The Arcadia System

Chapter 63 - Transference(1)

That was the theory that plagued mages for eras to come. It surrounded one fact…..a fact as white as the clouds, "Magic is an anomaly!"

It was a mistake on a cosmic scale. The law of the planes dictated that none of them should be intimately involved with one another. However, if energy from the planes are spilling into the material plane then that disregards that law.

Using this hypothesis, mages derived a future event called....


A world-ending event that would mark the end of the world. it is said to be the repercussions of using magic carelessly. Anyways, that theory was only held by the most erratic of the mages.

Reve was not to care about an imaginary apocalypse like that. It didn't concern a weak mage like him. In the meantime, what he should be doing is figuring out the magic spells he needed to harness magi.

He had gone over this with Circe and decided to go for the usual method done by mages.

This was quite detailed. First, he needed to learn an energy absorption spell. Second, he had to be acquainted with an ethereal linking spell. Thirdly, his [Mana Veins] needed to be customized.

If he continued dragging the matter, it might get permanent, which was something he wouldn't like to happen.

Lastly, a spatial spell and chant for specific elementals was required.

'Ahh, I can't do this now. All that will be concerned later when I'm back with Circe. For now, I can work on my [Mana Veins]. I have already created a [Mana Heart],' analyzed Reve.

[Mana Hearts] was the focal point of a [Mana Vein]. In a sense, it stored all the mana of a user and regulated it to the [Mana Veins]. That was the skill of a second circle arcanist!

Reve stretched forth his right hand and actualized a frozen block of ice. Imprinted on the ice tablet was a drawing of his anatomy. The dull lines represented his physical anatomy while the bright blue lines represented his magical anatomy.

Suddenly, with a single thought, the bright lines began to move like pieces of a puzzle. They assembled….they disassembled.

The same cycle was repeated over and over again.

Meanwhile, Reve watched them earnestly. He was finally designing a [Mana Vein] after all this while.


Hours later, a figure appeared in the room.

He watched as Reve was completely immersed in his activity and allowed the young cat to do as he wished for a few minutes. The cat hadn't even noticed him.

After a while, he announced his presence, "It is time. I hope you are ready."

Despite being shocked, Reve calmly stared at the damn annoying god, "Hmmm...I'm ready."

As soon as he willed it, the ice tablet he was working on slowly diminished until it was nothing but frozen mist. He jumped out of his bed and landed perfectly on the cold floor.

"Lead the way," he said.

Amethyst said nothing in response and simply walked out of the door with Reve behind him. They passed a long hallway till they arrived at a barren space.

It wasn't like a hall in the sense that the ceiling was wide open. Reve could see the mesmerizing blue moon and it stared back at him.

He asked Amethyst, "Is this the place?"

"Yes, quite symbolic, isn't it? The moon shall watch over you," mused Amethyst.

He arched over the horizon and whispered softly, "It appears we have a guest."

His line of sight switched to face his right side. Immediately after that, a familiar magical phenomenon occurred.

The air pressure intensified and mana flow was disrupted. Beads of water fell to the ground to welcome a slit that appeared in the air. The slit widened and a suspicious woman walked through.

One look at her and it was evident that she was far from normal. Her cerulean hair beamed beautifully as if it was alive. Sometimes, it would drift freely using the power of the wind.

She was blue-skinned and her eyes were of a noble purple. The woman in question wore a long white robe that danced around her body perfectly.

She greeted Amethyst with a non-existent bow, "Prince. Is it time for your departure?"

"Yes, you can sense it, can't you?" rhetorically asked Amyethst.

From his bystander point of view, Reve was able to decipher that the two were acquainted. However, their relationship was unclear. The woman addressed him as a noble but didn't carry out the required gesture for that, while Amethyst addressed her as a near-equal….a partner.

A pensive look appeared on the woman's face as she responded to Amethyst, "Prince, I can not stop you, can I?"

"No, you can't. I must join the others. This is required," lightly spoke Amethyst.

Finally, the conversation moved to Reve with a single sentence from the woman. She gazed at him in the most profound way possible.

Laid behold her eyes, Reve felt nothing about him could be hidden. His mind blared as he felt a familiarity with the blue woman. Her voice was like a mermaid's lure despite it not being vocalized sensually.

"Is this Reve, your scion?! Hmmm…." mumbled the woman.

"Yes, spectacular, isn't he? I reckon he is the reason why you are here. Let me do the introductions."

Amethyst smiled as he talked to Reve, "The woman before me is one of the five mysteries of Arcadia. It is an honor of a lifetime to be in her presence. Hehe, who do you think she is…?"

Not a single second was wasted before Reve replied, "The bloody world administrator. Oh Xoris' bottom!"

The woman was the world administrator. A mythical figure said to have existed before time. She was the person behind the voice that always spoke to him after a level-up. She was the one he usually referred to as Nixy, though, that wasn't her name at all.

Reve didn't need to guess that. She was the only being in the five Arcadian mysteries. The rest were either events or items.

"It is nice to finally meet you, Reve," smiled the woman.

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