The Return Of The God Level Assassin



LUO YAN looked at the teleportation scroll in his Items Tab and read its description;

[A teleportation scroll to a newly discovered dungeon.  It could transport up to five players max.  Currently unavailable for use.]

They were already outside the headquarters of Crimson Corps when he checked that.  The first part was already explained to them by the leader of the mercenary group, so he was no longer surprised reading that.  He was more curious about the 'currently unavailable for use' part.  What exactly did that mean?

Instead of pondering over it, he simply asked Shen Ji Yun of his opinion regarding the matter.

Shen Ji Yun only thought for a few seconds before answering, "This last update, the programming team added two dungeons in the game.  One had already been available for the players to raid.  But the other hasn't been announced yet.  There's a high chance that this teleportation scroll would probably lead to that dungeon."

Luo Yan became excited when he heard that.  "Doesn't that mean that our team have the opportunity to clear it first?"   

Being the first one to clear a dungeon meant more and better rewards.  The scroll could accommodate a maximum of five people which was the exact number of their team.

Seeing his excited look, Shen Ji Yun couldn't help the arc of his lips from turning upward.  "I heard from Brother Zhao that this dungeon might be available by December."

That far?  The latest game update happened three months ago.  If it took five months for that dungeon to be ready, did that mean that there was a problem on the initial beta testing?  That's why it took that long for it to be ready.  Luo Yan asked Shen Ji Yun about his conjecture.

"I'm also not familiar with the exact situation.  But I heard that there were indeed some problems with the design.  They planned to change the overall design of the dungeon boss and even improving his backstory."

If it took this long just to change the design of this dungeon boss, then this design better be over the top gorgeous to the point that players would simply be blinded just by looking at him. – Luo Yan thought. 

"Speaking of backstory, the team involved in making those is really quite talented," he commented.  Considering all the narratives he had encountered in the game until now, those people were not only talented.  They also had great imagination.  And… "Brain holes in their head."

Then he stopped.  Because he accidentally said what was on his mind.  Before he could take back what he said, he heard Shen Ji Yun's laugh.  He turned his head and saw the other laughing joyfully. 

"Well, they really have big brain holes," Shen Ji Yun agreed while still laughing.

Luo Yan couldn't help but smile.  He liked seeing him like this.  Laughing without a care, expressing what's in his mind openly.  More than getting that scroll, seeing him laugh made him much happier.  Because this showed just how comfortable he was with him.

"And they wouldn't hesitate to dig a pit for players to jump in," he added.  "Really, if I don't know any better, I would think that all of them are sadistic and love to torture others."

"I assure you, aside from looking sleep-deprived, all of them are normal people," Shen Ji Yun said in a joking manner.  "Although they probably do enjoy seeing the players suffer from the scenarios they have written."

"I knew it. They're all probably hidden sadists," Luo Yan said.

After he said that, he and Shen Ji Yun happened to look at each other.  Then the both of them just laughed.

"If the two of you are done laughing, why don't you go to the next destination instead of wasting time here?" Dusk suddenly said with voice full of impatience.

[Uncle black lizard, you shouldn't disturb Mashter and Captain when they're doing something important.] – the little fox chided.

The dragon glanced at the little fox that was also sitting on someone's shoulder.  "What 'something important'?  Aren't they just laughing?" he said as if Eclipse just said something stupid.

[Of course not!  This is called 'flirting', okay?  Uncle black lizard, you're really ignorant, aren't you?] – Eclipse said, looking pitifully at the black dragon.

Luo Yan's lips twitched when he heard what his pet just said.  This little guy would really say anything just so he could pair his master and his favorite captain together.  If Eclipse could, this little fox had probably made a fan club for the two of them.

It's a good thing that Shen Ji Yun couldn't hear what Eclipse was saying.  Even he, with how thick his face was, still felt embarrassed sometimes with the things the little fox was saying.  Maybe he should postpone for a while the plan of letting Eclipse have a humanoid form. 

But then again, he did promise Eclipse that he would help him have a humanoid form.  It would be a bit scummy of him to renege on that.  Well, let's just wait until Bian Que made a pill or potion that could transform pets into their humanoid form.

Dusk quickly flared up after he heard what Eclipse said.  "You kitsune brat, how dare you call this king ignorant?"

Luo Yan put his hands together, producing a loud clap.  "Let's not fight, okay?" he said, stopping the bickering of the two.  "We'll now go to our next destination.  So, let's just all get along and not fight until then, hmm?"

The dragon scoffed and the fox pouted.  Luo Yan could only sigh at the human-like emotions these two AIs showed.  It's like the two were real people with distinct personalities.  Again, hats off to the programmers of Moonlight Media for managing to create such life-like AIs. 

"If this one tried to argue with Eclipse again, I'll put a muzzle on him," Shen Ji Yun suddenly said. 

Although he wasn't sure what Eclipse had said to rile up the dragon, he would still take the little fox's side.  Just on the basis that the other was Luo Yan's pet.

"You dare?!" Dusk shouted.  If he had fur, they would probably be standing up now.

Eclipse, on the other hand, brightened.  [Eclipse knew it.  Captain is still the best for me!]

Luo Yan resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his now.  He felt like he would have a headache just listening to these three.

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