The Mech Touch

Chapter 1278 Sophisticated Matchmaking

Ves was sipping a cool drink on a terrace in a downtown district.

Meanwhile, Lucky perched comfortably on the table. The cat leisurely ate the random minerals that Ves had bought from a nearby exotics marketplace.


"No, Lucky. We're not staying here so that you can have access to every exotic in the galaxy. They're too expensive!"


"Don't even think about it! Just because I gave you a present back then doesn't mean you can get away with it in MTA territory!"

Lucky resentfully turned around and swung his butt at Ves.

There was no way Ves would let Lucky raid the highly-guarded exotic marketplaces. With the amount of sophisticated security precautions in place, the risks were way too high!

"If you want to grab something, at least do it in a place like Bentheim. Centerpoint is way too secure for you to pull off any of your tricks."

"Meow meow!"

"Pff! When did this conversation suddenly turn to my love life? Of course I'll find a girlfriend! The matchmaking services in Centerpoint are the best in the entire star sector!"

Ves had grounds to make this statement. Centerpoint was one of the most frequented star systems in the entire star sector. It was a holy land for mech design and attracted many mech designers looking to improve or exchange knowledge.

While he could still find a match in Bentheim or Leemar, the range was far less. The Bright Republic didn't host many Journeymen.

The Friday Coalition was a lot better in this regard, but most of them were split up on different planets and different coalition partners.

No single star system concentrated so many mech designers in a single location than Centerpoint!

While Ves did not have any precise figures on hand, it was not a big stretch to estimate that there were at least 10,000 Journeymen present somewhere in Centerpoint!

Of course, not all of them were single and available. All of them also possessed very different backgrounds. Due to the proximity and the high cost of living in Centerpoint, most Journeymen tended to come from the Friday Coalition and the Hexadric Hegemony.

"Many of them probably disdain hooking up with a mech designer from a lesser state." Ves briefly frowned.

Still, some mech designers valued compatibility and other traits over someone's origins. Even mech designers employed directly by the MTA still married with local mech designers if their design philosophies worked well with each other.

"Everything is worth it as long as it helps your design philosophy!"

A good match increased the chance that a mech designer could achieve a breakthrough. For this reason alone, pompous internal mech designers of the MTA wouldn't hesitate to propose to a pauper from a third-rate state! The huge gulf in status between them was of very little concern in comparison!

Even if the matchmaking service failed to find a match within the star system, it could still expand its reach and match him with mech designers who resided elsewhere.

"It will just be a little bit more troublesome to meet with each other." He muttered.

Time passed as Ves and Lucky leisurely finished their drinks and snacks. As the time of the appointment neared, Ves hailed an aircar and rode it to the vicinity of the matchmaking agency.

Like any prestigious company, the office was situated in an upscale district and floated high above the ground. The aircar he rented refused to park directly onto the building, so Ves had to use his smart clothing to ascend into the air.

"This is such an annoying custom. I'm glad the Bright Republic isn't as pretentious."

To the natives, such means kept the rabble out. Ves encountered no one else along the way as he reached his destination.


"Well, they certainly sound like they know what they are doing, Lucky."


A bubbly-looking representative of the company met him in the lobby of the building.

"Mr. Larkinson! It is such an honor to meet you!" The woman approached and shook his hand with vigor. "We here at Callisto Professional Relations are all devoted to matching you with the best possible partner in Centerpoint or beyond. You have chosen wisely to employ our services as we are one of the most successful agencies when it comes to high-end, upper-level matchmaking! Many Seniors and Masters are among our most satisfied customers!"

Ves politely smiled as he tried to jerk his hand back from the representative's enthusiastic handshake. "I know. I've read the reviews and testimonials."

"Let us head into my office to discuss your possible relationship further! My name is Irene Zircon by the way! Before you ask, I'm already spoken for, so don't get any ideas!"

"I wouldn't dream of it." Ves dryly replied.

Irene led Ves and Lucky to a very open and comfortable office. The entire interior of Callisto exuded a peculiar atmosphere. Projections of happy pairs of mech designers gave every guest a measure of hope that they would be able to enjoy the same kind of relationship.

As Ves and Irene took their seats, the representative resumed her spiel.

"Matching mech designers is one of the hardest jobs in the galaxy." She explained, though Ves doubted her claim. "We are more than aware that your kind are very strong-willed when it comes to your unique design philosophies. This is on top of the other elements that are in play. Any matchmaking service can match two people together. It takes a special service to find a match between two very different mech designers."

Ves nodded in understanding. "But you claim you can always find a good match."

"Our success rate is very high. Much of our tech and methods are borrowed directly from the MTA. Even though we are situated in the galactic rim, we employ some of the most effective means devised to find suitable partners for mech designers like you! Less than 0.1 percent of our customers have applied for a refund!"

