Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 999 Way To Wake Up The System Permanently

As Michael ventured deeper into the mountain, the cavern revealed remnants of broken puppets scattered amidst the gray stones etched with mysterious runes. The sight of these fragments evoked memories of golems in Gaya's mind, prompting her to maintain a vigilant and silent demeanor. Illuminating their path, two beams of bright light emitted from the intricately engraved skull adorning their chest armor. With each step, Michael observed the telltale signs of a fierce struggle, evidenced by shattered stone pieces and bloodstains splattered across the walls. It was clear that the Skyhall soldiers had encountered a formidable defense protecting the coveted seed of darkness.

Finally reaching the end of the cave, Michael confronted a foreboding black metal gate. Strewn before it were various discarded tools and equipment, remnants of the Skyhall soldiers' relentless attempts to breach the door's formidable barrier. Among the scattered remnants stood a formidable siege machine, a testament to their desperate efforts. Intrigued, Michael approached the gate, his hand instinctively reaching out to touch its cold, impenetrable surface.

Gaya, running her fingers along the door, murmured in awe, "This metal... it feels the same as your dark swords."

Michael nodded, acknowledging the similarities. "It does bear resemblance, but it is not the same," he replied. Although the door appeared to be crafted from a similar material to his dark swords, Michael discerned its inherent weakness in comparison. To others, particularly the Skyhall soldiers, this metal seemed impenetrable. And it was precisely because of this impenetrability that the soldiers had been thwarted in their attempts to breach its formidable barrier. Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the door's resilience, knowing it had safeguarded what lay beyond from falling into the wrong hands.

In a bold move, Michael unleashed a powerful punch upon the unyielding door, causing the cave to tremble and the very foundations to quake.

"That is not a good idea,"

Gaya, witnessing the impact, voiced her concern, cautioning him about the potential repercussions. Nodding in agreement, Michael glanced back at her and issued a warning.

"Step back. Things are about to heat up," he advised, his eyes ablaze with determination. With a swift motion, he conjured a searing ball of dark flames, its malevolent glow casting an eerie light upon the surroundings. Directing the stream of intense heat towards the door, the dark flames made contact with the once impervious metal surface, causing previously unseen runes to ignite with a vibrant glow. Gradually, the dark flames began their relentless assault, causing the metal door to slowly yield and warp like molten wax beneath the scorching onslaught. With each passing moment, the door succumbed to the irresistible force of the dark flames, gradually dissolving away to reveal the hidden sanctum concealed within.

As Michael and Gaya stepped into the inner sanctum, they were greeted by a sight that left them awestruck. The spacious hall was enveloped by walls of crystalline blue, shimmering with an ethereal radiance that bathed the entire chamber in a dim, mystical glow. The crystallized walls seemed to hold secrets of ancient times, as if whispering tales of forgotten knowledge and long-lost power.

Standing as sentinels around the hall were towering metal statues, their imposing figures casting elongated shadows upon the polished floor. The statues possessed an air of ancient wisdom, their stoic gazes fixed upon the center of the hall where a sliver of luminous energy floated gracefully above a majestic metal pillar.

As Michael and Gaya ventured further into the hall, the metal black door they had melted down behind them abruptly came to life once again. The door, seemingly rejuvenated by an unseen force, closed with a resounding thud, sealing off their entry and shrouding the sanctum in an atmosphere of mystery and isolation.

The atmosphere in the inner sanctum was heavy with an ancient presence as if the very air held the essence of bygone eras. Gaya's eyes widened in awe and intrigue as she took in the sight before her. She had traversed many enigmatic ancient locations in her lifetime, but this hall possessed an indescribable quality that set it apart. It exuded an unmistakable aura of antiquity, as though it had been untouched by the passing of time.

Michael, his focus unwavering, fixated his gaze on the ethereal sliver of light suspended in the center of the hall. With cautious steps, he advanced towards the radiant glow. Deep within, he knew that acquiring another seed of darkness would not be a simple task. The system had revealed that he required one more seed to ascend to the next level of his godhood, and he understood the magnitude of the challenges that lay ahead. His own armor was a seed of darkness yet he required one more to reach the next Godhood level according to the system.

Just as Michael had anticipated, a resounding voice reverberated through the expanse of the hall, abruptly halting Michael and Gaya in their tracks. It was a voice that bore a resemblance to that of a woman, yet it exuded an unmistakable air of authority and supremacy.

"Welcome, God of Darkness, to your first trial," the voice boomed, its power intertwining with the very essence of the hall. The imposing presence of the voice sent shivers down their spines, as an unseen force wrapped around them, rendering them immobile. The once free movement of their bodies was now stifled by the grip of this invisible paralysis. And as Michael and Gaya stood there, helpless, the commanding voice continued its address.

