True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 149 - Fatty, Say It.

Chapter 149 – Fatty, Say It.

"How can he be so fat?"

I laughed, watching Hugo stare at Toby on top of the table in the pavilion of the castle. Since Hugo promised to take a break and spend some time with me, he had done just that. He wanted to go somewhere for a vacation, but I told him I would like to stay here. It had been two days since then. 

'Mama…' Toby gazed at me with adorable eyes. 'Papa is bullying me again.'

"Rinrin, you said you can hear him, right?" I snapped my eyes at Hugo and nodded, stroking Toby's head. "And he can understand me, right?"


He rocked his head, leaning against the table. "Hey, you should go on a diet. Rinrin always carries you, but you're so fat and heavy. Her poor arms are suffering."

'Mama, how can Papa say that?' Toby glanced at me once again while Hugo arched a brow. The latter sprawled his arms over the table, cupping Toby's head to look at him.

"Stop looking at Rinnie like that. She's too kind and easily gives in." Hugo clicked his tongue, casting me a look. "Rinrin, don't listen to him. I'll start his diet until he is nothing but skin and bones."

"Hugh, Toby only says, 'how can Papa say that?'" I chortled softly, darting my eyes between them before petting Toby. "He is our son, Hugh. Don't be so hard on him."

"Our son?" the space between Hugo's thick brows wrinkled, staring at me with complicated eyes. "A human and a werewolf… has a bear as a son?"

His eyes then fell back to Toby without letting go of his face. "A child with my Rinrin, huh? Hey, fatty, say it."


"Say, Papa. Let me hear it. Come on." Hugo inserted both his thumb on either side of the cub's mouth, helping him how to talk. "Pa… pa, like that."

'Mama…' Toby's voice trembled, asking for my help as his Papa was trying to make him talk. 

I cupped my cheek, watching them with a subtle smile. "I am your father. How dare you not talk inside my head, too? Come on. Just say Papa or bark." Hugo continued while Toby could only whimper, asking him to stop.

My eyes softened as my heart warmed up, enjoying the light atmosphere surrounding the three of us. I gazed at Hugo and he seemed please teasing the little bear. This was what he was like around his little sister, Sally. 

"Hugh, do you want to hear Toby say Papa?" I asked, making him stop as the two turned their head to me. "His voice is so cute. Your heart will melt once you heard him."

"I doubt." He blinked twice before setting them back to Toby. "I mean, he is already adorable as he is, but you dominate my heart. Although, I'm curious what it will feel like if he calls me Papa and calls you Mama. We should do our best to have a child, Rinrin."

"Hugh, Toby can hear you still." I breathed out, shrugging when he cast me a quick look. "You might subconsciously think Toby is just a bear, but your word actually hurt him."

My smile remained, petting Toby as he looked at me with teary eyes. "Papa didn't mean it. He is just ignorant now, but he'll learn."

'Mama… will you throw me out once Papa and Mama have a child?'

"Never." I shook my head, shifting my attention to Hugo. "Toby will always be Mama's baby. Hugh, look what you've done. Toby is now anxious because he thinks we will abandon him."

"Errr…" Hugo sported a complicated look, smacking his lips as he studied the little black bear. "This feels weird but sorry. I didn't mean it. Your father is a bit clumsy, and he is wrong this time."

He then lowered his head, staring at the cub straight in the eye. "But you see, it's not that I don't believe Rinrin that she can hear you. It's just… hard to feel what she feels because I can't hear you or we can communicate. It's so hard to build such a relationship since we're both originally from the wild. I'll try, though."

'Papa…' Toby called when Hugo smiled gently, patting his head. I smiled once again at the sight of them. Hugo was always honest with his feelings. I didn't expect him to magically like Toby, especially since their instinct told him otherwise. 

But I knew Hugo would get to like Toby and the Tarsa tribe, even if they remained in their bear forms. It had always been like that. Verbal communication wasn't always the way, but it was also better to hear someone.

"Hugh, I told Bowie that I will go see him." I broke my silence after minutes. "Will you go?"

"Uhh…" my brows furrowed when he hesitated.

"You don't want to?"

"No, of course not. It's just that I have something important to do later." Hugo looked at me apologetically. "I know I promised you I will take a break, but I have to handle this myself. I swear I will make it up to you!"

"You don't have to be so defensive. If it's that important, then I'll go. Bowie will take me home later." I chuckled as it seemed he was prepared to go down on his knees to apologize. "It wasn't something dangerous, right?"

He looked at me and sighed once again. "No, actually. I can ask Ivo to do it, but I want to do it myself since it's very important."

"Oh…" I rocked my head, noticing that he seemed he wanted to say something but was holding back. I chuckled, knowing he was the one who disliked keeping a secret. Whatever it was, I was certain it wasn't something dangerous. I couldn't smell the scent of death on him. 

"I'll ask Reks — uh, no. Tito will go with you instead since he feels like he was born in the wrong race." This time, I laughed out loud while he shook his head. "Baby son, protect your mother while she's in that forest, alright? Although I am certain I put enough safety measures around the castle, I still entrust her to you. Can you do that?"

'Yes, Papa — ah!'

"Good. Now, says Papa. Come on." Once again, Hugo continued to make Toby talk while the enthusiastic cub whimpered. My heart was complete.. At least, for a while, this life was making me forget about the past that was following my trail like a shadow.

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