The Arcadia System

Chapter 62 - Taxan

A few hours later...

Amethyst crossed his legs and glanced at Reve, "That is all you need to know."

Reve frowned as he was expecting something more, "You know I didn't come here just to inherit some bloody powers. I came here for answers. Answers you told me you possess."

The aspect of being the true inheritor was never the top of his priority list. It was not the reason he trained so hard day and night. Sure, he quite liked the thrill of gaining more power but he wouldn't outrightly risk his life for more.

Circe had taught him to be more than that. If he wanted to break past his limits, he might have well have researched on ways to do that. In fact, Circe had a lot of potions that could do that.

The annoying god responded tiredly, "Sure. I do remember. Your grand quest concerns the saving of a young mortal female who died on Earth. Hmmmm…...since I did promise you there was hope, I would not let you down."

Amethyst stretched forth his hands and many small dots appeared hovering around it. Among those tiny dots that twinkled like stars was one particularly large one, positioned in the center.

"When I designed the cosmology of Arcadia, I decided to go simple and yet complex at the same time. To make Arcadia operate independently, I created planes. The material plane, the inner planes, and the outer planes. Now, you should be quite aware of the planes of existence. The material plane was the physical world of Arcadia and other sister planets. The inner planes were the ethereal planes that revolved around the material plane. They consisted of elemental planes and unique planes like Limbo."

"The outer planes were basically the independent material planes. One such plane was Earth. Now, during the Ascension Era, Earth and Arcadia were allied. This alliance brought forth a planetary merge. It caused Earth to become akin to a mirror material plane and made it operate under Arcadia cosmology."

Everything Amethyst said was represented by the tiny dots in the air. One thing to note was Amethyst's definition of Arcadia.

Sometimes, it was just that big tiny dot. Other times, it was a collective term for the group of tiny dots. When he spoke about the planetary merge, Arcadia represented the collective term.

Reve watched as a tiny dot that represented Earth merged with the big tiny dot. At first, they repelled each other like two opposite natural forces. But later, they became as meek as old couples, destined lovers that were always better together.

"As it became part of the cosmology, Arcadia's rules applied to it. Now, there is one rule that would come of benefit to you. It states that anything living being in Arcadia would flow back to a certain point when they die. The certain point was one of the unique inner planes, Taxan, the Devil's Pasture!"

At this point in time, Reve had gone blank. He couldn't exactly comprehend all that Amethyst talked about but he could tag along to some certain extent.

Reve tilted his head, "Taxan? The Devil's Pasture? What exactly is it?"

If there was one thing he knew, it was that each inner plane supported the material plane. They were forever linked to it and their support was intrinsic. Each one of them gave a different type of support.

"Taxan handles the dead. It welcomes the souls of the mortals and renews them. It did this unconsciously but in the Ascension Era, one of the gods took Taxan as its domain. The god proclaimed himself the ruler of the dead!" informed Amethyst.

He went on, "If you want to resurrect your companion, Taxan would be your key. It certainly holds her soul. As for how to get there, well…...that, my dear child, will have to be solved yourself. With that said, I have fulfilled my promise."

He stood up and headed for the exit. Before he left, he told Reve, "The transference would begin very soon. You have only one thing to prepare, which is your mind. If you can't do that, then my power might swallow you."

He left not much after that, leaving Reve to arrange his mind.

'What a sad life? It seems like I have yet another mission but this is better. I'm not in a rush,' thought Reve.

He postponed any thoughts about Taxan till when he met Circe again. For now, he had to assess himself.

Reve laid flat on the bed and closed his eyes. He was in his most comfortable form, his cat form.

'Ahh, it is at times like this, I would love to see my status,' mused Reve.

He had noticed for a while that he could access his status. If not, he would have heard the voice of the world administrator many times during battle.

Nonetheless, he had learned to never depend on Nixy. He had been trained to be able to ignore his status for months. His brain could substitute for the role of Nixy.

''Hmmm….let's see…..'

For starters, he was a pseudo third circle arcanist. Circe told him that once he achieved that rank, he should seek to attain the skill that came with it.

The skill was the ability to wield a pure form of energy that could be used for magic. It was said that the worldly mana was too impure for magic spells, which reduced their effects.

This applied especially to arcanists. Elementalist never used mana. They manipulate spirit energy granted to them by elementals. Spirit energy was many times purer than basic mana.

It was different in essence too. While mana required complex spells, spirit energy simply needed thought-invocation. This eliminated the need for magic circles.

Nonetheless, Reve was an arcanist and he didn't care for spirit energy. Hence he had to focus on another form of energy. This one was directly related to mana. It was called magi and it only existed in one place, which was the elemental plane!

The theory was that magi originated from the elemental planes and leaked to the material plane. It was there that it devolved into what is known as mana!

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