The Return Of The God Level Assassin



BOTH Luo Yan and Shen Ji Yun were now walking towards the gate of the moon elves' village to meet the Gatekeeper.  They were there to get their reward for the 'Finnea's Curse' hidden task. 

Just like the first time they went here together, those moon elves still stared at Shen Ji Yun with great awe.  And because of the addition of Dusk, the effect was even greater.  After all, even if he was currently in his miniature version, he was still a dragon.  Something that had the same prestige as a qilin.

Soon, they arrived at the gate of the village.  But the Gatekeeper was not there.  It was a different moon elf.  Just like the last time they went here. 

"He's probably at his cabin," Luo Yan said to Shen Ji Yun.  "Let's go there?"

Shen Ji Yun nodded in response.

[Mashter, why is that Gatekeeper not doing his job again?  Shouldn't that handsome Elder fire him for dereliction of duty?] – Eclipse suddenly asked while they were walking towards the direction of the Gatekeeper's cabin.

Luo Yan chuckled when he heard what the little fox said.  [Maybe he's on vacation.]

Although he said that, he also wondered why the Gatekeeper was not there at the gate as he should.  The only reason he could think of was because of their presence.  Maybe the moment they teleported here, the Gatekeeper was automatically sent to his cabin so as to follow the narrative.  After all, it would be kind of weird to give them their reward at the gate of the village.  At least they would have more privacy at the cabin.

After arriving the Gatekeeper's wooden cabin, Luo Yan took the initiative to knock on the door.  It didn't take long for the door to open.  But to his surprise, the one who opened the door for them was not the Gatekeeper but his son, Filli. 

"Noctis!" Filli excitedly called.

"Hello, Filli, is your father inside?" Luo Yan asked.

Filli's expression suddenly turned glum by the mention of his father.  "Father had been bedridden for a few days now."

Luo Yan was quite shocked to hear that.  Was this also part of the narrative?  Wait- would they have to do another task?  Like searching for some medicinal plant that could help the Gatekeeper?  This wouldn't be another part of the chain quest, right? 

One couldn't blame him for thinking too much.  After all, this whole fiasco started with the 'Saving Filli' task.  Then it was followed by the 'Finnea's Curse' task.  If the Gatekeeper also had a task involving him, then wouldn't that just complete this chain task for this whole family?

Knowing how the brain of those people involved in making the backstories of these tasks worked, what he thought was highly probable to happen.  Frankly speaking, he really hoped that that wasn't the case.  He's kind of getting tired doing task related to this family.  It kind of felt like they became their personal errand boy or something.

"What happened?" he asked, acting all worried.

"After your last visit, he suddenly just became downcast.  And then, one day, while guarding the gate, he suddenly fainted.  The Elder said that there's nothing wrong with Father's body.  He was simply heart sick.  Although I'm not really sure what that could mean.  According to the Elder, I should do my best to cheer up Father.  The happier he is, the faster his recovery would be," Filli explained. 

Heart sick?  And it happened just after their last visit?  Didn't it mean that the Gatekeeper was simply depressed because he was reminded again of what happened to his wife?  If that was the case, then maybe Luo Yan was just thinking too much and there wouldn't be any follow-up task after this. 

He really hoped that that would be the case.  He just wanted to get their reward and go to their next destination – the site of the demon fox tribe.

"Is it alright if we visit him?" he asked.

"Of course, Father just woke up.  I'm sure he would be happy to have you visit.  Especially since you even brought Lord Qilin with you."  Filli glanced shyly at Shen Ji Yun, then his eyes widened a bit when he saw the little dragon on the other's shoulder.  "Wow.  You even have a Lord Dragon with you!  Father will definitely be overjoyed that such esteemed guests visit him."

"Hmp!  You have good judgement kid," Dusk said, lifting up his chin in a proud manner.

Filli suddenly blushed.  "Thank you, Lord Dragon."  He opened the door widely and gestured for them to go in.  "Please, go inside.  Father is inside his room, you can just go directly there."

"Are you going somewhere?" Luo Yan asked.

"Yes.  I'm going to buy ingredients so I could cook Father's favorite dish for lunch," Filli said.  "The both of us would be happy if you could eat lunch with us."

Luo Yan only smiled.  "That would be great," he said even though he didn't really have any intention to eat here.

Filli excitedly ran out and went to the direction of the center of the village.

[That elf definitely has problems with his brain.  How could he say that his father will definitely be happy to see Uncle black lizard and yet not say the same thing about Eclipse?  He didn't even give Eclipse a glance!  How rude.  Mashter, let's not eat lunch here, okay?] – Eclipse said with obvious sulking in his voice.

Dusk, on the other hand, sneered when he heard what the little fox said.  "That kid is obviously a genius.  It's not his problem if you're so unremarkable he didn't even look at you."

Eclipse narrowed his eyes at the dragon.  And then he jumped to Shen Ji Yun's arms, looking up pitifully at the other while saying to Luo Yan;

[Mashter, quick!  Tell Captain that Uncle black lizard is bullying me!]

The corner of Luo Yan's lips twitched when he heard that.  But he still played along and said to Shen Ji Yun, "Eclipse is saying that Dusk is bullying him."       

Shen Ji Yun gazed down at the fox who looked like he was about to cry.  Then, he looked coldly at the dragon sitting on his shoulder.  "Do you really want to be gagged?"

The miniature dragon flew up and almost breathed out fire.  "Stop ganging up against this king!"

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