The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary

Chapter 279 Results of Scouting Mission

"Have they perhaps already found a defunct Dungeon Core?" Jin was surprised as he headed down to the Dungeon Maker to meet with Moloch. "What's the status with your battle maids?" Jin asked with a mix of excitement and urgency. It was then, that the female minotaur Sebastia in her butler outfit appeared, right in front of Moloch.

"Master and Lord Moloch. We have scoured the area and found the location of a defunct Dungeon Core. As expected, it is hidden in the midst of a derelict dungeon looking facility. However, even as defunct as it was supposed to be, we quickly realised why no one wanted to grab that defunct core from that facility."

"Because it is filled with evil looking robots and also loaded with traps?" Jin took a wild guess, as he knew that the defunct dungeon core was a necessary item in the foundations of the city's shield barrier. However, that was not the top priority right now. He had three months to be able to get that defunct dungeon core working with the shield barrier. Right now what he truly needed, were high grade metals. He wished to have the System recreate Yang Ling's gearbox prototype.

It was not his intention to sell the prototype. Instead he wanted to use it as a kind gesture for Yang Ling for helping him get rid of the police charges. After all, he was able to escape killing a foreigner, which could have incurred international disputes if not handled properly. (Even though he shouldered the blame for Zeru.)

But with his dungeon dollars at an all time low, due to the money just being used to create the Restaurant Train of Delicacy, he was unable to purchase the high grade metals from the Dungeon Maker. So he hoped to get his hands on these metals, before he tries to request the Dungeon Maker to build it for him.

Yun said that this particular scouting mission was able to allow him to acquire high grade metals for Yang Ling's prototype and enough to sell for a profit to fund the trial dungeon that Yang Ling wanted. Hence, Jin figured it could also act as a form of tribute, a working partnership with Yang Ling thus completing his System's mission. Therefore, killing three birds with one stone by obtaining the metals, the Defunct dungeon core and completing the System's mission.

"Master, by any chance you have some sort of clairvoyance ability? You are partly correct. There were strange looking robots that are protecting the facility which houses the defunct dungeon core. Fortunately, there were no traps, but the robots were strong. Even with our upgraded new weapons given by you, Master, we only managed to take one robot down." Sebastia reported.

"Did you happen to take the remains of the enemy robot with you? It would be great to have a look at what kind of robots we are facing against." Jin asked, and Sebastia commanded Yem and Mer to bring out the robot remnant into the Dungeon Maker, of course with the help of the System teleporting it to them.

"You guys are amazing to able to keep most of the robot parts intact." Jin saw the robot and was shocked at how human like the structure was. Even Sebastia said that the robot movement was analogous to humans. The metal face it had was banal and of a single expression which looked like those AI robot shows that Jin saw in the past. The major and minor joints were exposed with the rest of the parts covered with a singular metal sheet that was tough enough to handle combat. Oddly enough, the design was so polished that it seem no melding was done to it.

Only after a moment did the System announce its analysis for him. "The remnants indicate that the underlying anatomical structure is human. The dungeon core seems to have malfunctioned and most likely swallowed the dead adventurers, who happened to be in the vicinity. By combining humans and inorganic parts, the defunct dungeon core created its own guardians to protect itself."

"Ehhh shouldn't a defunct dungeon core not be functional? I mean that is literally what a defunct dungeon core should mean, right?" Jin was confused by the System's analysis.

"It is not functioning right, Master. I believe that is what the System is implying. A dungeon core should be responsive to its master, but my deduction after the analysis of the System is that its master was on the brink of death. Thus to be able to sustain his master's life it turned him into a robot. However, without a living, thinking master to properly control it, it went out of control and kept 'eating' other adventurers. … Or maybe the master purposely gave that command to the dungeon core." Moloch shrugged as he gave his own opinion.

"Does that mean if we defeat or capture the humanoid robots, they are able to resurrect back to their original state? I meant their own flesh and body since those adventurer's erm…souls are trapped within." Jin asked with some curiosity.

"Positive. Capturing these empty humanoid robots for personal dungeon purposes is also highly advised. However, that will require the User to spend additional souls to reactivate them. Do note that some humanoid robots costs may be more expensive than others. System has detected that the humanoid robot had an innate class." The System answered and Jin fumbled yet again.

"Class? As in adventurer class?" Jin inquired. Sebastia seemed to remember something.

"Ah yes, this particular humanoid robot was very powerful and come to think of it, we did encounter a Lord Knight that exhibited the same kind of attack patterns we had encountered with this humanoid robot." Sebastia replied.