"Speed, dear God of Darkness, is a formidable power that transcends mortal limitations," the ancient voice proclaimed with an air of wisdom. "In the realm of gods, the swiftness of movement defines the boundaries of one's might. Your mortal speed, though impressive by mortal standards, is as sluggish as a turtle compared to even the most leisurely of gods."

Michael and Gaya listened intently, their bodies held captive by the unseen force that bound them. They could only absorb the words of the voice, unable to react or respond.

"Before you may claim the coveted seed of darkness," the voice continued, "You must prove yourself worthy by overcoming a trial that will test the very essence of your speed. Within this ancient hall lies a path fraught with challenges designed to push your limits and unlock the swiftness hidden within you. Only then shall you be deemed deserving of the seed that holds the power of darkness."

The words of the ancient voice echoed in Michael's mind, leaving him with a lingering sense of uncertainty. Why was this trial necessary now, when he had obtained the dark flames without such an ordeal? He pondered the purpose behind this test of speed and its connection to acquiring the seed of darkness. The system remained dormant, unable to provide the answers he sought. Michael could only hope that once the system awakened, it would reveal the number of seeds required to awaken its power fully.

The words of the ancient voice echoed in Michael's mind, leaving him with a lingering sense of uncertainty. Why was this trial necessary now, when he had obtained the dark flames without such an ordeal? He pondered the purpose behind this test of speed and its connection to acquiring the seed of darkness. The system remained dormant, unable to provide the answers he sought. Michael could only hope that once the system awakened, it would reveal the number of seeds required to fully awaken its power.

As the echoes of the ancient voice faded, the oppressive force that had held Michael captive dissipated, granting him the freedom to move. However, Gaya remained ensnared, still trapped by the invisible grasp of the unseen power. Michael's concern for her was abruptly interrupted by a chilling rustling sound that sent a shiver down his spine.

Reacting with lightning reflexes, Michael instinctively leaned back, his body contorting as an arrow whizzed past him, missing his face by a mere hair's breadth. The arrow buried itself deep into the wall, its presence a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked within the shadowy recesses of the hall.

With his senses heightened, Michael scanned the surroundings, his eyes darting from one corner to another, searching for the source of the arrow and the potential threats that lay hidden within the ancient sanctum.

As Michael activated his Environmental Scanning Map, he was alarmed to detect hostile entities lurking in the vicinity. Though invisible to his eyes, he could sense their presence through the rustling sounds and the powerful gusts of wind swirling around him. His heightened senses became his guiding compass as he focused on sound and instinct.

Drawing his gleaming swords from their sheaths, Michael closed his eyes, relying solely on his sharpened senses. In a swift motion, he unfurled his metal wings, their magnificent expanse shimmering in the dim light of the hall. The clash of metal against wood reverberated through the air as an ephemeral figure, crafted from the very essence of nature, materialized beside him before vanishing into thin air.

A voice, both enigmatic and commanding, broke the silence. "If you are to face the Pantheon, the first god they shall unleash upon you is Lightning, the God of Speed."

With frustration brewing within him, Michael's voice rang out, filled with determination and curiosity. "Who the fuck are you?" His query hung in the air, unanswered, as a new threat materialized. Reacting swiftly, Michael took cover behind his protective metal wings, the glimmering surface shielding him from an imminent attack. This time, he managed to catch a glimpse of the assailants—peculiar wooden puppets—whose blinding speed rendered them virtually invisible.

"Who or what I am doesn't concern you, God of Darkness? Instead, focus on the formidable challenge before you. The puppets you currently face are mere fragments of Lightning's power. Imagine the magnitude of his true form. You must grow stronger and faster, for this trial marks the beginning of your preparation for the impending battle against the gods,"

With each relentless strike from the invisible puppets, Michael's wings emitted sparks, bearing witness to the ferocity of their assault.


But in a moment of fierce determination, Michael bellowed, commanding their onslaught to cease. Unleashing the full power of his wings, he sent the wooden puppets hurtling through the air, their hold broken.

The hall plunged into an even deeper darkness as Michael invoked the Death range, its ominous aura enveloping him. Dark flames swirled around him, serving as an impenetrable shield. Sensing another puppet approaching from behind, he conjured the Silenes spell, causing time to slow within a meter radius.

To his surprise, even within the slowed-down zone, the wooden puppet moved with disorienting speed. Undeterred, Michael swiftly swung his sword at the precise moment, cleaving the puppet in two with a decisive stroke.

After Michael cleaved through the first puppet, he focused his gaze on their cultivation stage. As he had anticipated, the puppets emitted a similar energy radiation to that of Rudra. Yet, the intensity of their radiance paled in comparison to the orc possessed by Rudra's sliver of grace.

