Chapter 748 - 748 Not Giving Her What She Wanted

Chapter 748: Not Giving Her What She Wanted

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Zhou Yunyi wanted to die to be freed of the pain, but Hu Yu would not let her.

Liu Yuanyuan had always been calm, but when it came to her blood feud, it was inevitable that she would lose her mind.

Hu Yu did not know that Liu Yuanyuan didn’t treat her as a friend, but in Hu Yu’s heart, Liu Yuanyuan was her friend. The two of them cultivated under the same Venerable, so they were a family.

Hu Yu hit Zhou Yunyi’s injured face. Zhou Yunyi hugged her face, her face twisted. She was in so much pain that she could not make a sound. She curled up and endured the pain.

Hu Yu said coldly, “Are you satisfied? Do you still have the strength to speak?”

Zhou Yunyi could not answer Hu Yu. She did not want to waste her breath on Hu Yu either. She was not afraid of death. If she died, as long as her father was still around, she could still be revived.

At this moment, the pain was unbearable. Zhou Yunyi calmed down and looked at Liu Yuanyuan viciously. “You’re a coward. Your enemy is right in front of you, but you don’t even dare to do it yourself. You’ve been suppressed by me for so many years and keep saying that you want to kill me. It seems that you’re just bluffing. 1 still remember your miserable scream back then…”

Liu Yuanyuan instantly turned into a huge snake and slithered towards Zhou Yunyi.

Hu Yu did not even have time to stop her.

Liu Yuanyuan wrapped around Zhou Yunyi, who smiled. The suffocating feeling made her want to die. If she died, she would be free.

Hu Yu exclaimed, “Liu Yuanyuan, calm down.”

Zhou Yunyi knew that Liu Yuanyuan had already lost her mind. It was too late to stop her.

She seemed to have heard the sound of her body shattering.

However, in the next second, scales that were like blades scratched her face, making her cry out in pain.

Liu Yuanyuan coiled around Zhou Yunyi, bit by bit. The scales on her body were like hooks that tore open Zhou Yunyi’s skin.

Zhou Yunyi was in so much pain that she wanted to die immediately. She screamed in pain, “Kill me, kill me.”

The conditions Zhou Yunyi mentioned were very tempting, but no one dared to do it.

Hu Yu found her noisy, so she tore off a piece of rotten cloth to gag Zhou Yunyi’s mouth.

Zhou Yunyi was in so much pain that she did not even have the strength to raise her hand. Her face was covered in tears, snot, and blood.

At night, the soldier brought over food. Lin Jie came over and said to Liu Yuanyuan calmly, “1 know she’s also your enemy. You can torture her however you want. Do you want salt? I can get someone to send it to you.”

Liu Yuanyuan said calmly, “Sure.”

Hu Yu pursed her lips. “Little brat.”

Lin Jie glanced at Hu Yu and pretended not to hear her muttering. “You can eat the food without worry. It’s not poisonous.”

Hu Yu looked at Lin Jie. “What exactly do you want?”

Lin Jie looked at Hu Yu and said coldly, “You’ll know when that person comes.”

After saying that, he turned around and left.

They could eat the food at ease, but they did not eat much.

Hu Yu had no appetite. She said, “That Elder Zhou should have returned to Kongtong Sect, right?”

“What does that child want to do? Does he want to lure Zhou Hengjin over and kill him? But what if he can’t beat Zhou Hengjin?”

Hu Yu muttered. When she saw the entire village destroyed with her own eyes, she was filled with hatred. She sympathized with what happened to the village and to Lin Jie.

Hu Yu knew that what Lin Jie had done had caused the deaths of many people, but she just couldn’t bring herself to hate him.

The quiet mountain peak towered into the clouds, and a majestic sect stood there. It was like a paradise. Zhou Hengsheng stumbled into the sect. When the disciples saw him, they quickly helped him in.

Zhou Hengsheng was covered in blood and his clothes were all torn. His extremely sorry state shocked the disciples. Zhou Hengsheng said weakly, “Quick, go and invite the sect master over.”

Zhou Hengsheng held a bloody cloth in his hand. Seeing the disciples leave in a hurry, he exhaled and smiled.

Zhou Hengjin arrived very quickly. His hair was completely white, and there were many black flesh spots on his wrinkled face. He looked extremely evil. He sat by the bed and grabbed Zhou Hengsheng’s clothes.. “What’s going on? Where’s Yunyi?”

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