In retrospect, it could be said that his past experiences were tragic as they always involved a mysterious entrance. At this point, Reve could not be faulted for developing trauma.

The young cat emperor nervously asked, "So, I just have to go through this door and the test will present itself to me?"

"Behind this door is the tunnel of dreams. That is where your test will take place. Once you reach the other side, you would have passed the test," explained Ianthe. 

This door was just below the meeting hall where Reve met the elders. They had taken him to the basement and stopped as soon as the door was in sight, leaving Reve to wonder what was on the other side.

The door itself wasn't something attractive. It was a small wooden door with green moss growing on its surface, proof of its old age.

  Reve closed his eyes. A sigh escaped his lips as his eyes opened back fiercely. There was a sharp look in it, the look a cat emperor would wear when going to war. 

He couldn't stop here. He had to reach the other side and claim his reward. He had come so far…now was not the time to have second thoughts. 

Death could not stop him!

Reve's hands held the door handle and pulled it. The cold breeze that gushed out of the open entrance chilled his bones but he ignored it and jumped inside. 

The door creaked and swung back into its place on the entrance.








Ianthe calmly watched the lad named Reve enter the Tunnel of Dreams, "Do you think he would pass the test?"

Nesryn kept a straight glance at the door but her thoughts were beyond that, "Honestly, I have no idea. I don't know what to expect from the boy? He is a disciple so I think he should be able to pass the test."

Athan merely snorted, "You underestimate him."

"What? Could it be you know something that we don't?" questioned Amaya. 

"I tried using [Appraisal] on him. It didn't work. The look he gave me made me aware that he knew of this concealed inquiry. Not just anybody could possess a counter to my [Appraisal]. The skill needed for that requires a lot of AP, even more than I have acquired in my lifetime."

Ianthe joined the conversation, "Now that you mention it, I felt his energy once. He is an arcanist. Although he hides it so well, my senses cannot be deceived. Reve harbors one of the purest forms of magia I have ever seen. It gives the scent of nature but, somehow, mixed in it is the aura of destruction. Moreover, he is a third-circle arcanist. Nesryn, how old were you when you become a third-circle arcanist?"

She asked Nesryn as the latter was the most promising morrite in the coven. After all, even before she became an elder, the other elders had graded her as a candidate for the [Red Witch]. That was just how talented Nesryn Darkmore was.

"Hmm…..I believe I was nineteen when I joined the third rank of arcanism," Nesryn indifferently mentioned.

She might not see it as something worth bragging, but it was definitely a piece of news that could shake the foundation of Arcadia, not just Xoris. 

Throughout history, there has only been about a thousand people that achieved this feat and all of them went on further to become legendary beings. Some even attained the ranks of demigods!

Hence, one could imagine the shock that coursed through the elders when they heard of this bizarre news. 

Ianthe hummed, "Nineteen….Then, it seems that pales in comparison to what Reve achieved. He is still young, around the age of 19 or 20. The energy built up in him tells me that he had been a 3rd Circle Arcanist a long time ago. If I estimate the time, it would be about three years ago. So, no matter how false my calculations are, he definitely became a 3rd Circle Arcanist at a younger age than you."

The rest took a while to absorb this shocking revelation while Nesryn commented, "Interesting…..I hope he survives then. I would love to chat with him. Hmmm….did you modify the test to fit what Vaddon wants?"

Ianthe showed a mysterious smile, "I don't need to. 'It' is always aware of everything. 'It' knows what to do."

"I see…."








"Fuckery, why does it always have to be dark! Can the world come up with another theme?!"

In the Tunnel of dreams, a young cat emperor could be seen cursing.

After he passed through the door, he discovered that the entire tunnel structure was without light. Luckily for him, he could rely on his superior five senses to navigate around. 

The tunnel was just like what he expected; a long path with no end.

Reve had lost count of how long he had been walking. 

Was it three hours or ten hours?

All he knew was that he had passed the hour-mark!

Yet, there was nothing in sight except the serpentine path with no end!


Wait, there was something..

'What is it…..?'

Reve identified it as a fork in his path. In front of him were three large holes that held no distinctions. 

'So, I just have to pick one, huh? So, unoriginal.'

He spied into the entrance of the three holes, trying to see how to make his decision, but he couldn't see what he wanted. 

In essence, he understood….he just had to pick with his eyes closed. 

Reve 101: When in doubt, be random. 

This ultimate law made it that he could only blame his luck if he ended up with the wrong choice. 

"Hehehehee, the third one, it is. Three is a fascinating number."

So, Reve headed for the third path while taking his time to enjoy the plain scenery

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