True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 237 - The Common Enemy

Chapter 237 – The Common Enemy

"I'm not sure myself, but if I am in his shoes, a sacrifice that big with witches' and vampires' blood combined is enough to open a portal that will connect this world to the underworld."

There was a very long and stifling silence that descended in the dining hall after my remarks. The already somber atmosphere turned heavy; it was suffocating. 

"The child of evil and the wolf had always wanted to return to the empyrean realm. If you don't know what that is, it is a place where the gods lived." My soft voice shattered the prolonging silence while studying their solemn expression. "Opening a portal to the underground by sacrificing the witches, who carried a piece of power from the god of the underground world, and the vampires, who were originally born from evil, will guarantee success." 

I looked at them, who seemed following where this conclusion was heading. "If my conclusion is correct, even I cannot stop him if that happened." My tone, although remained the same, was full of conviction and certainty. 

"That is why I am telling you a revolt that had a zero chance of success is worthy of praise for its valor, but also, waste for it is nothing but foolish," I added without sugarcoating my words while giving them a solemn look. "You're a witch, Madam Bathory. Hence, you must know by now that what I just said is not impossible to happen."

"Niall could have carried out a large-scale witch hunt and twisted facts to incite anger and condemnation from his subjects. However, he acted recklessly and branded himself a tyrant, lynching humans like a mad king would," I continued as I leaned back comfortably, hand on the top of the dining table. "But Niall was keen and thorough. I believed that is the reason everyone used to adore him. Not only he is charming but also clever, very clever. Why would he commit such a thing and split his support? Unless his gain at the end would benefit him more than his sacrifice, then the deaths of tens of thousands of his people are something… trivial."

Who would go against someone who was a step away from becoming a god? The child of evil was a direct descendant of the god of the underworld and the moon goddess. If Niall succeeded in opening a portal, the power he would gain would make him equal to the gods. 

  It seemed they didn't think this far. I couldn't blame them, though. Niall's actions were brash, and he purposely tried to stir their emotions to hinder them from reading his plans. I wouldn't say I was an exception, but I came up with this conclusion because I wasn't in the same shoes as them. 

But if this happened to Hugo and the werewolves or the Tarsa tribe, I wouldn't sit still as well. My emotions would take over me before I could see that I was marching to a meticulous evil plan, only to realize it when I came face to face with death. 

"I appreciate ‌you invited me here and trusted me by telling me your plans." I cleared my throat, planting my hands on the armrest as I pushed myself up. "However, I cannot stay in here as much as I wanted to." 

"Wait!" Dorothy, who had just recovered from her shock, sprung up in a panic. "Where, I mean… how…"

I studied her pale complexion and then glanced at the rest. A shallow breath slipped past my lips. It was written all over their face that our conversation was a fatal blow to their determination. With all those facts laid on the table, they were starting from scratch once again.

I didn't feel sorry for it, nor did I regret speaking the truth. Their deaths would all end up in vain if they let Niall use their lives for his scheme.

"Outside of the west border, deep in the forest…." They snapped their eyes and looked up at me with shaking eyes. "There is a pack of wolves there. Each of them is a strong and capable individual and you might die just approaching the area. But if you managed to make them listen to you, I'm certain they will help you plan your next move."

"What…" Dorothy looked at me wide-eyed.

"I'm saying an uprising is a stupid course of action and if you asked me what was the best, I have no idea. But the wolves had strong and smart people. They might be violent and ruthless, but they were reasonable." I snapped my eyes and set them at Addler, holding his gaze firmly. "Unlike you, who are prepared to commit a heroic sacrifice, the werewolves are keen to bring home the glory."

They didn't answer anymore while I studied them, still standing up with my hand on the table. 

"I'll see myself out," I expressed and didn't wait for them as I walked away, but then stopped after five steps. "If you got out of their camp alive, please tell them they shouldn't worry. The least I can do while you are all preparing is indulge with the devil." And then I resumed in my steps without another word. 

Vampires, werewolves, and witches never worked together before. If vampires and witches found a common denominator, I was certain they would too with the werewolves. 

We had one enemy, and thanks to him, these races found the same equilibrium. 

"Thank you," I expressed at the man who suddenly came to the terrace I infiltrated in the imperial palace of Hendrik. I kept my head up at the starless night sky, ignoring Niall's presence behind me. 

"Not at all." He chuckled before I felt his presence at my side. He propped his arms against the railing, eyes at me, simpering. 

I looked down at him without any emotions. "Was letting your plans get read easily worth it?" 

"You wouldn't be here if I didn't make it too obvious. So that's… worth it. It will be fun bantering with you.." He winked playfully.

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