The Return Of The God Level Assassin



"I ALSO had no idea at first what they could have wanted with our tribe to do all that.  Even when I asked the only remaining Elder, she was also perplexed by what happened," Shirayuki answered.  "According to the Elder, we don't have any enmity against the dark mages.  That's why it also came as a surprise to her why they attacked the tribe and did it in such a brutal way.  But one hundred years is enough time to discover something."

Luo Yan raised one of his brows.  Because that last sentence just basically told him that Shirayuki might have not known the reason for it a hundred years ago, but it didn't mean that she still didn't know anything now.

"What have you discovered?" he asked.

Shirayuki picked up her tea cup and drank before looking outside the opened window, as if lost in thought.  "That the reason they did that to our tribe was because of someone's greed, selfishness, and just overall evilness."

So, someone instigated the attack.  "Who was it?" 

Instead of answering directly, Shirayuki put down her tea cup and gazed at it.

"The dark mages of Achaeus are different from other groups of dark mages in a way that they had built their own so-called 'country'.  Which is Achaeus.  Comparing them to other groups of dark mages is like comparing a giant to an ant," Shirayuki started.  "Their leader is called the Dark Saint, he's like a king.  Presiding over everything in Achaeus.  Everyone there treated him like a god.  His words are simply like the law of that land."

Luo Yan wasn't sure where this was headed.  But since the other was talking about this 'Dark Saint', it's highly probable that the person she was talking about earlier was that guy.  He didn't interrupt her and just let her continue.

"And this so-called 'god' ordered our tribe to be wiped out."

It's already something he had expected, so Luo Yan was not surprised by what he heard.  "Do you know for what reason?"

"For what reason?"  Shirayuki let out a soundless laugh, as if what he was going to say next was a big joke.  "Because he wanted to own someone from our tribe.  Yes, own.  Like their some kind of item.  And because this 'item' refused to be owned by him, he told his minions to destroy everything they hold dear and simply collect their dead crops.  Because if they can't own them, then no one should."

Okay.  That's a bit extreme.  And definitely twisted as f*ck.  "This person that the Dark Saint wanted to own, was it your sister?"

If that was the case, then what a dog-blooded plot.  If this Dark Saint was really as twisted as Shirayuki made him sound to be, then that would explain why the attack happened during the wedding.  If he's already determined to destroy the demon fox tribe because of Kagetsuki's rejection, doing it on the day of her wedding would be much more painful.

Imagine starting a new phase of your life but ending up dead instead.  To add to that, most of the people who attended your wedding also ended up instead.  If that were to happen to him, he might just directly turn into a vengeful ghost. 

Really, the brain hole of those game devs.  They could just go to the normal route and make those dark mages destroy the demon fox tribe because they want to obtain some treasure or something.  Instead, they made some dog-blood storyline about the leader of a cultist villainous group obsessing over someone.  But that someone rejected the other.  So, the other decided to take revenge by killing everyone on that someone's wedding. 

"My sister?  No, it's my brother-in-law."

Luo Yan wasn't sure if he heard that correctly.  "You mean the one the Dark Saint was obsessed with was your sister's soon-to be then husband?" he asked just to make sure.

Shirayuki nodded.  "According to the information I gathered throughout the years, my brother-in-law met the Dark Saint when he was still travelling around Arcadia as a healer.  I didn't know the full extent of what happened.  But that meeting started the Dark Saint's obsession with my brother-in-law. 

"This is not an exaggeration.  But my brother-in-law was the most beautiful kitsune of our tribe.  His fur was pure white.  It's a much purer white than my own.  In terms of beauty, I dare say that he might even surpassed yours, Sir Noctis."

[Then he must be really beautiful if that was the case.  After all, there's only a few who could really surpass my beauty.] – Luo Yan thought.

"The Dark Saint constantly pestered him to be his partner in which my brother-in-law politely refused.  But he couldn't get that through that thick skull of his and just continued his harassment.  It got to a point where he had my brother-in-law kidnapped and imprisoned at Achaeus.  My sister happened to be also travelling at that time.  She heard what happened and proceeded on rescuing my brother-in-law.  It succeeded.  My sister probably used her highest stealth ability to be able to do that alone.

  "It's also during that time that the two fell in love.  The Dark Saint didn't make any major moves after that.  So, the two probably thought that the bastard had already forgotten about my brother-in-law.  They let their guard down and soon conceived Eclipse.  Because of that, they quickly hasten their wedding ceremony.  You already know what happened after."

Luo Yan was still reeling from the fact that the reason why the demon fox tribe was destroyed was because of the Dark Saint's obsession over a male kitsune.  And it's no ordinary male kitsune but Eclipse's father no less. 

Seriously, were a lot of game devs a fan of same sex love or something?  This was the second time he encountered a story line about a male NPC that was in love with another male NPC.  If later he found out that the king of Arcadia was actually gay or bi or non-binary, he wouldn't be surprised anymore.

But with this information, at least he knew now that this Dark Saint that they might have to face was some shitty crazy asshole.  Really, what a nice character setting.  Thumbs up to you game devs. – Luo Yan sarcastically thought.

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