Chapter 749 - 749 Saving His Daughter

Chapter 749: Saving His Daughter

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Zhou Hengsheng held his breath and raised his trembling hand.

Zhou Hengjin snatched the cloth bag over and opened it. When he saw an ear inside, his hands were trembling.

Zhou Hengsheng also said with a trembling voice, “Brother, it’s my fault for not protecting Yunyi well. Yunyi was captured by a sorcerer in the Jin army. He seems to have a grudge against the Kongtong Sect and asked you to go. He was the one who injured me.”

As he spoke, Zhou Hengsheng spat out a mouthful of black blood. “If not for the fact that he wanted me to come back to deliver this message, I’m afraid 1 would have been killed…”

Zhou Hengjin grabbed Zhou Hengsheng’s wrist and looked at him with a dark expression. “Take the medicine and recuperate well. 1 don’t blame you for what happened to Yunyi. You’ve tried your best.”

Zhou Hengjin injected a stream of spiritual qi into Zhou Hengsheng’s body and took out a bottle. He poured out two pills and fed them to Zhou Hengsheng.

He did not know if Zhou Hengsheng was lying, but he knew that Zhou Hengsheng had probably tried his best. His entire body was covered in wounds, and his insides were seriously damaged.

Only those who had experienced a fierce battle would be injured like that. If not for the fact that Zhou Hengsheng was asked to come back and deliver the message, he would probably have died.

Zhou Hengsheng took the medicine and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked much better. Zhou Hengjin asked, “What did that person look like?”

Zhou Hengsheng frowned and said, “He looks like a child.”

Zhou Hengjin immediately thought of who the child could be. Zhou Hengsheng had been observing his expression. Seeing the ruthlessness on his face, Zhou Hengsheng said, “Brother, there’s no time to lose. Let’s go down the mountain.”

He couldn’t wait to see that scene with his own eyes.

Even if Zhou Hengjin wanted to subdue Lin Jie, he would have to pay a painful price. At that time, it would be time for

Zhou Hengsheng to reap the benefits.

Zhou Hengjin was worried about Zhou Hengsheng’s injuries. “Your injuries are so serious. You should stay and recuperate.”

By the time Zhou Hengjin was done packing, Zhou Hengsheng had already recovered by more than half. As soon as he saw Zhou Hengjin, he took the initiative to take out the spiritual jade. “Brother, I’m almost recovered. Take this treasure back. It’s really inappropriate for me to keep it.”

Zhou Hengsheng lowered his tone, looking humble in everyway. Spiritual jade was something that only the sect master of Kongtong Sect could keep. He was not worthy.

Zhou Hengjin was satisfied to hear that, but he did not take it. Instead, he said calmly, “Take it with you for now. When we save Yunyi, give it to her. It can also help you recover some strength on the way.”

Zhou Hengsheng had a deep cultivation and was seriously injured now, but the spiritual jade could quickly repair him.

Zhou Hengjin walked in front while Zhou Hengsheng followed behind.

Two disciples followed closely behind them.

Zhou Hengsheng asked calmly, “Brother, what does a child hate you so much?”

Zhou Hengsheng already knew the reason, but he just wanted to hear Zhou Hengjin being hypocritical.

Zhou Hengjin naturally would not tell the truth. He said calmly, “I’ve dealt with so many demons and ghosts. It’s normal for me to make enemies.”

With just a few words, he made it sound like he was the righteous one and Lin Jie was the evil one.

Zhou Hengsheng sneered in his heart, but on the surface, he said humbly, “Brother, you’re right. Some people are just born evil. They don’t know what’s good for them.”

The group traveled non-stop. At dawn, they were not far from the camp of the Jin army.

Zhou Hengjin’s eyes darkened as he said, “I’ll set up an array formation here. Sneak in with the others to save Yunyi.”

Zhou Hengjin wanted to use an array formation to lure Lin Jie out.

Zhou Hengsheng felt that there was something he did not know. Seeing how confident Zhou Hengjin was, he asked in confusion, “Brother, that child is not an ordinary child. Will he fall for it?”

Zhou Hengjin said calmly, “1 have my ways. As long as he’s not around, I believe you should be able to deal with some soldiers. After saving Yunyi, leave with her immediately. Don’t return to Kongtong Sect for the time being. Wait for my signal. If I don’t go back, don’t ever go back.”

Zhou Hengsheng looked at him and nodded heavily. “Brother, don’t worry. 1’11 definitely save Yunyi..”

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