Villain Cultivator

Chapter 681: Authority

Chapter 681: Authority

Chapter 679 – Authority

Miaomiao was proud of Tlaloc. Now, this guy might go around and capture more prisoners from Heavenly Dao and Player Faction.

Orochi gazed at Tlaloc in envy. He turned to Miaomiao, asking for the latter’s permission with his eyes.

Miaomiao nodded at Orochi. Although he wanted to promote Mir first, satisfying his customer might be a better choice as Orochi might join his faction after this.

Noticing Miaomiao’s approval, he walked toward the altar and touched the platform, which was still soaked with dragon’s blood.

Suddenly, the Altar shone in red light, and the blood vanished. A system panel also appeared in front of Orochi. Miaomiao and others also received the same message.

Orochi frowned. Then, he turned to Miaomiao again.

“What’s the meaning of this, Mao Miaomiao?!”

Miaomiao rested his hands on his hips and slightly shook his head, “Don’t blame this on me. Blame it on Pangu. We’re playing the game by his rules.”

Despite being glared at, Miaomiao took his time to fly toward Orochi. He touched the altar and pressed the stopwatch, trying to accelerate time.

Orochi also sensed the power of Chrono Providence. He stopped complaining and waited for Miaomiao to finish what he was doing.

For a brief moment, Orochi saw a shadow of a cat’s paw on Miaomiao’s stopwatch, but he ignored it.

It took Miaomiao an hour to finish.


Miaomiao’s robe was drenched in sweat. The system altar drained a lot of Qi and stamina to the point that he was exhausted.

“Yours, senior.”

Orochi gave Miaomiao a meaningful look. He appreciated what Miaomiao had done, and he understood everything now.

“Thanks for the trouble. I’ll return this favor one day.”

“No biggie. Just don’t harm my friends, family, and kingdom in the future.”

Orochi revealed a faint smile. He pressed the altar again and tried to activate it.


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