The Mech Touch

Chapter 1279 First Impression

After an extensive makeover session, Callisto Professional Relations put him onto an aircar and shipped him over to a nearby upscale cafe that floated high above the ground. A mug of strange coffee steamed in front of him as he uncomfortably waited for his so-called date.


"I'm not nervous!" Ves hissed to his cat. "I'm just overwhelmed by how fast Callisto moved into action!"

Ves expected the matching to take a while. There were only so many Journeymen in Centerpoint, and even less who could match his age and design prowess. Of this small group, only a fraction might be looking for a companion.

Yet Callisto not only found a match in less than a day, but also arranged a first date immediately afterwards!

Still, despite his apprehension, Ves refused to interrupt the arrangements. He never lacked the courage to fight if the situation called for it, so why should he be scared at the prospect of meeting a girl?

He calmed down a bit. What was the big deal? He would just see for himself if Callisto's fabled methods truly found the perfect girlfriend for him. The matchmaking service possessed so much experience in this field that they hardly ever failed.

"If she's nice, then great. If she's not compatible, then it's no loss."

It was no different from using a golden lottery ticket from the System. There was a tiny chance of winning the jackpot, a modest chance of winning something nice and a depressingly large chance of winning nothing.

Even if Ves won nothing, he didn't lose anything either. He would have just wasted some time and money.

As Ves calmly drank his exotic coffee, Lucky suddenly sat up from the table.


Moments later, the door to the private balcony slid open. Irene Zircon entered with a bright smile.

"My apologies for the wait, Mr. Larkinson. Your match was delayed due to some unforeseen circumstances. She has only just arrived and is on her way up. I must say that we've found quite a catch for you. She fits perfectly with you in almost every way! Go get her, tiger!"

Irene quickly left the balcony. A minute later, Ves heard the clack of heels as a young woman slowly approached the open door.

Both of them studied each other's appearances.

A woman in a modest red dress draped over by a larger coat appeared in his view. Her long dark hair fell around her lovely diamond-shape face as straight as an elegant curtain.

The woman was almost as tall as him but her body was graceful and svelte in a way that tantalized his eyes.

Despite her slender stature, her posture and the way she beheld herself presented an image of quiet confidence. Although the woman did not seem aggressive, Ves observed the typical aristocratic arrogance of those born in high station.

The woman reminded him uncomfortably of Vesian nobles, but even Vesians weren't this self-assured!

As first impressions went, Ves was very impressed with his date. Although he couldn't say whether the new arrival fit his type, she was certainly an impressive woman on her own. So much so that Ves even doubted whether he was worthy of her attention!


His musings were suddenly interrupted by the cat that padded after the woman.

A calico cat as elegant as her owner stopped and stared at Lucky, who became wary of the cat that encroached his space.

The two cats entered into a strange standoff as they both treated each other as intruders.





An amused giggle suddenly escaped from the young woman. "Clixie, don't be rude."


The cat, apparently called Clixie, still hadn't let down her guard. The woman shrugged her slim shoulders. "Please don't mind my cat."

"It's okay. Cats are like that." Ves almost stammered out.

Her voice instantly attracted him like a fish to water. Unlike the easy, casual accents that was common in the Bright Republic and much of the Friday Coalition, her accent was clipped and classy that was common in some Vesian nobles.

Fortunately, her accent was slightly distinct from that of the Vesians. It was slightly familiar to Ves but he couldn't recall which state it came from. All he knew was that her giggle was so lovely that he could fall in love with that alone!

He interrupted his fascination as the woman slowly approached, her high heels clacking against the tiles of the private balcony.

She extended her hand. Ves hesitated whether he should act like those cheesy romances and kiss her small and slender hand, but he decided to act more like himself and shook it gently.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Ves Larkinson, Journeyman Mech Designer."

The woman gracefully smiled, causing dimples to appear on her cheeks. That was another turn-on for Ves!

"Likewise. I am Gloriana Wodin, also a Journeyman." After a few seconds, she raised her eyebrow. "You don't recognize the Wodin name?"

Ves shook his head. "Should I? I must say that I am not very familiar with all the notable clans, families, houses and dynasties in the star sector."

"Ah, it is my mistake. I forget that the significance of my name eludes many people at Centerpoint."

The woman sat down on the opposite side of the circular table to Ves. While Clixie and Lucky continued to keep their distance from each other, their owners sat comfortably within arm's reach.

Gloriana smiled at the behavior of their pets. "You have a lovely mechanical cat. I can see it's remarkable. Where did you ever find such a remarkable companion?"

"Lucky is a present from my father. I don't know where he obtained it, but what little I can tell is that my pet is probably an import from a first-rate superstate."

"Fascinating!" Gloriana responded as she kept admiring Lucky's distinctive metallic form. "Although Clixie resembles an ordinary calico housecat, she is in fact a purebred Rubarthan Sentinel Cat. Have you heard of this breed?"

Ves idly nodded. "It's a valuable breed that is rare and difficult to multiply due to their extensive genetic modification. They're smarter, gentler but also deadlier than baseline housecats. They're created by the Rubarthans to serve as the perfect companions to girls."

