Chapter 735 - 735 Entering an Illusion

Chapter 735: Entering an Illusion

Translator: Hcnyce Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The sky gradually brightened. The soldiers in rhe army camp had already woken up to train.

Liu Sanniang had already packed up and the group left the tent. Qing Mu and Bai Anya were already waiting outside the tent. When they saw Liu Sanniang come out, they immediately stood up and followed.

Liu Sanniang and the others walked out, and Chou Ming personally came to send them off.

There were a total of 12 people who were willing to go with Liu Sanniang.

Chou Ming had mixed feelings. “Miss Liu thank you so much. 1 don’t know what to say. I can only send you off with wine. 1 hope you can come back safely!”

It was rhe most serious etiquette to send one off with wine.

Liu Sanniang nodded slightly. “1 hope General can be safe too.”

After saying that, Liu Sanniang took a sip of wine.

The group gradually left the army camp.

Hu Yu said to Liu Sanniang through voice transmission, “Venerable Liu, among this group of people, apart from Qing Mu, Bai Anya, and two Daoists from the Kongtong Sect, there are three mortals who pretended to be masters. The rest of them have evil spirits.”

These things could not be hidden at all from Hu Yu’s Yin Yang Eyes.

Hu Yu looked at Zhou Yunyi and frowned. “Zhou Yunyi is the Saintess of the Kongtong Sect. She’s especially pure and deserves the title of the Saintess, but she’s done something evil. She shouldn’t be so pure, right? Liu Yuanyuan won’t hate her for no reason.”

Liu Yuanyuan and Zhou Yunyi were mortal enemies. Logically speaking, it was impossible for Zhou Yunyi to have such a pure body after what she had done.

Liu Yuanyuan said calmly, “She used a secret technique.”

Hu Yu was puzzled. “She only changed her body, but her soul is still the same. However, I can’t see any impurities in her soul.”

Liu Sanniang listened to their voice transmission and squeezed Chu Yau’s palm. “Chu Yan, do you have anything to say?”

Someone cried our, and then there was the sound of bodies falling.

Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan held hands and slowly fell to the ground. At that moment, Liu Sanniang felt an extremely powerful force, followed by intense hatred.

“Lin Cong, come and catch them.”

When Liu Sanniang opened her eyes, she saw a river in the mountains. The boy with his pants rolled up had a smile on his face, looking bright and dazzling under rhe sun.

In the river, there were four children. They held bamboo baskets in their hands and waded through the river.

As they scooped the river with the basket, many small prawns were scooped


“Wow, hahaha, there are so many. Lin Feng, go get a wooden bucket to keep the prawns. Let’s get more. When we go back, we’ll stir-fry them. It’s very delicious.”

Lin Feng quickly brought the wooden bucket over. The few of them placed the river prawns in the basket into rhe wooden bucket and went into the river.

The sun was scorching, and it was undoubtedly very pleasant to play in the river. Seeing that the sun was setting, they washed their hands, wrung out their wet clothes, put on their shoes, and left.

Liu Sanniang felt that they were walking towards her, but they did not seem to see her. They walked past her and walked away.

“Brother Jie, are we coming tomorrow? I like to eat this river prawn, but my mother won’t let me cook it. She said it s a waste of firewood/’

Lin Feng held the wooden bucket and asked Lin Jie beside him.

Lin Cong smiled. “If we want to eat them, we can only eat at Lin Jie’s house.”

“Sister Xue’s cooking is superb.”

Lin Feng swallowed his saliva.

Lin Fan, who was shorter than Lin Jie, also swallowed his saliva and said, “Then let’s make a deal. You can go to our house to eat prawns, but you just have to bring a bundle of firewood for us. Otherwise, there won’t be your portion.”

Lin Jie smiled. “My brother is right. If you want to eat, you have to work.”

Lin Feng and Lin Cong seemed to have thought of the fragrant fried prawns. They immediately swallowed their saliva. “Alright .”

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