The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary

Chapter 278 Urgent Reques

Chapter 278 Urgent Reques

People were insanely interested for the opening of the new Restaurant Train of Delicacy Instance. Unlike the fishing and hot spring instances, that were self contained instances catered around individuals or small groups, the Restaurant Train of Delicacy instance was one single instance similar to the Panda Muscles service instance but on a larger scale.

In terms of size, the Restaurant Train of Delicacy instance was easily the biggest one Jin had ever made. This was because it required the train to move over several hundreds, if not thousands of miles of scenery before they could return to that same particular train platform. At the moment, there was only the Northern Iceland scenery, but he planned to add many more sights and sceneries in the future if this instance becomes as popular as expected.

One would ask how frequent the trains would arrive since there was only one single train platform in service. Jin had solved that problem by having a fifteen minute interval for each train to come. Meanwhile, the penguin waiters and train attendants used a teleportation device to teleport themselves from the train section, to other trains, to the kitchen instance or even back to the train platform when necessary. That was also how customers were able to leave the train in the middle of the trip.

Hence, concerning customer convenience, Jin had it all sorted out. Nevertheless, because of that, he needed to create a sufficiently robust railway system so that the trains would not clash with each other. Thankfully, his university had covered some basics of engineering in regards to transportation, and he used whatever limited knowledge he had including the search in the net to create this particular service instance.

All in all, he was delighted with his creation as he was manning the Bar Island which was now practically empty due to the introduction of the Restaurant Instance. However, as Jin was relaxing for the day, he did discover a familiar face as he was casually watching the auditoriums that were on air.

“Boss Jin. I know that Princess said to wait for a letter to come. But due to certain pressing issues, the original plan has been changed. She hopes that you could create a dungeon as soon as possible in accordance with this particular request. I can be a test subject for the dungeon if you need a person to test it out. Princess hopes that it could be completed by tomorrow morning before 8 am if possible.” Ku Wai came with a letter and a encrypted USB.

“This is a bit too abrupt…” Jin was fatigued from rushing the Restaurant Service Instance out, but he did promise Yang Ling he would make her a dungeon for free. Especially considering recent events, it was hard for him to flat out deny the sudden request.

“I think you might understand more if you read the letter.” Ku Wai urged Jin to open it up.

The letter was to the point. Yang Ling wanted an obstacle course that would test the upper limits of the Gearbox technology that she had created. At the same time it would be used as a showcase for the higher echelon members of the national military and various high value military merchants and vendors.

“What? So does that mean she is planning to bring those VIPs to my place at 9 am tomorrow?” Jin stared at Ku Wai blankly, who simply nodded.

“I am sorry. We understand that this is very imposing, but apparently, she has received reports that someone else might want to cut a deal with the military with another prototype that used her data. If that happens before she could present it to the VIPs, it will look as if she was copying their designs. Hence, Princess decided to bring forward the presentation.”

“Wait what? Another prototype that used her data?” Jin was confused.

“Yes, a highly trained cultivator disguised as a researcher broke into our labs and stole our newest prototype and data without erasing it. You might be shocked at that, but this happens a lot among the Royal Zodiac science labs. What was different is that this prototype is under Yang Ling’s personal lab. A lab that as far as reports would suggest, should not have been operated out in the open. That was why we could not file any police report. Not to mention, Princess’s finances had also been rather tight too because of this prototype.”

“So you are planning to woo the contracts of these military vendors with your old equipment before the new prototype surfaces into the public?” Jin summarized. Again Ku Wai nodded.

“The data all gone?” Jin inquired, but this time Ku Wai shook his head in silence.

“The data had only been copied. There was no virus, no malware or anything that locks or destroys the information. In our opinion it’s weird especially since if you are a competitor, logically speaking you should definitely do what it takes to cripple someone else.”Ku Wai replied.

“Makes sense.” Jin remembered that the Ruby Rat was somewhat doing that to him as well.

“Well, if I have a direct line to Yang Ling, perhaps I could learn more about what she wants. This request is rather too vague.” But before Jin could say any more, Ku Wai passed him a wireless earpiece.

“He- He- Hello, Jin can you hear me?” Yang Ling tried to say some things in his mind, but she encountered severe interference.

“Hmmm, this is a genuine piece of art.” Kraft acknowledged the design of the wireless headpiece before he allowed Yang Ling’s communication to get through into Jin’s thoughts.

“What is it?” Jin asked. Kraft was praising that earpiece he was wearing. According to him it acted as a catalyst to facilitate extended range telepathy with a customised encryption protocols which he never saw before until now.

“I hope you will choose to make Yang Ling into a bellator in the future. I would love to converse with her more. Her art in making these counterintelligence products is tingling my brain juices.” Kraft said to Jin, before he also started to listen to what Yang Ling had to say.

“I suppose Ku Wai gave you the gist of it? Look, I understand this might be a tall order, but I hope you can pull this off. I am also not asking you to do this for free at all. You will be compensated for your efforts.” Yang Ling spoke in his thoughts.

“No need, I do owe you one, and I plan to keep my word.” Jin nodded at Ku Wai to indicate that he was already talking to Yang Ling which allowed him to step back for a moment.

“But if it is possible, I would like the details of the prototype data that you still have. That is if you trust me. This will allow me to analyse and see what kind of obstacle course or test trial dungeon I can make for you.” Jin said with the purest intention, but Yang Ling was still a bit doubtful.

“Haiz, alright. I guess there should not be any harm presenting you with the prototype blueprint. But I expect you to delete it afterwards. Seriously, scrub your database of this particular prototype data once you are done. I spent years creating this, and if not for the circ.u.mstances I would not even share it. I have to admit that I am uncomfortable giving this to you.” Yang Ling tone was filled with regrets.

“May I know how to access it?” Jin asked, and Yang Ling gave a peal of slight laughter.

“It is actually already on the USB drive that was encrypted. The password is ‘Panda’ in order to have Master Jin access to the files in the USB drive. Yang Ling answered.

“Thank you, is that what you had in mind when you passed me that USB drive?” Jin asked.

“Not really. The original plan was to just show you some reference videos and declassified doc.u.ments on what we had tested on the Gearbox previously. So that you would have some idea how it works.” Yang Ling replied.

“You have my word. I will get cracking now.” Jin said as he returned the earpiece to Ku Wai. Jin was aware that Yang Ling sent Ku Wai to help, but he suspected that Ku Wai was also here to collect information. No matter how much a muscle head he actually was.

“Ku Wai. You can return back home. Come back by 6.30am in the morning.” Jin told him, but Ku Wai was a little reluctant to leave just like that without doing anything.

“Well, if you want to stay, at least buy some dungeon ticket and start training. If I can defeat you, it means you are not strong enough to protect your Princess.” Jin said bluntly to Ku Wai. Although it hurts him, Ku Wai knew that was the truth and decided to do some personal training as recommended by Jin.

“Yun, I need you to look after the store. However before that… by any chance do you know any place to get some high grade metals.” Jin entered the Dungeon Maker before he sent a telepathy message to Yun.

“Sure. I can represent you in the store. But High Grade Metal wise…heh, you should probably call Moloch. His team of Battle Maids, that went scouting in the Dungeon World, actually found something that might be the solution to your current predicament.” Yun answered before teleporting into Shop Level One Instance and substituted Jin.

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