True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 238 - When The Clear Line Of Reality Was Blur

Chapter 238 – When The Clear Line Of Reality Was Blur

"… it will be fun bantering with you." 

I blinked my eyes ever so tenderly, staring at Niall's smirk. This person always had his ways on everything. 

"Let's not talk." I peeled my eyes away from him, swaying my feet that were dangling out of the railing. 

The reason I intruded on this place and chose my room was that I needed to keep an eye on this man. He couldn't kill me even if I squatted in his territory; he could try, but he would never succeed. But that was also the same with me. I could try to kill him right now, but I wouldn't succeed.

"Staring at you won't be fun," he complained, cupping his jaw while frowning. "Should I push you out of here?" 

"I'll jump."

"How dull." I cast him an indifferent side-eye, catching him let out a deep exhale as he gazed ahead. "Vampires, Witches, and Werewolves—let's count those demonic bears and the lamb — they now shared one enemy. I wonder if they can win?"

"Your arrogance will be the death of you."

"Oh? Worried?" he quirked a brow and smirked. "That's sweet." 

My lips parted just to correct him, but I ended up closing them again. It was pointless talking to him since he and I would never agree with anything. He would believe what he wanted to believe, while I would also fight for what I thought was right. 

It wasn't a matter of who was right or wrong. The point here was, Niall and I had always been on opposing sides. I wouldn't question his actions so long as he wouldn't question my decisions. 

"I was looking forward to what you are planning to do, Rinnie," he spoke after minutes of silence, inhaling the fresh night breeze with his eyes closed. "Will she support the witches? Free the humans in our custody? Attempt to burn the entire Hendrik?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint, then."

His eyelashes fluttered partially open. "Forgiven. It's not like I didn't consider you coming to my place. I've always wondered about that, after all. 'When will she come in here? In a year? Three? A decade? Century?' it's always a guessing game of when."

"Well, I am here now." I shrugged, watching him cast me a brief look. 

"Yes, you are." His smirk felt sinister, sending a chill down my spine. "But the game continues, isn't it? Now, it's a matter of until when will you stay? I would need to work hard just to make you stay, Lamlam."

"I cannot open the gates for you, Your Majesty." My eyes glinted as my voice gradually turned crisp. "What you want is something I can never give you."

"Do you know what I want?" he arched a brow, pushing himself away from the railings only to turn around so his elbows were propped against it. He tilted his head back, eyes still on me. 

"Sure, I initially want you to open the portal for me. However, how many times had we been in this situation, Rinnie? When will you wake up from here and face the reality that I… won and the werewolves had gone extinct?" the side of his lips curved down as his brows rose. "Come back to me."

My eyes softened while staring at him. "You didn't." His brows furrowed at my somber tone. 

"I didn't?" 

I pressed my lips into a thin line before I averted my eyes from him. I could still feel his intense gaze on my side, but I ignored him and looked at the vast darkness blanketing the world. 

"If I didn't win this war, who did? Your husband?" he queried out of plain curiosity. "Daniel? Will the god intervene again?" 

I kept quiet while he kept making his guesses. Who would win in the end? Did I know? Of course, I knew that. That was why… I was determined to change what had already happened. 

"Oh… was it you?" my thoughts instantly cut short when Niall laughed in amusement. "Did you, perhaps, kill us all?" 

I looked back at him, only to see his delighted countenance. He looked disappointed earlier, but his eyes were now showing the complete opposite. 

"Well, isn't that interesting, Rinnie? I thought I won since I kept seeing you in my dreams sometimes." His ridiculing laugh continued, eyes scrutinizing me deeply in his head. "Why would you do that? Did you kill even your beloved dogs and bears? Or was it something like resetting the world?" 

I frowned slightly, a little annoyed at his inquiries. "Just you," I replied tonelessly. "I killed just you."

"You mean, you planned to kill just me and then you… unintentionally ended the world? Is that the reason you're here? In the past?" he beamed me a smile, enjoying pressing my nerves. "Ah.. is this the past or the future? Or… are we just in your head? I'm honestly baffled!" 

His smile faded slightly, replaced by a frown. "Am I real, Rinnie?? Tell me I am because that had been bothering me ever since I came to this world."

"Are you real?" I turned my head to face him squarely, staring deep into his eyes while tilting my head to the side. I raised my hand to touch him but stopped midway. 

My eyelids drooped until they were partially closed, lips curling up into a reassuring smile. "Of course, Niall. Why wouldn't you be?" 

His expression slowly turned blank and cold, holding my gaze firmly. As I looked into his eyes, I've seen my reflection in them. Red pupils and black sclera, smiling subtly back at me. When I opened my mouth, the same reflection did the same.

"Why? Do you think this isn't real?" 


"Why? Do you think this isn't real?" 

Niall narrowed his eyes while staring deep into her eyes. The longer he stared, the more stern and deadly his expression grew. But the next second, his stoic visage gradually turned blank as his eyes dilate. There, in those clear amethyst eyes, reflected him. 

But… his reflection bore an entirely unfamiliar face. His heart thumped against his chest as his breathing constricted. But before he could react, Rinnie grabbed him by his collar and pinned him against the railing until half of his upper body was out of the railing. 

"That's rude, Niall." She snapped her tongue with a frown. "You shouldn't wake up like that.. I hadn't saved Wol yet."

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