True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 148 - Biased

Chapter 148 – Biased

That night, those memories that only the lamb and the wolf knew — not even the Tarsa tribe had heard of — came back to me as if it only happened yesterday. I cried my heart out. In the guise of a traumatic incident, I cried and cried and cried without shame. 

I should've known. 

The wolf would never change. Or rather, his wickedness that was already deep into his bones would always be there. He might've loved and valued me, but he had a different take on that affection. 

I hugged my knees, sitting on the bed in the middle of the night. Recalling a lost memory brought the pain of those sharp canines sinking into my flesh. I shuddered. I could vividly hear his growls and the sound of his chewing.

In the end, he felt no remorse for devouring me. Wearing that lamb mask in his wolf form, he shamelessly stole my entire existence. Using my gifts, he reproduced a pack of wolves who could shift into humans, slowly but surely. They brought terror into the mortal realm under the guise of vengeance. 

And thus, since the lamb failed to lead the wolf to the right path, but instead became one and lived within him, the gods had no choice. Afraid the wolf would successfully return to where he came from to exact his revenge, they created another race from the underworld, who crawled their way up from the pits of hell. 


Vampires only had one purpose. That was to subdue the werewolves. Two races that would keep each other busy and wipe each other out. However, the vampires, although just as ferocious as the werewolves, questioned the gods and the heartless purpose of sending them here.

That was how the Holy War began. 

The werewolves and vampires shared the same abhorrence with the gods. But because they naturally hated each other, and both were prideful creatures, the war was more like a competition. Whoever stood victorious would come and kill those who called themselves gods and destroy the world. 

The Tarsa Tribe was caught up with that. The wolf used my powers to curse them. He would've devoured them all, but because I lived within him, he somehow listened to me.

Yes. Even when the wolf devoured me, my consciousness remained. I had seen it all through the wolf's eyes. His sin became mine and my sins became his. Every time he used my authority, he sinned with me. Each time he had taken another life, I sinned. 

Years after years of blood, death, and sins… slowly corrupted me and shared his callous heart. In the end, when the wolf was finally subdued by the gods who joined forces to kill him, I still saved him. One last time, granting him reincarnation.

Not because I pitied him, but because I loathed him. If there was someone who would end him, that should be me. 

I rested my chin on my knees, gazing up at the window. The pale moonlight filtered through the glass, reminding me of that night.

Many years later, the king of Everfell saw a lamb during his hunt on the far border of the Hendrik Empire. Seeing that the lamb was glowing, a man who was worshipping another god took it home. Apparently, the kingdom of Everfell believed this fable about the lamb and its interconnection to the god. 

With that classic belief that devouring a lamb — an instrument of God — would give him eternal life, he and his family worshiped the lamb. Until one day, on the day of the lamb's waking, she shifted into a child. 

The royal family believed it was a miracle. Hence, with more assumptions on the table, the king and queen decided to raise me. An infant would not feed the entire royal family. Yes. That was the reason they waited for me to come to age so as to fill their stomach. 

They had taken advantage of the lamb's innocence… just like my dear wolf. Letting me believe everything was real before they unveil their disguise. 

"The lamb has led astray once again," I whispered, burying my face in my bent knees. "What should I do now?" 

I've met my dearest wolf and the child of evil. Under a different circumstance, I would've proceeded just as planned. But…

The careful creak of the door reached my ears, but I didn't look up. All I did was listen to the light footsteps approaching me before I felt an additional weight on the bed.

"Rinrin," Hugo called, and only then did I look up at him. As soon as our eyes met, my heart melted. He looked at me with nothing but genuine concern and worry, affection and care. 

By the looks of it, he just finished today's work and came straight to me after he bathed. His hair was still damp. It was already late, but because of the incident, Hugo had been busy. But no matter how preoccupied he was, he wouldn't forget to check on me.

He reached for my cheek, brushing it with his thumb. "My Bambi, can't sleep again?" he asked worriedly.

"I was waiting for you," came out a tiny voice. He extended his arms and firmly pulled me into his embrace. 

"My Rinrin, my baby." He breathed out while stroking my back. "If only I know you will wait for me, I would've come earlier."

"You were busy."

"I know. I will take a leave from work." I smiled at his suggestions, the hatred hidden beneath my eyes fading. "Let's take a vacation. You deserved to unwind…"

I remained silent, listening to all his plans with a subtle smile. Under different circumstances, I would've proceeded to what was originally planned. But the goddess seemed to have a different plan to torment me.

How could I, the wolf in sheep's clothing, hurt this man?

"Hugo is my salvation," I whispered, interrupting his words. 'And also my reckoning,' I continued in my head. But if he was the man to end me, I do not mind dying in his hands. This death that our fates had in store for all of us… wasn't as bad as what happened in the past.

"I love you, Hugh. More than this world, more than life and death, more than anything, more than everything. Keep safe," I paused and pulled away to look him in the eye. I cupped his sharp jaw, seeing the confusion in those beautiful golden eyes. 

"If anything happened to you, I don't know what I will do."

"Rinrin, you don't have to worry about me." He smiled subtly, tilting his head up as I stood on my knees. "Nothing will happen to me."

"I know." I smiled back, bending over ever so slowly to claim his lips.. 'Because I will make sure no harm will befall you.'

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