In a flurry of motion, the remaining puppets launched themselves at Michael, their movements invisible to Gaya's eyes. From her perspective, it seemed as though Michael was slashing his swords through empty air, leaving her both amazed and perplexed.ραпdαs `n?ν?| сom

As the puppets attacked Michael with astonishing speed, their wooden blades sliced through the air, aiming for his vulnerable spots. Some managed to make contact, their sharp edges grazing his body, but Michael's armor protected him from any serious harm. The metallic plates absorbed the impact, leaving only minor scratches in their wake.

Unfazed by the assault, Michael retaliated with a display of his own formidable powers. With a swift motion of his swords, lightning bolts crackled and surged forth from their tips, striking the puppets with electrifying force. The bolts of electricity coursed through their wooden bodies, causing them to convulse and malfunction.

Simultaneously, Michael invoked the Silenes spell once again, creating a localized distortion of time within his immediate vicinity. The slowed-down world granted him enhanced perception, enabling him to dodge the lightning-fast attacks of the remaining puppets with deft precision.

His eyes, shining with a dark energy, emitted beams that pierced through the air, disintegrating the puppets in their path. The destructive power of his gaze left trails of dissipating darkness, marking their annihilation.

But Michael wasn't finished yet. Drawing upon his inner reservoirs of power, he conjured the Ring of Flames. Black-colored flames erupted from his outstretched hands, forming a fiery vortex that engulfed the area around him. Waves of scorching heat radiated outwards, disintegrating any remnants of the puppets that dared to approach.

The battle raged on, an intricate dance between the God of Darkness and the seemingly invincible puppets. Michael's movements were fluid and precise, his attacks calculated and devastating. With each passing moment, the puppets dwindled in numbers, their wooden bodies succumbing to the relentless onslaught.

The air crackled with energy, illuminated by the flashes of lightning, while the echoes of clashing metal and the roar of flames reverberated throughout the ancient hall.

As frustration swelled within Michael, he could no longer contain his pent-up emotions. His voice thundered through the hall, "I am sick of fighting these pointless battles!" With a surge of power, he stomped the ground with such force that the very earth quivered beneath him. Cracks spread across the ground like a web, disrupting the puppets' stability and throwing them off balance.

Seizing this golden opportunity, Michael propelled himself forward, his speed augmented by his determination. He sprinted towards the shimmering sliver of bright energy that hovered at the center of the hall. With outstretched hand, he reached out and clasped it tightly within his grasp.

As his fingers closed around the pulsating sliver, a surge of energy coursed through Michael's body. It was as if he had tapped into a wellspring of power that resonated with his very essence. The radiance of the energy seeped into his being, empowering him with renewed strength and resolve.

The puppets, momentarily stunned by the ground-shaking impact and their sudden loss of balance, struggled to regain their composure. But it was too late. Michael's swift and decisive action had secured the coveted sliver of energy, a crucial step towards his ultimate goal.

The moment Michael touched the sliver of energy, he felt a gush of hot wave in his body. Soon, he heard the system's voice.

[Absorbing Lightning's sliver of grace]

[Absorbing energy…]

[Converting the grace energy into experience points…] 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝘮

[Experience points converted 200,000]

[Experience points converted 600,000]


[Congratulations to host 'Michael' for leveling up. The current stage is Half Celestial stage level 3]

The system absorbed the energy like crazy and the more the system absorbed the energy from the sliver of grace, the weaker the puppets became and fell to their demise. Once all the puppets were fallen, the system talked to Michael once again.

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring another seed of darkness]

[The host now has two seeds of darkness and will be able to start the ascension to the next Godhood level-Demi God]

[The system recommends the host step into the Celestial stage before starting the ascention]

"What is this trial and what's the point of all this?" Michael asked the system.

[An ally of your previous self created this trial. Unfortunately, this ally was madly in love with your previous self so she made the trial easy. The system can sense her presence]

"What the?" Michael was taken aback by surprise and instinctively looked around.

"Is she watching me right now? And who is she?" Michael asked the system.

[The system can sense her presence. Your previous self used her to make this trial easier for you to level up faster. But the upcoming trials won't be as easy as this]

[To reach the third stage of your Godhood, you are required to acquire three seeds of darkness]

Before Michael could ask more about this unknown ally who was in mad love with the previous Dark Lord, the system changed the topic.

"When will you come out of offline permanently?"

[The host needs to acquire one more seed of darkness to enable the system to harvest experience points in offline mode]

[Once the host reaches the Celestial stage, the system will come out of offline permanently and will not go offline again]

( One more chapter and we will reach 1000 chapter mark. Thank you my wonderful readers for keep supporting me. Sorry, this chapter got dragged on as this chapter flesh out the details for the future chapters. This is the filler chapter for the next arc and the next arc will have so much actions and a fast-paced story)

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