Universal Power System

Chapter 320 Meeting in the Special Class Training Center

Chapter 320 Meeting in the Special Class Training Center

With a determined yet cautious expression, Mako followed Haruto through the corridors of his dorm, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger. The tension between them hung thick in the air, but both remained silent as they exited the building and started walking toward the special class dorms.


The different classes of students essentially had their own compounds within the military school.

The blueprint of the entire school was in a triangular format with the student compounds placed on the three corners with all the other buildings and points of interest located inside and toward the center of the triangle.

Each compound had its own set of dorms, training centers, cafeterias, etc… with the compounds getting more lavish and accommodating, the greater your student class is.

The basic class student compound was the largest of the three as it held the largest number of students and was the most standard-looking with no advanced training facility or equipment, resembling the closest to what a military school was supposed to look like.

The advanced class compound, on the other hand, was far smaller and yet nicer, with sleek architecture and greenery. Its training centers were equipped with advanced AI robots, providing students with dynamic opponents to test their skills against.

These robots were programmable and adaptable, offering a challenging and engaging training experience.

Moreover, the advanced-class compound exuded a sense of lavishness, with comfortable living quarters and exclusive amenities, resembling less like a military campus and more like a nice residential area.

However, as Mako stepped into the special class compound, he realized just how much better they were getting treated in comparison to them.

The special class student compound stood apart from the other classes, boasting a more refined and compact layout.

Within its confines were state-of-the-art facilities with lavish and beautiful architecture that resembled those picture-perfect ultra-high-class residential areas that were always advertised on TV.

When Mako first arrived at the military school, he thought his compound was really nice. It was very clean and beautiful and was a major upgrade from the rough suburbs of Emerald City where he had grown up, but he did feel a bit jealous after he saw how much fancier the special class students’ compound was.


Haruto wasted no time as he began to lead Mako down a beautiful brick road that led to the training center which was right next to the dorms of the special class students.

The training rooms were placed right next to the dorms so that the students would have ease of access. It was filled with dueling rooms, scenario rooms, terrain simulators, gyms, pools, etc., with many more facilities for the students with a higher class.

Even though it was quite late at this point, the streets inside the special class compound were still busy with several cadets walking to and from different places.

Mako had met almost all of the special class cadets back when all of them were called to the conference room shortly after their recruitment test to be assigned missions for their team.

Even though it was only a brief interaction, impressions were quickly made among groups about one another and Mako’s group was no exception especially after the news of their failure and demotion spread like wildfire throughout the military base.

As Mako walked alongside Haruto, he would often pick up small whispers from the students who recognized him as they passed by; talking about him and his friends about how they were an utter disappointment and a disgrace to the special class.

Mako obviously ignored such remarks even though it made his blood boil from the inside. The details of their mission were kept classified with the details being only known to the commanding officers and Mako’s team which was why nobody actually knew how they had failed or that one of their members had actually died on the mission.

They just knew that Mako’s team had failed their very first mission and had caused great complications which led them to be demoted and their titles revoked.

Without knowing the complete story, these special class cadets criticized and made fun of Mako as he walked past them.

This was the same throughout human history. People with fortunate circumstances would never bring themselves down to the level to feel the pain and misfortune of the people beneath them and all they would do is either boast about their own grand achievements and lifestyle and criticize the choices and misfortune of the less fortunate ones.

‘These people are the real fools… So selfish and filled with pride over something that they didn’t even earn.’ Mako’s grandmother’s words rang in his ears; something that she would say often.

Her words would often replay in his mind in moments like this, often without his control. It was as if his brain had been hardwired so that memories of his grandmother would spring up in his mind whenever Mako was in a situation that made him feel intense negative emotions.

Now that Mako knew that his grandmother was actually a Level 8 Love ability user, he began linking all of these random moments to the lump of Love aura residing inside of his heart that his grandmother had placed.

His grandmother always protected him and soothed him through all the hardships he faced throughout his childhood, and even now in death, her aura resided inside of him, sheltering him from the intense anger, pain, and suffering that he would otherwise succumb to.

A smile appeared on Mako’s face as the arrogant whispers of the special class cadets didn’t affect him anymore and he continued to walk with Haruto toward the training center.


Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the special class training room where Natasha awaited. Haruto opened the door, gesturing for Mako to enter first. Steeling himself for whatever awaited him inside, Mako stepped forward, his gaze locking onto Natasha’s figure in the center of the room.

Just like during the recruitment test, Natasha was wearing a half-buttoned shirt and skimpy shorts.

Natasha greeted him with a smile, but Mako could sense something off about her demeanor. “Hey there, Mako,” she said, her voice sounding a bit too cheerful. ” So nice to see you again. How’s the special task force thing going?”

A vein immediately popped on Mako’s forehead at Natasha’s obvious taunt. She was originally invited to be a part of Mako’s team but she refused the offer and decided to do her own thing.

After hearing about Mako’s failure, Natasha knew that this would definitely light the spark of anger inside Mako.

Mako simply nodded, his impatience and anger growing with every second. “Yeah, it’s going fine. But let’s get to the point. You called me here because you wanted to share some information. Well, I’m here, spit it out already!”

Natasha’s smile remained unaltered. “Oh, right, right. But what’s the hurry, let’s talk for a bit, how’s your friend Iris doing?”

Mako was surprised that Natasha knew about Iris. The details of their mission were kept hidden so how did Natasha know about Iris’ death?

Mako had no answer but just the mention of her dead friend was making him boil with anger once again.

Mako clenched his fists, frustration bubbling inside him. “I don’t have time for this, Natasha. Just tell me what you know.”

Natasha’s expression turned serious for a moment before she plastered on a fake smile. “Sure, sure. But you know, I’ve been thinking about how weak you and your friends were back during the test and even now… I mean, how could a leader allow one of their members to die, especially on their very first mission… *tsk *tsk* *tsk*”

That was it! Mako had had enough. He didn’t know how but Natasha somehow knew all the details of their first mission and was now just using it to tilt Mako into losing his cool for an unknown agenda; however, Mako wasn’t having none of it.

It was clear to him that Natasha had no such information and even if she did it wasn’t worth it for him to stay there for a second longer.

He turned to leave, his temper flaring. “I’m done here. This was a waste of my time.”

But as he moved to exit the room, Natasha’s demeanor shifted and suddenly, Haruto appeared in front of Mako to block his path.

“Get out of my way if you know what’s best for you, Haruto!” Mako shouted with anger as he freely released his aura, imposing a great amount of pressure on Haruto’s body.

However, unlike back in his dorm room, Haruto showed no signs of discomfort or weakness even after being exposed to Mako’s aura as he remained strong and continued to block Mako’s path.

“Natasha-kun was done speaking,” Haruto stated as he pointed to Mako to look behind him with his eyes.

Mako turned around to find Natasha’s eyes glowing a bright purple with a menacing light, and before Mako could react, she unleashed a powerful blast of her fear ability, aiming to overpower him.

Mako tried to block but his physical block had no effect on her pure emotional assault and so he collapsed onto his knees with wisps of purplish black aura now swirling around him.

“Oh, Mako… leaving so soon? THE FUN IS ONLY BEGINNING!” Natasha said sadistically with her eyes shinning even more fiercely as she began over toward Mako who was still struggling on the ground.

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