The company probably did everything they could to maintain their reputation. Ves figured that the actual number of dissatisfied customers was a lot bigger than Irene hinted.

"Can we move on to my situation?"

"Ah, of course, Mr. Larkinson. All of our systems went to work to search for a suitable partner. I'm very pleased to announce that we have found an exceptionally compatible match!"

Ves raised his eyebrow. That was a very confident claim to make. "How certain are you?"

"According to our finest AIs, the potential partner we've found for you is 87 percent compatible with you!"

"Is that high?"

"It is the highest we've seen in months! While it is true that machines can be wrong, we have passed your case to all of our relationship experts on hand. Each expert is very optimistic that your relationship will work! The only reason why the probably isn't higher is because both of you possess different backgrounds."

"Can you tell me about the match you've found?"

"We here at Callisto think it is best not to reveal too much information. The first impression is the most profound start of any relationship! Rather than describing her entire history and record to you, it is best to share your stories to each other during your dates. Still, there's little harm in telling you some details."

"Okay, let's hear it. I'd like to get at least some idea what I'm getting into."

"Please be assured that your match will definitely be to your liking, Mr. Larkinson. One encouraging sign is that she adores cats!"

Ves blinked. "Okay?"

"Ah, that is very helpful if you wish to seduce the match we've found. The woman we have in store for you has a cat as well. Although her pet is organic rather than a mechanical creation, I'm sure your cute mechanical cat will instantly grow on her. Who knows, perhaps your two pets will go along swimmingly! Whenever that happens, their owners are sure to bond as well!"


Lucky did not appear very impressed. Who was he? A noble gem cat! He was one of the most apex mechanical pets created by humanity! Not only did he possess full sentience, but he also developed a unique spiritual technique!

How could an ordinary blood-and-flesh cat compete against his majesty?!

To compare a supreme gem cat like him to an ordinary housecat was an affront to his esteemed and noble status!

Ves awkwardly laughed. He had never seen Lucky this conceited!

"Sorry about that, Irene. Lucky doesn't think that any other cat can match his splendor."

"Your Lucky is one of the most charming mechanical pets that I have ever seen." Irene complimented with starry eyes. "Forget about your match, hardly any other woman can resist his charm. He's just so cute and lovely!"



Ves coughed. "Can we get back to business?"

"Ah, my apologies. Ahem. Aside from sharing your love for cats, your match is also a talented mech designer. We are glad to announce that the Journeyman we've found is no less formidable than you. She obtained official recognition when she reached twenty-nine years old. Part of that is due to her background. Despite only receiving some mentoring, her family is quite influential in her home state."

"Where does she come from? From what it sounds like, she's not a Brighter."

"Ah, about that. Her origin is rather delicate. It is not very politic for me to reveal her home state to you. We think it is best to let her reveal that to you during your first date."

Ves furrowed his brows. That didn't sound very encouraging. "Does she come from another star sector or something?"

"Fortunately, no. Your match is very much a native of the Komodo Star Sector." Irene smiled. "Her background is much different from yours, however. While your family has a strong military heritage, her own family is a bit more notable. She comes from a line of politicians and government officials. Still, we don't believe that this will present a problem because your match is much more devoted to mech design to pay too much attention to politics."

Ves still expressed some skepticism. "Politics is very thorny. I don't mind differences in opinions, but I don't like it if it gets in the way."

"Rest assured that the beliefs of our match are highly agreeable with your own. Despite your different backgrounds, the two of you share much more in common than you think!"

The two of them spent a half hour discussing the match and what would happen next. Apparently, Callisto Professional Relations had already summoned his match and were preparing her for their first meeting and date.

When Ves heard this, he almost jumped from his seat. "I'm not prepared for a date!"

Irene critically studied Ves' appearance. "We'll have to give you a modest makeover. The grooming bots from your hotel have done a decent job at freshening you up, but they are programmed to make you look professional. If you want to capture a woman's heart, then you'll have to be more daring in the way you dress and groom yourself."

"I'm not psychologically prepared!"

"Oh, please. I'm sure you will do fine. Trust in our matchmaking. In my personal opinion, we could have hardly found a better woman for you to fall in love with! The two of you are a match made in heaven!"

Callisto Professional Matchmaking was very bold when it came to their boasts. However, the more Irene talked, the more Ves became apprehensive. He was a bit concerned at the speed they wanted to move.

Certainly, their AIs and relationship experts were certainly very sophisticated, but could they truly make an accurate judgement on a complex subject such as love?

He was about to find out. After Irene finished reassuring Ves, she guided him to a makeup room where a bunch of bots and experts quickly surrounded him and guided him deeper.

He was about to meet his match!

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