True Alpha’s Chosen Mate

Chapter 76 - Likes It

Chapter 76 – Likes It

A striking pain in my head was what woke me up. I grunted before I opened my eyes. 

"My head…" came out a coarse voice, blinking to see an unfamiliar ceiling. "Ouch…"

I tried to raise my hand to massage my temple, but I couldn't. I tried once again, but it felt like I was bound. Only when I gazed down did I realize I was cocooned with these heavy sheets. 

"Uh…" I wiggled my body weakly, wincing at the pain in my head. "I feel awful…"

My brain was throbbing painfully. I still felt dizzy and my throat was dry as a desert. Not to mention, I felt like suffocated with this thing wrapped around my body. My brain told me to roll to unwrap myself, but I felt so weak at the moment. 

'Last night…' I revisited my memory last night. 

In the hot spring, when the servants brought the wine and snacks, we were all so excited and happy. Alice was particularly thrilled. They said that in Ronmin Empire, there was this tradition of pouring wine to welcome the guest, some important people for courtesy, or as an act of showing they favored that person. 

So, all of them poured me a glass of wine one by one and I drank it all. Accepting the drink also meant accepting their sincerity, and refusing it was impolite. I didn't want to disappoint Hugo's sister, so I drank everything. Not that they filled my glass. Actually, they only poured a little since they knew it was my first time.

"But then, sister Alice…" I grimaced as I recalled how Alice was so happy she kept pouring me a drink. I felt like she became an entirely different person just after half a bottle. She kept pouring me wine while saying even an entire storehouse wasn't enough to give justice to show her affection for me. 

A light chuckle slipped past my lips as her remarks last night moved me in a way. Hence, I accepted all the drinks she gave me until… I couldn't control myself anymore. 

"They already left," I muttered before I rolled to free myself from these layers of quilts around me. Up until now, I believed I slept in Alice's room. I was never in her room before, so the unfamiliarity was something I didn't dwell on about. 

Just when I rolled once, I paused to rest. My eyes scanned the room, making my brows furrow. 

"I didn't know Alice's room would look… like a man's room," I muttered as the room barely had furniture around and the room color was rather dark. It didn't give off that princess room vibe or a place a stunning first princess would stay at. It wouldn't be surprising if this was Cora's room, as she voiced out her lack of appreciation for shiny things. But at this point, I learned that I shouldn't judge the book by its cover.

I rolled twice this time. Fortunately, the bed was enormous enough for me to roll around. I repeated the routine, rolling, then resting until I was near the other end of the mattress. When the suffocating sheet loosened, I stopped as relief swelled in my chest. 

"This is…" I trailed off as my arms broke free from under the sheet. I felt light… super light. For a second, I froze as I gazed at my bare shoulders. My gaze traveled down to see that my upper chest was also bare. 

My eyes gradually dilated, clipping my index and forefinger on the end of the sheet to lift it up. To my shock, what I saw under the sheet was my unclad body!

"Where're my clothes?" I asked in horror, wide-eyed. "Why am I naked…?"

Those questions were akin to a key because fragments of memories slowly filled my broken memories like puzzle pieces coming together. My face gradually reddened as my entire body froze… and soon, my brain went to an overdrive.


"Kyah!" I covered my beet-red face in horror, remembering Hugo's appearance last night. I spread my fingers for both my eyes to see, feeling my heart drum against my chest at an abnormal pace.

Last night, while Alice and I were talking in her room, Hugo came. My eyes nearly popped out of their socket as I remembered skipping my steps to hug him while telling him how I missed him. We talked then and…

"What do I do…?" came out a frightened voice, as I could recall everything. All… embarrassing words I spoke without thinking! 

'We make pup?'

"No way…" I gasped as I didn't dare blink, setting aside the painful throb of my head as I gazed down. "… did we really…"

My breath hitched as I shuddered. Once again, more memories surged through my head. Hugo carried me back into his room and because of how far it was from Alice's room, I felt dizzy and… 

I covered my lips with both my hands. I vomited on him. 

'Someone kill me… please…' I wept internally, realizing that what I did and said last night was too embarrassing to recall. 'I wish I can just evaporate right here and…'


Suddenly, Hugo's warm baritone voice last night rang in my head, along with those pairs of crimson eyes glinting dangerously. I touched my lips, biting it lightly as more memories filled the gaps of what happened last night. 

Last night, Hugo was kissing me passionately while taking off my clothes. Danger filled his eyes and yet, I couldn't stop myself from stepping into that danger as I let his hand take off every piece of my clothes… until we're skin to skin.

That was the last thing I could remember, succumbing to that intense feeling and surrendering everything to him.

"How… can…" I choked as I covered my flustered face. "… face him?"

I couldn't remember anything after that, but if I was naked, that meant… we really did it? I looked at the empty bed and pressed my lips into a thin line. 

"If we really did… how can he leave me alone here?" I muttered in disappointment. I was embarrassed, yes. But more than that… I was curious. 

"I don't even know if he likes it."

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