He had to admit that Clixie certainly looked smart enough to be sentient or close enough that the difference didn't matter.



Their two cats didn't seem to be getting along with each other, though. They haunched their backs and looked like they were only two steps away from raking each other with their claws!

Nevertheless, the display only amused Gloriana further. "They're so cute. I bet they'll get along swimmingly soon enough."

"That's quite optimistic of you."

There was just something about Gloriana's smile that attracted him like a moth to flame. Callisto had done a really good job in matching him with a mech designer that he found fetching!

"So, Ves. Can I call you that? What can you tell me about yourself?" She asked while leaning in until her angular cheek pressed against her palm. "Irene hasn't told me much about you, though she did mention that you are a valiant mech designer that comes from a valiant family."

"I'm a Larkinson." Ves smiled back while patting his chest. "You probably haven't heard about my family, but the Larkinsons are one of the notable military lineages in the Bright Republic. Many potentates in our family have entered the military and served with honor. Each generation, several expert pilots emerge from their ranks. Currently, we have several, with a couple more expert candidates with his hopes of reaching this height."

"That's very impressive! The Larkinsons must be very distinguished in the Bright Republic. There is no shame for me to associate with a member of such an honorable stock."

"Ah, we're not as impressive as you think. The Bright Republic is dominated by the founding families, and the Larkinsons are not counted among them. Aside from my family's military focus, we haven't accumulated any power. That's slowly changing though since I became a Journeyman. The military doesn't pay as well as what my company earns by selling mechs."

Ves quickly realized that Gloriana paid special attention to his class and family. Personally, Ves thought it was silly to care about those inconsequential matters because they were both Journeymen.

Still, there was no harm in puffing his family up in front of this attractive young woman. Ves may not know much about her, but he already felt he wanted to do his best to earn her affection!

"What about you, Gloriana? You told me earlier that the Wodins are significant."

"The Wodin is a dynastic house that rules over a planet and is involved in regional politics." She mildly replied. "It is of no big concern to a foreigner like you. Most of my relatives are bureaucrats. Although some Wodins became mech pilots or mech designers over the years, I'm the first Wodin to achieve great success in my career. You could say our circumstances are similar in this regard. We are the future pillars of our respective families."

"I guess so. Our burden will only grow larger as we progress in our careers."

Ves nodded. Although the Wodins sounded as if they had more in common with a Vesian House rather than the Larkinson Family, the status of a Journeyman was quite exceptional in any state.

"I'm curious about your mechs." Gloriana raised, curiosity evident in her eyes. "I was very skeptical at Irene's claim that your design philosophy is a great match to mine. I quickly changed my mind when she showed me projections of your latest works. I'm particularly fascinated by your series of six Transcendent Messengers! Despite sharing a common root, each of them are also unique!"

"Are you aware of my design philosophy?"

"Irene mentioned that it's best if you describe it to me yourself."

"I'm not surprised." Ves smiled and shook his head. "It's not that easy to sum up. My design philosophy can be referred as metaphysical man-machine symbiosis. Rather than focus solely on the mech, I like to focus on the interaction between the mech and mech pilot. One of the most fundamental premises of my design philosophy is that the man-machine connection is more than a data-transfer channel. It connects the mech and mech pilot on multiple levels."

"Is that where this so-called 'metaphysical' component comes in?"

"Correct. Aside from a purely data transmission, there is also a metaphysical transmission that mutually empowers both sides with each other's strengths. Basically, I believe that this channel is often neglected. I've dedicated my entire design philosophy towards bringing out its potential, and I think I'm definitely on to something. Anyone who sees my best mechs up close and in person will be able to feel how the mechs are empowered and appear to come to life!"

While Ves did not mention anything about spirituality or psionics, he nonetheless did not feel like he needed to obfuscate his design philosophy so much.

He wanted to present his true self, or as much as he could afford to reveal. Either Gloriana would be weirded out by his mumbo-jumbo or she would accept it with an open mind.

Fortunately, Gloriana did not express anything impolite. She remained intrigued.

"Your design philosophy is Class IX, is it not?"

"It.. is." Ves said, feeling partially ashamed for some reason. "Regardless of what others think about my future possibilities, I have never doubted my design direction. My design philosophy is worth pursuing even if the entire galaxy has turned against my beliefs!"

"I can relate, Ves. It just so happens that I've developed a Class I design philosophy. I know how difficult it can be to be surrounded by fellow mech designers who don't think highly of my chances of reaching Master. I'm very pleased to meet a mech designer who knows what it is like to develop a radical belief on mech design."

That caused Ves to feel pleasantly surprised. Gloriana shared much more in common with him than he thought! He instantly grew curious about her approach to designing mechs.

"Are you willing to tell me about your design philosophy?"

"I would love to." Gloriana's smile grew wider. "To put it succinctly, I believe that for each mech pilot, a perfect vessel exists to express their full capabilities. Another way to put it is that I specialize in designing custom mechs!"

Interesting! Ves immediately became intrigued.

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