Universal Power System

Chapter 319 An Unexpected Visitor in the Night

Chapter 319 An Unexpected Visitor in the Night

?Mako’s eventful night finally came to an end as he arrived back at his dorm room. He was pretty exhausted after Magnus’ trial and the long meditation session in the mana training class.

He didn’t seem to make any progress towards manipulating mana, but Rose assured him that his body was slowly adapting, and once it was in tune with his mind and will, the power would just click inside of him.

Mako didn’t completely understand what Rose meant by that, but he decided to have a little faith in his new teacher and try his best to achieve that power.

He was greatly enlightened during his talk with Rose and her conversation with him still lingered inside his head after he left the mana training class.

He was still quite surprised that he was being trained by someone who fought in the last great civil war alongside the 10 legendary warriors. Although she kept repeating that she was only a part of a small rookie group at the time, she was still someone of great importance in Mako’s eyes.

This also made Mako think of the obvious question which was how old was Rose, but Mako knew better than to ask a lady that question. Considering how she could alter her appearance using mana, it was really hard to tell her real age, but Makop could estimate that she would be around the same age as his grandmother.

Mako’s grandmother had reached the remarkable age of 118, yet she appeared as youthful as someone half her age. Thanks to the incredible advancements in modern medicine, most age-related issues have been virtually eradicated. People now enjoyed vibrant and robust lives, free from the ailments that once plagued the elderly, until their eventual death.

Rose had given him a schedule of all the class timings and they were surprisingly quite spread apart and manageable, unlike other classes.

In some weeks, there was only a single class scheduled which made Mako a bit concerned regarding his rate of progression but Rose assured him that the majority of the work was to be done by him like meditating so there was no need for so many classes.

This turned out to be the best-case scenario for Mako as now he had a ton of free time which he could use to get loads of training from Magnus who allowed them to come to him at any time, for however long they wanted.

He couldn’t believe he had gotten so lucky with the classes he had chosen as he would now receive guidance and training from two great teachers who were both so remarkable in their own right.


Lost in thought, Mako absentmindedly swiped his ID card on the scanner of his dorm room door, the soft beep signaling the door’s unlocking.

Stepping inside, he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, the weight of all the things that had happened only on his first day in the military school finally catching up.

With a sigh, he walked over to his bed hoping to collapse and fall into a deep slumber, but unfortunately for Mako, the night still had a surprise waiting for him.

As Mako flicked on the lights, ready to unwind, he froze in stunned silence. Sitting calmly on his bed, there was another… Mako, an exact replica of himself, staring back at him with a calm expression.

Mako instantly took a stance as he confronted… himself?

“Who are you? How did you get in here?!” Mako shouted.

The other Mako calmly stood up from his bed with a simple sigh indicating that he had been waiting there for quite some time.

Instead of saying anything, the other Mako began to raise his hands and Mako prepared himself for another brawl, he had no idea why a clone of himself was sitting in the dark waiting for his return. It could have been a dream or an illusion but Mako didn’t care.

He had been outplayed and outsmarted so many times because he would always take too long to analyze the situation and try to find a reason before addressing and dealing with it, but not anymore.

A random person was waiting for him inside his dorm room, in the dark and somehow looked exactly like him. It was obvious that this person was up to no good and Mako would deal with him before finding out why he was there; however, to his surprise, the other Mako didn’t raise his hands to fight but rather to surrender.

“Nice to… see you again,” The other Mako said in Mako’s exact voice, but midway through his voice began to change into another voice, this one being familiar to Mako as well.

It took Mako less than 2 seconds to realize who this person was.

“Haruto?” Mako asked in confusion as the other Mako’s face began to melt and mold violently as it took on another shape.

Within moments, the person standing in front of Mako was no longer him but rather Haruto.

Now standing in front of him was the same familiar guy with long and wild jet-black hair, deep blue eyes, and a sharp long face. His face still maintained his signature weird wide smile and showcased his sharp pointy teeth.

He also still had those weird black spots on the side of his cheek which now that Mako could see clearly didn’t look like some ink was splattered on it, but rather it was a burn mark.

“What are you doing here? How did you even get in?” Mako asked, clearly confused as to what business would Haruto have with him.

“Please forgive me, but I had to take your form in order to use the biometric scanner on the door to enter,” Haruto replied respectfully.

Haruto’s behavior had drastically changed from the time when Mako and his friends first met him or to be exact… caught him.

Haruto had been tasked during the recruitment test to take Andrew’s identity and become an imposter in their group to learn about their power level and to lead them toward Mikhail; however, he was caught way sooner than he had expected thanks to Mako’s clever thinking.

Back then Haruto had a cocky and mischievous attitude as he addressed them after getting caught in the act, but that all changed after Mako defeated Mikhail in the duel and left him go alongside Natasha.

Ever since then, Haruto always appeared to be afraid and cautious whenever he moved or spoke and was very respectful with his words.

Back when Natasha had disrespected Commander Sable and had refused to take any part in the special task force, Haruto complied with her wishes and followed her like a loyal dog but he did that while showing the proper respect to the commander.

That was the last time that Mako had seen Natasha and Haruto. Since they were also granted the special class, they were allowed to stay at the base and train like them but since they didn’t go on any mission, they had 2 whole months to use the entirety of the military base’s resources to train and become strong and were in the special training class when they came to military school.


Mako wasn’t in the mood for any games especially considering the person who held Haruto’s leash. He had no idea about the relationship Haruto had with Natasha nor did he care as he just wanted to figure out why was he trespassing in his room this late at night.

Sparks of electricity erupted from Mako’s fist as he began to release his aura.

“I don’t wish for a confrontation, I only came to forward a message,” Haruto said calmly and without any emotion. It was as if he wasn’t phased by Mako’s threatening aura at all or just that he simply didn’t care about anything at this point.

“Alright then, go ahead, speak,” Mako said as he retracted his aura back.

Taking a deep breath as the pressure from Mako’s aura is relieved from his body, Haruto began to speak,” Natasha-kun has ordered me to bring you to one of the special class training rooms where she wishes to speak to you in private,”

“What does that evil bi*ch want with me? Don’t you guys remember what you did to me and my friends back on that island? In what world do you think I will go with you to her?” Mako shouted with anger.

“I don’t know,” Haruto replied.” All she told me is that she has some information that she said you would find very interesting and that if you want it you have to come with me and I will take you to see her.”

“That’s all, I am not here to fight or force you to come. If you don’t want to come then I will simply take my leave and give her your response, so what will it be?” Haruto added.

Mako wasn’t expecting such an answer. What could Natasha possibly know of that would be of use to him and why would she even suspect that he needed information?

Then it hit him, Natasha was at the military base during the entire time that they were locked away in a part of the base.

Perhaps she had noticed something odd just like Commander Sable and wanted to share it with them; however, Mako knew better than to be that naive.

It was obvious to Mako that this was some kind of trap, Natasha wasn’t a person who would do something like this out of the kindness of her heart but still, if Natasha did actually possess some information it would be worth a shot for him to meet her after all.

Knowing that he was able to defeat them both once before gave him the confidence that he would be able to fight them off and escape if they decided to pull anything on him.

With that, Mako lowered his guard and agreed to Haruto’s proposal, gesturing for him to lead the way so that he could meet with Natasha and finally end his first night at the military school.

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