"Affirmative. Lord Knight class sigil has been detected within the Humanoid Robot." The System noted. At which point Moloch started to explain that the adventurers had many various classes or jobs they could pursue to become stronger. "The Lord Knight class was something similar to a veteran swordsman, and some even did a forced resurrection ritual while alive to become even more powerful. The adventurers called it reincarnation. Some of the abilities would be transferred over to their new life." Moloch added.

"I see. Yun did say that the adventurers would have a variety of jobs since I encountered the four adventurers back then, but I did not know it could be this complex. If that is the case, I guess we better prepare first before we get into the dungeon facility." Jin concluded as he remembered that he had yet to pick up the upgraded cards for raising his rank twice in a row.

Unlike the minotaurs, who relied mostly on brute strength and some magic attacks, Jin and his monsters would be fighting against opponents that had adventurer classes. If a Lord Knight class adventurer could perish within this defunct facility, it meant that there would be stronger humanoid robots in the facility waiting for them.

"System, do I have access to all my monsters when I enter this particular dungeon facility? The last time you allowed me to do so, but you did say you would restrict me in the future." Jin asked as he assembled the entire monster horde into the dungeon maker and requested their help in choosing their desired upgrade cards.

"Based on the assumed threat level of a Lord Knight Class and above, System permits the use of all monsters. In return, please complete the urgent mission issued to your phone." The System stated and Jin quickly looked at his phone.

"Capture every single humanoid robot and bring the defunct Dungeon Core back.

Rewards: Specialised fertilisers for the growth of the Living Armour plants."

"Oh? Specialised fertilisers? Which one?" Jin was beaten by Gold, who was the primary caretaker of the Living armour plants.

"500 grams of dung from the Seven Oceans Phoenix." The System stated, and Gold's mouth opened wide. "You must be kidding. That monster's natural dung instantly creates ponds in the hottest desert. It is literally a miracle pill. This is more than just a dung fertiliser. Boss. No matter what you do, you better equip us Jacks with shit loads of good stuff. We are going to bring that facility down and capture every single robot." Gold announced, and the Jacks cheered.

"Huh! You think you puny werejackals can bring down these robots? Boss, no need to spend your cash or upgrade cards on them. Simply equip us with the best upgrade cards, we will not only capture every single robot, but do so in record time." Mer casually sneered, and Yem laughed as if it was a good bargain.

"Oh? Have you already forgotten how we trashed your ass back then?" Grey came up from the group of werejackals and gave Yem a challenging look.

"Yeah, by grouping up against us. Try fighting me solo." Yem smashed his fist together. It was clear that he was looking for a chance to get revenge and the crowd started to get heated.

"Alright stop it! I have an idea." Jin clapped to stop the commotion from escalating even further. Every monster quickly lowered their voice and turned their attention to Jin.

"Sebastia, Yem and Mer, what is the estimated number of robots in the facility?" Jin asked. They were unable to count them beforehand, but judging by the size of the facility they estimated, that there could be hundreds in there.

"I understand. Then let's make this a friendly contest between the monsters. Every robot will yield 1 point, but each death in your team will cost your team 10 points. Your team will receive an upgrade card each time you accumulate ten points." Jin suggested, and the monsters suddenly got pumped up.

"Won't there be a loophole?" Sandy who was at the side of the Dungeon Maker instance raised her hand and asked.

"Rewards will be on a progressive track. For example, once you earn 10 points, your team gets a card. But if you lose a member, your team is back to zero again. So, when you reach 10 points again, you won't be receiving any additional upgrade cards. The next one will only be unlocked when your team reaches 20 points. I hope that is clear enough." Jin explained, and many of the monsters understood.

"Obviously the Minotaurs and Jacks have a team of their own. Other monsters who wish to participate can either join them or create a brand new team. You can even participate solo but if you die too many times, I probably will have to ask you to sit it out. I don't have that much dungeon dollars left for resurrection. Besides, I need dungeon dollars for other items." Jin bitterly laughed, but the monsters appreciated Jin's honesty.

"Can we join too? Can we create a bellators team?" Peppers came out from nowhere and asked, but Jin shook his head. "If possible, I want you guys to be observers. If the robots they encounter turn out to be too difficult and clearly beyond their ability, assist them." Jin then turned to the monster crowd and added a few more rules.

"Every time the bellators have to rescue you, that team will be deducted 5 points. Should you, however, find a way to defeat it, even if it is by teaming up, each team being able to do so will receive 10 points." Jin said and everyone found the rules simple enough and were agreeable to it.

"Alright then let's GET BUSY!" Jin banged the table, and everyone roared as the System prepared a large enough portal for them to be teleported to the dungeon facility in the Dungeon World.

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