The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 569 - LONG SPEECH

Chapter 569 – LONG SPEECH

LUO YAN was a bit surprised by Dusk sudden action.  He wondered if he should follow the other and comfort him or just stay here and continue to talk to Shirayuki.  But before he could make a decision, Shen Ji Yun had already stood up.

"I'll talk to him."

Now, this surprised Luo Yan even more.  Considering the dynamics of the two, he thought Shen Ji Yun wouldn't care about Dusk.  But look at him, volunteering to follow the dragon.  Luo Yan smiled.  He liked this kind of development.  It's best if the two started to get along from now on.  Having Dusk agree to be Shen Ji Yun's pet on his own accord was definitely much better than forcing the other.

"Okay," he nodded.  "Brother Ji Yun, try to be gentle with him," he didn't forget to add.

Shen Ji Yun showed a complicated expression when he heard what Luo Yan said.  Imagining himself being gentle to that dragon was like forcing him to eat his least favorite food.  But since Luo Yan was the one who told him to, he could only say 'yes' at the end.  Then, he walked outside of the house to look for Dusk.

With them gone, Luo Yan turned back his attention to Shirayuki.  The female kitsune seemed to have already regained her composure.  Those emotions that she had shown when asking Dusk were already back to its normal gentle calmness.

"Miss Shirayuki, those questions that you asked Dusk, I think I know the answer to them," he said.

Shirayuki's attention was quickly transferred to him.  "The answer, can you tell me?"

"In Dusk's fragmented memories that we had seen, during that day a hundred years ago, he was there.  But he arrived too late.  Everything was already in chaos.  The first thing he did was to search for Kagetsuki but when he found her, she was already at her last breath," Luo Yan started. 

"As I've already mentioned earlier, Dusk was there in your sister's last moment and she gave her beast egg to him.  What I forgot to mention was your sister asking Dusk to be her child's godfather.  She said that Dusk owed her a favor, so, he should not refuse this role. 

"This is just my guess, but I think Dusk refused to give the beast egg to you because of that.  Dusk, he was obviously very affected by your sister's death.  That conversation, he might have taken that as some sort of last promise to Kagetsuki.  In his mind, the only way he could think of to honor that promise was to personally take care of the beast egg. 

"You know how prideful the dragon clan is.  No matter if it's the Western or the Eastern ones, their pride is astronomical.  Dusk probably believed that he would be the best choice to protect the beast egg.  With the mentality that with him around no one would dare hurt what he's protecting.  Considering what happened to Kagetsuki, he was probably only trying to prevent another tragedy from occurring.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say these things because I think he's right.  His heart might be in the right place but the method he used was not.  I agree that Dusk should have explained to you what's going on instead of doing what he did.  But right now, he had no knowledge of all these.  The anger and unfairness you're feeling would have no way to vent.  You would even feel more wronged if you pour all those negative emotions on someone who couldn't even remember what they did wrong.

"YUN and I are actually helping Dusk to regain back his memories.  So, how about this.  Once he has his memories back, we will ask him to give you an explanation.  If he doesn't, then we would force him to.  Don't worry, we have the ability to do so.  But right now, I request for your understanding. 

"You are Eclipse's aunt, his only blood relative.  While Dusk, well, he's not only Eclipse's godfather, he's also a part of our party.  I don't want there to be any dissonance between you and us.  Especially right now during this important period in Eclipse's life.  I hope that all of us could, if not get along, then at least be civil to each other.  Please."

Then Luo Yan bowed his head slightly.  He complained a bit inside.  If this was in real life, his throat would probably be dry now.  Who wouldn't after saying such a long speech?  This was probably the longest speech he had spoken in this game to an NPC.  He shook his head.  Never mind.  This was for Eclipse anyway.  And for Dusk as well.

But really, he should praise the game devs for making the emotions of these NPCs as realistic as possible.  Not only that, they always made these dramatic and tragic scenarios that weren't worse that those dramatic movies.  The team responsible for these scenarios must be working as scriptwriters in secret. 

He couldn't imagine what the plot would be like once they searched for the whole truth about Dusk sudden disappearance during the war against the dark mages.  Considering how there was someone from the dragon clan that must have betrayed Dusk, it would definitely be dog-blooded.  And there was still that matter with the dark mages.  This task shouldn't evolve to a full-blown war, right?

He could already feel the headache of what's to come.  But Luo Yan didn't mind.  He would rather have this headache than do some boring task. 

"Alright.  I will try to be much calmer when facing the dragon."

Shirayuki's voice brought Luo Yan's attention back.  He raised his head and smiled at the female kitsune.  "Thank you, Miss Shirayuki."

"There's no need for thanks.  I'm only doing this for my nephew," Shirayuki said.  "But once the dragon regained back his memories, I hope you will fulfill your promise and let him give me an explanation.  I think I deserve that much."

"Miss Shirayuki doesn't need to worry.  I always keep my word," Luo Yan assured her.  "Then, may we continue our conversation?"

The female kitsune nodded.  "You may ask anything."

"What do you think the dark mages wanted that they went as far as almost wiping out your tribe?"

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