Chapter 736 - 736 Kind and Clean

Chapter 736: Kind and Clean

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The few of them walked away with smiles. Liu Sanniang looked at them until she disappeared from sight.

She lowered her head and saw the black and wrinkled bark. As far as she could see, there were branches and trees.

She had become a tree!

Liu Sanniang knew that this was an illusion. The person she was looking for had already set up this illusion before her arrival. If she could not leave the illusion, she would not be able to see the person who opened the Yin Gate. What about Chu Yan, Hu Yu, Liu Yuanyuan, and the others?

She became a big tree and could only see a village in the distance. At sunset, smoke began to rise from the chimneys in the village.

She had fallen into illusions a few times, each time with a different identity, but this time, she was Liu Sanniang. She just became a tree and could not move. She could only look at the village from afar.

The sky gradually darkened. Liu Sanniang looked from afar and saw faint light in the village.

Liu Sanniang listened carefully and heard many voices. She calmed down and focused her attention on a house.

“Uncle Lin, Auntie Lin, Sister Xue’s cooking is really good. Thank you.”

Lin Feng and Lin Cong were holding rice cakes in their hands. They stuffed some of the stir-fried river prawns into it and ate in big mouthfuls.

In the yellow mud house with a thatched roof, laughter could be heard.

The dishes in the big bowl slowly bottomed out, and the few of them burped.

Lin Feng and Lin Cong licked their lips. “Sister Xue, can we go get river prawns again tomorrow? It’s been hot these days.”

Lin Xue smiled. “Sure.”

Lin Feng and Lin Cong left and returned home.

Mr. Lin was silent for a moment before saying, “I’ll make a cupboard and a few stools for her. Our family is not well-off. That’s all we can do.”

Mrs. Lin nodded. “That child from the Chen family has a good character. Our daughter will have a good life in the future.”

Mr. Lin smiled.

In the darkness, a black snake slithered out.

Hu Yu squatted outside. When she saw the black snake coming out, she went over. “It should be this family, right?”

Liu Yuanyuan nodded. “I think so. I just don’t know who created this illusion. If we want to know who it is, I’m afraid we have to wait.”

Hu Yu squatted down. “I’m so sad. Look at what I’ve become now. An ugly dog. I miss my beautiful fur.”

Liu Yuanyuan stuck out her tongue. “I don’t think anything is gonna happen tonight. Let’s go and find Venerable Liu first. You’re a dog now. Have you seen another dog? General Black is most likely the same as you.”

Hu Yu pursed her lips. “General Black is not a demon. Even if General Black becomes a dog, he can’t communicate with us. Let’s go find Venerable first.”

Hu Yu was right. They had to find Liu Sanniang first.

Liu Yuanyuan called Liu Sanniang in her mind.

Soon, Liu Sanniang told Hu Yu and Liu Yuanyuan where she was.

Hu Yu trotted on her short legs and panted. “Liu Yuanyuan, can you grow bigger and carry me? I’m too tired and can’t move at all.”

Liu Yuanyuan looked at Hu Yu. Hu Yu had become a one-month-old puppy. She was slow and weak.

Liu Yuanyuan slithered into the grass. “How about you stay? i’ll go meet Venerable Liu.”

Hu Yu immediately sped up. “That won’t do.”

The sky began to brighten. A black snake circled around a tree. Hu Yu was so tired that she kept sticking out her tongue and stammering, “Venerable, did you become a tree? 1-1 suddenly felt that being a dog is not all that bad..”

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